Your superior
You are my enemy@Duke of Bohol
You really peddling that aid is being paid via Xamar ? or that only 'it' receives it? do you actually believe they pay aid ? Your budget alone is higher and refutes this claim, 80% of the so called British aid above 100 million is paid towards it's former protectorate, just recently a few planes filled with UAE cash to sweetened the berbera deal landed in Hargaisa.
The UAE only pays J/land P/land and S/land, it's also putting pressure on the corrupt Kulmiye to keep the Turks out, whom recently opened an office there, but they are finding very hard to manoeuvre. Faroole was smart enough to allow them to set up show in Garowe and they are building his airport pet project.
The main blockers of this secession from the very beginning were none other then Ethiopia, read the statements from the EU, they say recognition needs to come from the AU (basically Ethiopia), when they go to them, they are told, once their is peace in whole of Somalia you both have to come to an agreement, otherwise there will be bloodshed.
It sounds like a credible statement, if you believe they of course hold the best interest of the Somali's at heart, which every evidence points against of course, they don't want another Somali state on their border, it will emboldened their own dozen separatist groups to seek secession and set a dangerous precedent and worst of all why recognise an enclave you already control 'mentally' and economically with an iron fist?
This is the wisdom of God at work, that love for Xabashi is being wiped from their heart, that needs to happen first, before any true reconciliation can occur, I can't sit at a table with the like of @waraabe and @Hawdian whom have relentless love for our enemies.