This Duli low IQ Farmaajo is probably the worst president Somalia ever had in par with Barre, I swear I am not just saying this but tell me any President Somalia whose worse then this Xabash condom and his clan loyalists and supporters(CBB) are just dumber than a rock.
How could one worship a man who never built one a toilet in Gedo and spent 4 years turning his clans region into a Kenyan/Ethiopian colony and now signed them off the last Galguduud shanty town to Ethiopia, you really can't make this up.
Not only Goldogob,balan bal, but Caabudwaaq is also inside Ethiopia according to Googlemaps infact entire provisional border between Farlibaax, Hiiraan to Gori Rit, Nugaal has moved several KMs inside Somalia. Official request by Somali govt 2 Google is needed to change it.
How could one worship a man who never built one a toilet in Gedo and spent 4 years turning his clans region into a Kenyan/Ethiopian colony and now signed them off the last Galguduud shanty town to Ethiopia, you really can't make this up.
Not only Goldogob,balan bal, but Caabudwaaq is also inside Ethiopia according to Googlemaps infact entire provisional border between Farlibaax, Hiiraan to Gori Rit, Nugaal has moved several KMs inside Somalia. Official request by Somali govt 2 Google is needed to change it.
List of Reasons Why Former President Farmaajo Is Corrupt
30 Reasons Why Somali President Farmaajo Is the worst and most incompetent leader in our history and worst choice for Somalia 1.handing 77 war hero Qalbi Dhagax to Ethiopia. 2.He did not make a priority to fight against AS as he promised. 3.Not completing the Somali constitution untill now...
Is Farmaajo helping Ethiopia annex the south?
The Ethiopian lap dog has been letting more Ethiopian forces to invade the south, since 2015 Ethiopians forces were operating at only three regions in Somalia, fast forward to 2020 and Ethiopians are in six different regions working with out the Amison mandate. 2020 Ethiopian forces are...
NEWS - Hiiraan Governor: Ethopians erected their flag in Hiiraan and are annexing the region, no word from FGS and Farmaajo
Guddoomiyaha Hiiraan: Dowladda Itoobiya ayaa Calankeeda Ka Taagtay Deegaano ka tirsan Gobalka Hiiraan January 19, 2021 0 Less than a minute Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Hiiraan Cali Jeyte Cismaan oo warbaahinta la hadlay, ayaa sheegay dowladda Itoobiya ay qabsatay deegaanno ka tirsan dhulka...
Somali president Farmaajo and the World Bank hands out another leverage to our enemy (Importing Electricity from Ethiopia in a 150 Million project)
The Ethiopian governor of Banadir region of Somalia Farmaajo is handing out his overlords Somalia's future on a silver platter as usual.:mjcry: From signing away four undisclosed ports in Somalia to Ethiopia to turning blind eye on Ethiopians drying out and building a dam in the Shabelle river...