European History Is It False?

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It's too simplistic, it's a one dimensional view of human history that is based on modern times. There is no Chinese ethnicity for instance, China is made up of hundreds of nations that were conquered to form the Empire of China. This is true of every large modern nation it has a complicated history and hundreds if not thousands of composite nations.

Human history is not a static progression where it's the same group from the stone age to modern times. Somali people are one of the few world groups where this is almost the case, most people are amalgams of hundreds of different nations unified by conquest.

Also humanity in general has very low genetic diversity. We are all essentially the same people, our differences are largely cultural, not genetic.
Here is the thing: If you take a child born from Korean parents, or Russian parents, or French parents or whoever, and you raise them in California or here in Vancouver, they will be Vancouverites or Californians. They will pursue the same interests as people from Vancouver or California, have the same priorities, enter the same kinds of jobs. These are defined by culture, not genetics. People are not programmed to do much of anything straight out of the womb other than suck on your mom's breasts, everything else is learned.


Here is the thing: If you take a child born from Korean parents, or Russian parents, or French parents or whoever, and you raise them in California or here in Vancouver, they will be Vancouverites or Californians. They will pursue the same interests as people from Vancouver or California, have the same priorities, enter the same kinds of jobs. These are defined by culture, not genetics. People are not programmed to do much of anything straight out of the womb other than suck on your mom's breasts, everything else is learned.

Yeh this much is true, everything is learned. I call it the plantation or socialization program that occurrs to children who enter the age of 5 and begin either heading to koranic schools such as Somali kids or proper schools in the west who also get programmed with structure, order, instruction memorizing, executing tasks and plans and strategies hence where IQ tests to ensure you have conformed to the socialization project of society. It's called the school system and after that you go home from the age of 5 till 18 also getting pumped the culture through tv, media, radio, family, friends, and neighbors who do the same thing so you end up seeing the school system structure to teach your brain how to think and learn(not think for itself) read the book and then the culture does the rest on the side while your not at school to re-inforce the plantation or socialization. I do not disagree with this and made this argument long before you mentioned it. A child only knows his primate behaviors which is to suck on that tit, cry, laugh, and emotions. Their even taught how to walk, talk by parents who then pass them onto the school system who do the mind shaping and then they head into the plantation(work) selling their labor for money on the field(environment) in order to eat and have a roof over their head(mortgage).

Do you find my points even slightly interesting @James Dahl or intriguing regardless if you accept them to be true or not isn't the point, that comes later through influencing and re-inforcing facts and logics and the accumulation of such process and it takes time.


It's too simplistic, it's a one dimensional view of human history that is based on modern times. There is no Chinese ethnicity for instance, China is made up of hundreds of nations that were conquered to form the Empire of China. This is true of every large modern nation it has a complicated history and hundreds if not thousands of composite nations.

Human history is not a static progression where it's the same group from the stone age to modern times. Somali people are one of the few world groups where this is almost the case, most people are amalgams of hundreds of different nations unified by conquest.

Also humanity in general has very low genetic diversity. We are all essentially the same people, our differences are largely cultural, not genetic.

Genes are not just explanations for physical traits or our body structure, color, teeth, fingers, legs, internal structure, etc. It's not as simple as that. It's also a gene when you live in a society that is about brute force, regardless if your E1B1 you will adapt to those conditions eventually because there is genetics and there is nurture side of evolution and they are equally as strong as one and another as your example of a russian dna in california explained.

He will always have that Russian gene or at least pre-disposed to creating security innovations at molucular level because these traits were passed on from generation after generation and if you add a nurture environment where this trait can grow and foster it becomes a deadly weapon eventually as you added the gene from the past in his genetic profile and included the environmental nurture of the gene. Now for example I am a Somali and I am great hypocrit and know how to sit with one group and tell them what they want and sit with another group and do the same ensuring I swing them towards my agenda or at least secure their trust in me so I can execute my biases, agenda, and plans. But I live in the west and this has been confused because I was socialized into this one human type that we create in the west which is this social justice warrior based on human rights principles and morals. So what occurred to me was the gene that was passed onto me by my majerten ancestors to be a snake is in-active in genetic code because it isn't being allowed to grow and foster due the society I am conflicting with it. Hence you end up with depressed people, mentally ill and so forth who feel disconnected from life and not happy as they don't feel what their doing(socialization) is working against their natural genetic desposition. It's critical to combine your genetic predeposition which is in-active and identify it through DNA structures of the world and then work out what each DNA history says in terms of what their capabilitity was or edge or advantage over other groups and I am certain you will find that gene sitting in their descendant waiting to be opened up and nurtured but this isn't possible if we do not end this 'one size fits all' approach of socializing people into one prototype that we seek which is the human right, social justice warrior based on high moral grounds. If that gene isn't there in your DNA you will go home everyday depressed and upset with life and not able to connect because you do not connect with the socialization which is conflicting with your evolutionary gift.

