Ethiopian fob men are just like timojileec men

:wow::snoop:i deadass can’t even go outside without getting harassed by Ethiopian fobs who are like twice My age and look like fucking goblins they are soooooo annoying literally I have 20+ stories I could rant ab rn, they are mentally ill I s2g their behaviour is so abnormal. I’m at Timmies rn an Ethiopian fob decided of ALLLLLL SPOTS TO SIT IN TO SIT RIGHT NEXT TO ME:madkid:but this is the only good spot with an electric outlet so I swear to god if he try to say some shit (they always wait like 15 minutes and think they are soooo slick cuz of it) i will simply throw my iced coffee on him cuz im so tired of this shit.

Like they are so retarded. A few weeks ago I was trying to walk to Walmart I had to walk on the road cuz the sidewalk was sooo full of snow AND SOME ETHIOPIAN DUMBASS LITERALLY STOPPED HIS CAR IN THE ROAD IN FRONT OF ME BLOCKING THE WAY. I was SO PISSED I SAID WTF DO YOU WANT? He said “I wanna talk” i swear to god i never been more pissed in my life I told him I don’t want to talk to you and I flipped him off. I’m rlly starting to not give any fucks I might get killed one day but it’s whatever. Like who tf do you think you are BLOCKING THE ROAD LIKE THAT?

Y’all cannot even try to blame me and say oh you act a certain way or dress a certain way I was literally wearing the biggest winter jacket, a scarf, hat, etc etc HE COULDNT SEE SHIT OTHER THAN IM EAST AFRICAN. This is what I mean when I say their behaviour is so abnormal like just bc im East African doesn’t mean I automically want you wtf.

