Etymology of these names?

al-Mu'tamid Ψ§Ω„Ω…ΨΉΨͺΩ…Ψ―

عِشْ Ω…ΩŽΨ§ شِئْΨͺَ فَΨ₯ΩΩ†ΩŽΩ‘ΩƒΩŽ Ω…ΩŽΩŠΩΩ‘Ψͺٌ
Awal is arabic and means first. Abdirahman bin Ishaaq, the youngest of Ishaqs sons was nicknamed that because he was very dearly loved by his father.

Absame: from Ab "Father" and same comes from samo which means kindess, favors and goodness this comes from san which means good, goodness. Absame = Father of Goodness, Father of Favors.

Ogaadeen probably just means the 3. person plural past tense of 'og' which means to know. So it would be "They've come to know or They've known"
"og" can also be used in Somali to mean "son of".
What does gidir mean guys?

Habar gidir was named after the mother - Raaray (caisha) the Daughter of Gidir Karanle .

Especially because she raised 2 of out of 4 of the sons of Madarkicis as her own thus named them after her as a sign of appreciation. She bore him Cayr and Sarur I believe πŸ€” but raised Sacad and Saleeban.
Gidir means a female animal which gives no milk.
No. There is no consensus on the name Gidir among the Somali linguists. It does however have a meaning in Harari where it means β€œbig” as well as having a connection with city of Harar.

The Gidir Karanle just like the Hawiye of old started as a highland agrarian and commercial group that started settlements in and around what they call saddexda Hoy of Karanle aka Harla, Harar and Hoobat. Some of the elders of Karanle were called "Kalibaar" (The Sole Explorer) and "Ab-Shaacle". or Ab-Shaaciye" (The Father of the Informers). The area where hunters, hunters and miners exchange their products have become large villages, and those villages after Islam, especially during the Adal & Ajuran kingdom, were called "the area of the camels" or the place of "camel exchange" where the treasure is! Thus the name "Geyi-Gidir" became "Gidir City” which is today called β€œGidir magala” on which old Harar sits on and is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.

Because of the name Gidir not having a proper meaning in Somali but in Harari as well as the cities early connection with the former clan its safe to say the name means Big.



β™šSargon of Adalβ™š
Gadabuursi actual name is Ali/Cali.

The name Gadabuursi means 'people of the Mountains,' which makes sense since our clan is geographically surrounded by mountainous terrain. The name may have originated after a defeat in battle, possibly post Adal demise, when our people regrouped and formed a coalition consisting of Samaroon descendants and other descendants of Cali.
I find it amusing how the majority of Dir is from haplogroup T, which has a strong association with being near mountains.
I find it amusing how the majority of Dir is from haplogroup T, which has a strong association with being near mountains.
Did the gadabursi have a history of practicing Christianity prior to Islam? I noticed they have still hang onto christo-Judaic names like Kaahin and Makahil etc

Garaad diinle

ξ€šξ€žξ€’ξ€œξ€  ξ€ ξ€Ÿξ€‘ξ€ξ€›
It’s more associated with Christians than muslims. It’s the Somali variant of Michael
It's pronunciation is the exact same as it's in islam. Makahil Ω…ΩŠΩƒΨ§Ψ¦ΩŠΩ„.
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I find it amusing how the majority of Dir is from haplogroup T, which has a strong association with being near mountains.
Yup. Even our closest Middle Eastern distant match under T-BY182320 is a Saudi from the most mountainous province in Saudi Arabia.

And specifically from Rijal Al Alma where they live on a mountain.
Did the gadabursi have a history of practicing Christianity prior to Islam? I noticed they have still hang onto christo-Judaic names like Kaahin and Makahil etc
Theres a possibility but I'm sure there are many other clans who have these names. Ogaden, Habar Awal, and possibly some others. It's just that we have a bunch of subclans with Makahil included.
Theres a possibility but I'm sure there are many other clans who have these names. Ogaden, Habar Awal, and possibly some others. It's just that we have a bunch of subclans with Makahil included.
Yeah these names are not exclusive to gadabursi, but I just find it odd names like Kaahin which has no obvious Islamic connection is still used by Somalis today
Yup. Even our closest Middle Eastern distant match under T-BY182320 is a Saudi from the most mountainous province in Saudi Arabia.

And specifically from Rijal Al Alma where they live on a mountain. View attachment 270829
Although I’m still leaning towards south Semitic lineage of T, Rijal al Alma was a cosmopolitan city with it being a waystation of southerners to go to Hajj so it could just be an assimilated Somali

Garaad diinle

ξ€šξ€žξ€’ξ€œξ€  ξ€ ξ€Ÿξ€‘ξ€ξ€›
Yeah these names are not exclusive to gadabursi, but I just find it odd names like Kaahin which has no obvious Islamic connection is still used by Somalis today
I come across a number of somalis with the name dawit in there genealogy. I think there was a garre one here on this forum there is a madhiban with the name dawit and there was several on james dahl site.


I come across a number of somalis with the name dawit in there genealogy. I think there was a garre one here on this forum there is a madhiban with the name dawit and there was several on james dahl site.
Madhiban r said to have Ethiopian ancestry