Ethiopians Have Reached A Point Where They Are Quoting Hadiths To Claim They Are Just


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Link to reddit thread I got this from:


their failed mou has driven them to madness
Narrated from Abi Sukainah One of the Companions:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Let the Abyssinians alone as long as they let you alone, and let the Turks alone as long as they leave you alone.

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
Narrated from Abi Sukainah One of the Companions:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Let the Abyssinians alone as long as they let you alone, and let the Turks alone as long as they leave you alone.
Key words: “as long as they let you alone”

I don’t get why Ethiopians are quoting this Hadith against Somalis fighting them because all the conflicts we have had against them were all started by them. As far back as the Walashma-Solomonic wars in the Middle Ages were started by the animosity of the Christian Emperors who ruled underdeveloped regions compared to their wealthier Muslim neighbors. Even in modern times when Menelik was expanding Ethiopia and killing Muslim civilians unprovoked, it was the Somalis who wanted to counterattack and lead a jihad to stop them.
Ethiopia didn’t conquer Galbeed, it was ceded to them by the British who demarcated the borders of Somalia-Ethiopia in the 1940s. We know that most raiding parties sent from Ethiopia to Ogaden ended in complete failure and humiliation.
View attachment 343698
Somali Sultans after Abyssinia took Harar were already planning on uniting their forces of over 50,000 men and leading a Jihad into the Highlands to take back Muslim lands but were stopped by the British, French and Italians who embargoed them from importing modern weaponry into the Somali peninsula.

This was from the British consulate of Aden: “The bearer of this message is Abdulah from Harar, a man I have known for some time and in whom one can trust. He assures me that Sultan Osman Mahmud of Ras Hafun (Alula) and Sultan Yusuf Ali of Obbia (Hobyo) have been aiming for a long time to make a large expedition against Harar, they ascertain that in nine days they could be at the frontier of Ogaden and would cross the Ogaden in fifteen. The expedition would take no more than a month from departure to arrival before Harar. The two Sultans assure that all the Somali tribes would agree to join them as they have been urged by the Ogaden tribes and others to march together against Ras Makkonen’s troops.”View attachment 343701
Key words: “as long as they let you alone”

I don’t get why Ethiopians are quoting this Hadith against Somalis fighting them because all the conflicts we have had against them were all started by them. As far back as the Walashma-Solomonic wars in the Middle Ages were started by the animosity of the Christian Emperors who ruled underdeveloped regions compared to their wealthier Muslim neighbors. Even in modern times when Menelik was expanding Ethiopia and killing Muslim civilians unprovoked, it was the Somalis who wanted to counterattack and lead a jihad to stop them.
Wasnt the the past abyssinians refer to oromos habashi and Somalis and afar and other horn groups not just Ethiopians
Does that means that hadith is also meant to Somalis and others east africans when I think Nabi mohamed said leave abyssinians alone not just habashi


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Narrated from Abi Sukainah One of the Companions:

The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Let the Abyssinians alone as long as they let you alone, and let the Turks alone as long as they leave you alone.
As long as they occupy galbeed they're not leaving us alone. They're squatters in Harar and Jigjiga


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Wasnt the the past abyssinians refer to oromos habashi and Somalis and afar and other horn groups not just Ethiopians
Does that means that hadith is also meant to Somalis and others east africans when I think Nabi mohamed said leave abyssinians alone not just habashi
Depends, alot of Arabic sources call the entire horn "Al Habash" Abyssinia.

But there's also the Christian Kingdom of Abyssinia/Axum. Which is what I belive the prophet refers to here.

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
Wasnt the the past abyssinians refer to oromos habashi and Somalis and afar and other horn groups not just Ethiopians
Does that means that hadith is also meant to Somalis and others east africans when I think Nabi mohamed said leave abyssinians alone not just habashi
Correct, Abyssinians used to refer to not only Habeshis but also Somalis, Galla/Oromo, Sudanese and even Egyptians in rare cases. I’m not sure if Abyssinian in this case refers to Habeshi only but my point still stands.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
But that kingdom abyssinia is gone long time ago and it doesn't exist anymore
It wasn't Abyssinia that time. It was Axum. It was called Al Habasha by Arabs but it was only really called Abyssinia during the Zagwe dynasty. Then it changed its name to Ethiopia by Halie Salassie, to link the state to the biblical ethiopia which was Sudan/Nubia in reality.


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