ethiopian nilote angry she looks south sudanese

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I was born in July, not giving any specific date. I’m a cancer.
Well in that case I have to ask my friend Basra to do some espionage for me.
You do know Basra works with spiritual beings. Not only that, but she's very conscious and self aware.
Like I told you before, I'm not concerned with what happened with the subsequent cultures of Lower Nubia. Nilotes use to reside very North before the A-Group or early Kerma even came about.

There is a genetic basis for all the Nilo-Saharan populations; we all share a Nilotic base.

Even Dinka and classical Nubian have shared cognates up to 27%, so you can't just dismiss it all -- especially when you add anthropological data and genetics.
Any proof of this? I don't think you have any evidence that proves Nilotes were North of Aswan before Cushitic peoples :mjlol:

You've gone full hotep :dead:
Any proof of this? I don't think you have any evidence that proves Nilotes were North of Aswan before Cushitic peoples :mjlol:

You've gone full hotep :dead:

Who said anything about Aswan? I said that the people of Nabta Playa are reputed to have been cattle worshipping Nilo-Saharans.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Nilotes and Bantus always be begging to be Cushitic descendants. Whenever Horners say East Africa and include North Sudan, you always see S.Sudanese and Bantu/Nilotes of SE Africa screaming 'hOW BouT Us?' :mjlaugh:

The most known east african country is Kenya and then Tanzania, everybody knows these countries due to the famous wildlife there. Only due to Drake and horners who have larger numbers then other east african did the term ”East African” get associated with them in certain settings.


The Nubians have had a Cushitic genetic profile for thousands of years now, so no; the Nubians have substantial Nilotic ancestry, but they are their own group now.

I think Lower 'Nubians' have been substantially Cushitic for a very long time, whereas the Kasu of Meroe (Kush) were probably similar to the Nara -- before they mixed with the Habesh of Eritrea.
Thats the funny thing Nubians maintain their nilotic language but are heavily admixed with Arabs and Habesha, while Beja their neighbor for thousands of years maintain majority cushetic DNA but have pretty much lost their language in exchange for Arabic and Tigre.

The Nubians I am talking about 1000 years ago would have had more nilotic DNA probably majority Nilotic before Habesha and Arabic influence, they would have resembled her.

Nubians are not a product of Cushetic + Nilotic mix, they are way too short for that, if you want the product of that admixture look at tribes in Kenya like the Sambur and Masai
Thats the funny thing Nubians maintain their nilotic language but are heavily admixed with Arabs and Habesha, while Beja their neighbor for thousands of years maintain majority cushetic DNA but have pretty much lost their language in exchange for Arabic and Tigre.

The Nubians I am talking about 1000 years ago would have had more nilotic DNA probably majority Nilotic before Habesha and Arabic influence, they would have resembled her.

Nubians are not a product of Cushetic + Nilotic mix, they are way too short for that, if you want the product of that admixture look at tribes in Kenya like the Sambur and Masai
Nubians speak a Sudanic language :dead: :mjlol:

Modern Nubians and Medieval Christian Nubians samples are freely available.They are mostly a three mixture of Cushites,Egyptians & Saharans.Beja are heavily Arab, we have both Beni Amer & Hadendowa samples.The Beja are essentially Cushitic + Arab but managed to maintain their language which makes them based tbh


Bantu Liberation Movement

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She is South Sudanese; her clan, the Gajaak Nuer, reside in Gambella and only arrived in that region in the 1900s.

I hope she's short and marries out


What's wrong with looking like this Nuer girl below and other Nilotes?

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Teda aren't nilotic.

Actually people of Chad has no nilotic roots. But maybe I'm wrong.

They part of the Nilo saharan family a little bit similar geneticly with the darfuri with is still different than the dinka or Nuer
Nubians speak a Sudanic language :dead: :mjlol:

Modern Nubians and Medieval Christian Nubians samples are freely available.They are mostly a three mixture of Cushites,Egyptians & Saharans.Beja are heavily Arab, we have both Beni Amer & Hadendowa samples.The Beja are essentially Cushitic + Arab but managed to maintain their language which makes them based tbh
Nubian speaker have their own languages to aswan to the south of kordofan (Nuba mountains) and even darfur (Midob)

But Niles nubian are heavily arabized due to the interbreding with the Arab. And the ancient other nubian speaker such as Birgid in nyala or even in nuba mountain (Hawazma) now extinct due to the arabization of Sudan in 1800’s
Nubian speaker have their own languages to aswan to the south of kordofan (Nuba mountains) and even darfur (Midob)

But Niles nubian are heavily arabized due to the interbreding with the Arab. And the ancient other nubian speaker such as Birgid in nyala or even in nuba mountain (Hawazma) now extinct due to the arabization of Sudan in 1800’s
All those languages are Sudanic not Nilotic.Sudanese Arabs are distinct from Nubians as we can tell from the availabile samples
wait really. i though sudanese arabs are arabized nubians
Sudanese Arabs have substantial Arab ancestry

Target: Beja_Hadendowa
Distance: 1.6383% / 0.01638291

Target: Beja_Beni-Amer
Distance: 1.0435% / 0.01043490

Target: Sudanese_Arab_Batahin
Distance: 0.8147% / 0.00814662

Target: Sudanese_Arab_Ja'alin
Distance: 0.9872% / 0.00987238

Target: Sudanese_Arab_Shaigia
Distance: 1.3524% / 0.01352357

Target: Nubian_Danagla
Distance: 1.1920% / 0.01192016

Target: Nubian_Halfawi
Distance: 1.5691% / 0.01569092

Target: Nubian_Mahas
Distance: 1.2601% / 0.01260052
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