Ethiopian wants to enter Canadian parliament

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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
this man is a nightmare for the somalis. A right wing, educated Ethiopian man. He'd run for a right wing party so literally no Somalis would vote for him
Somalis are ideologically right but vote for the left, we all know why.
I'd vote for him because he would cut off social services and open up job opportunities for Somalis. Making a better community.

Trusss mee son waa cadaan politics. Right ama Left ma kale guranayaan, that shit is alien to us
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Thomas Sowell and that Ethio kid . The role of many, like them is to give the illusion of inclusion. "it is not so bad here for you, look at me. 0.00000000000000000000001% "success" story.",

'''You uneducated lazy welfare hogger get up and work'''

Using their dark skin or minority status as a better tool for bashing their own over the head. Being able to say all the things their pay masters wish they could say.

They are usually tools, which are moved into place to give authenticity to whatever beef Cadaan people have with Islam, Africans etc.
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
So much coonery in a video. Is this guy getting paid by white nationalists or something?
Rebel Media is a Alt right news outlet, its like the Canadian Breitbart.

According to these white nationalists Aboriginals should go back to where they came from.

There is no suicide crisis in Attawapiskat. It's just a tribal chief who wanted more money from the government. They had allegedly over 100 suicide attempts in a year and a half but only 1 was successful in ending their life. How does that work?

But if you get deeper into the issue, you realize they were not suicide attempts at all.

Reasons cited for the many suicide attempts are: overcrowding with 14 to 15 people living in one home; bullying at school; residential schools; and physical, sexual and drug abuse

Lefty and foreign state media from places like Iran and Russia shouldn't be believed.

Speaking of "Canadian Breitbart", this
tweet was posted today.

We eagerly await for it's arrival

Ethiopians and brown nosing for white masters, nothing new. This picture shows how they won at Italy in WW2
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