Ethiopian wants to enter Canadian parliament

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this man is a nightmare for the somalis. A right wing, educated Ethiopian man. He'd run for a right wing party so literally no Somalis would vote for him
Somalis are ideologically right but vote for the left, we all know why.
I'd vote for him because he would cut off social services and open up job opportunities for Somalis. Making a better community.


Send him to the gulags.



Also this is not true. Somalis are economically liberal and socially conservative.

North Americans have killed the word 'liberal' it actually is the total opposite of what you guys think it means. Liberal is like Libertarian, aka free market, small government etc.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
North Americans have killed the word 'liberal' it actually is the total opposite of what you guys think it means. Liberal is like Libertarian, aka free market, small government etc.
Yea, over here for some reason it's come to mean left wing. That's how I was using it.:manny:
this man is a nightmare for the somalis. A right wing, educated Ethiopian man. He'd run for a right wing party so literally no Somalis would vote for him
Somalis are ideologically right but vote for the left, we all know why.
I'd vote for him because he would cut off social services and open up job opportunities for Somalis. Making a better community.

I'm shocked.... This actually thinks his white.

I wish I could stick him in a room with new nazis and some KKK members, he will soon change his mind.

These 'special' rights are set in place so that ethnic minorities get a fair deal, I can't believe you subjected me to this video I couldn't even finish it

His voice was annoying, I wanted to strangle him


Not your typical Farah
Other than the typical SS members throwing insults, he had made many valid points. I'm from the U.S, I'm skeptical about the extra minorities rights as for hate speech. Does Canada put white folks into jails for saying hateful words?

Good luck to this dude.


He must be a Thomas Sowell fan. I've been reading some of his work and I see a lot of similar ideas and views on race back in his videos.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
So much coonery in a video. Is this guy getting paid by white nationalists or something?
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