Eugenicists are tempering with nature, who has a right to decide who mates with who. You sound like a slave owner in America during slavery, this concept was taken straight from the nazi who wanted to have the perfect aryan race.
Some of the children and the first generation Somalis in the west still thrive despite these disabilities (e.g malnutrition, uneducated parents and single household, poverty,psychological effects of civil war). We're quite resilient people. Can you imagine if these Somalis grew up in a better environment?obamadatazz@simulacrum
Ma waxad na leedahay Somali ha laga dhigo Lab rats ?Laa xaawla...How do we know yhe past 25 years hasn't been an experiment on the effects of wsr and malnutrition ? Waan ka shakiyay these shady UN and NGOs
We should experiment with Eugenics to be honest. See what happens... and ultimately put an end to the nature vs nurture debate or provide them with more statics so that they can make reasonable inferences from this longitudinal study in the future. The Somalis could get the proper funding from the west as they won't do the experiment themselves because of ethical and moral issues. I say let's do it.
Why would one allow themselves to be spoon fed this drivel by their colonial masters who have been trying to oppress them cause Europeans Believed that the mind of non Europeans especially African were inferior, this is taken out straight of their textbook. The slave masters, the nazi's, most loons who dehumanise a person based on their iq. How can one talk so casually about whether another sovereign man or woman has a right to live, I say live & let live, Let Allah deal with the rest, oh I forget most of you don't believe in Allah, I'm referring to those who believe in eugenics, surely one can't have compassion for their fellow man yet still believe in this nazi inhumane drivel. What next? All fat people & dumb people should be exterminated?
You'll find me a formidable foe cause I'm fat & dumb, & proud.
There's wisdom behind it that mere mortal such as us can't grasp nor comprehend.
its actually the dumb/fat people that do hurting AND as always claim to be victims. Some people would rather rol the dice ethernally and be forever lower class than admit they are inferior and at and disadvatage to their peers.
How is it racist to point out diversity in intelligence WITHIN a somali populationwe aknowledge the smart ones you guys. The best and fastest natural way for eugenics is natural disaster that puts emphesis on keeping your people alive and reorganise your surroundings to survive (aka ice age, wars, conquest of new territories etc.). If allah can do that to people why would he mind us giving it a hand
IQ is a measurement of a particular populations adaptability to modernity(i.e Technology). if you come from a place that lacks ''Technology'' or ''Modernity'' then you will surely score lower.IQ test have been said to be invalid at measuring intelligence because it doesn't measure wisdom,social intelligence, creativity, several abilities. Rigid in technological and cultural biases. So IQ test overall have mostly been just written off by people as misleading.
One should focus on education, socialization and culture in the regards to Intelligent development of human beings.
Good Education + Good Socialization = Great intellect.
What do you mean by retard, these terms are very dangerous, it can easily be used to dehumanise a sovereign living breathing man/women which in turn could be used to justify their extermination.yeah we agree that IQ-score only is not the way to measure intelligence. It was never meant to be, just to weed out outliers at both ends (aka retards and einsteins). There are also different kinds of intelligence. But overall intelligence is a real thing and you can select for it (eductional systems do, jobs do, entertainment industries do, high end military positions do, sports squads do etc. etc.).
I would agree with you if you said
Genetic potentiall for intelligence + Good Education + Good Socialization --> Intelligence close to genetic potential
Not every person in nation or population is a retard. The size of the retard group depends on the AVERAGE IQ though. Especially if there is like a 10-20pt difference.
There's wisdom behind it that mere mortal such as us can't grasp nor comprehend.
Allah knows best. when I see a disabled person, or mentally impaired & I interact with them, it makes me appreciative of my creator and it makes me more empathetic towards my fellow man.
What do you mean by retard, these terms are very dangerous, it can easily be used to dehumanise a sovereign living breathing man/women which in turn could be used to justify their extermination.
I can assure you that you're talking to the wrong one.imagine getting diabetes and pissing all the gatorade you had a few hrs ago straight into the urinal?
me goingthank god i aint you but i feel your pain ...
okays take care braddar and see you when your disease progresses like any diabetes case did before you and the patients eventually died. Nope muslims will be the first to make an appointment and take that gaal drug and extend their lives. Just like that you can weed out disease, low intelligence, uglyness etc. etc. with time and ACTUALLY studying and not saying allah doesnt want us to so we dont.
I can assure you that you're talking to the wrong one.
I don't eat GMO's strictly organic, I have a juicer, have my minerals & vitamins, drink plenty of water. Don't hardly drink fizzy drinks which contain many poisons chemicals, I eat healthy Alhamdulillah.
I don't believe in big pharmaceuticals, no placebo's for me bradar.