For example, I never saw why lying is a problem? notice lying is socialization trait from human rights and about integrity and honesty. I would go home, never lose sleep about lying to someone it's because my genetic predeposition is based on lies and deception(hypocrit) DNA passed on generation after generation so I would go home and say yeah I am sorry I lied to the person to his face but when I am at home, I won't care and just carry on with life like nothing happened because I am not conflicting with myself.

This socialization plantation style that we live in society is going to create a conflict between the evolutionary gifts we got from our ancient ancestors against the values, morals, and thinking styles(IQ tests) they are trying to instill in us so what can happen is a conflict where we don't know who we are anymore. Should we mold to what society wants us to mold too? the learned approach you mentioned? or should we just accept our evolutionary trait and find out what it is and apply it for success in life without obviously breaking the rules of the society your in. Hence I think that person will be far more successful in life as he found what he is truly about yet adapted to fit into the society he lives in even if it's conflicting towards his genetic predeposition.

So there you go James for a more in-depth explanation of thought patterns and arguments that genes do exist and yes they do get passed on from father-mother to son or daughter and to ignore this critical physical trait in ourselves isn't helpful at all and applying this one size fits all rule with socializing people into one group and nation isn't useful. Let's identify DNA groups, find patterns where they had an edge or capability different to other DNA groups, stream-line these groups towards areas in society where that edge and advantage is needed and at the same time create higher level socialization program based on DNA traits. So socialize me to accept my hypocrit gene and not be ashamed of it because it's used to survive in a rough world and if my ancestors didn't do this we would've of most likely been dead or I wouldn't be here to talk about it or we could've been absorped into another population group who socializes us into their structure and therefore killing any chance we ever find out our evolutionary gift and advantages from the past.

Good luck reading that James but I know you like a good debate
This is a very old debate, this is literally the "nature vs nurture" argument. While it can be said that some families have genetic diseases or whatnot, how do you determine what is cultural within the family and what is genetic?

My family for instance has artists and musicians. Do we have a genetic propensity for art and music, or do we encourage our children to pursue those things because we value them? There have of course been cases where twins seperated at birth will end up marrying the same kinds of people and getting the same kinds of jobs.

On a national level though this sort of propensity disappears because populations aren't homogeneous enough to have a "national trait" like this. The closest we've ever gotten to finding something like this is a genetic propensity for sprinting among West Africans and a genetic propensity for long distance running among East Africans.

With intelligence we honestly don't really understand how the human brain even works, let alone ascertain if some populations have genetic advantages or not.


This is a very old debate, this is literally the "nature vs nurture" argument. While it can be said that some families have genetic diseases or whatnot, how do you determine what is cultural within the family and what is genetic?

My family for instance has artists and musicians. Do we have a genetic propensity for art and music, or do we encourage our children to pursue those things because we value them? There have of course been cases where twins seperated at birth will end up marrying the same kinds of people and getting the same kinds of jobs.

On a national level though this sort of propensity disappears because populations aren't homogeneous enough to have a "national trait" like this. The closest we've ever gotten to finding something like this is a genetic propensity for sprinting among West Africans and a genetic propensity for long distance running among East Africans.

With intelligence we honestly don't really understand how the human brain even works, let alone ascertain if some populations have genetic advantages or not.

I divided humans into certain groups. The visionary = usually some mentally ill, dreamer, enters high conscience states, can see things before they happen(intuition), can vision and imagine things how they should be without actually doing it. Then planners who take the ridiculous ideas and madness from the visionaries and bring coherence to it by strategically connecting the various points and dots provided by the mad man and deliver into mutually intelligible tasks and steps by steps. Then you got the maker who then put's it all together(usually people with big hands) what else is those hands for but making things? they then run with the blue print provided and instruction manual of the planner and implement it and then the doers or the business as usual guys who sit there and maintaince the idea or product or invention and provide the motor so to speak to keep it running.

A good example is this. Wild visionary an artist, painter, mentally ill, you know people who have vivid imaginations and display either in visual format or with mathamatics or with words poetry but it's usually just jibberish to normal people only a planner or architect or designer can take that jibberish and connect it together into usefulness he then passes onto the engineer who follows the instructions and designs provided by the architect and maker passes off the last stage to business as usual or support crew to keep it running or operating.

What you think of that James? we are not all the same my friend if we were then why do we disagree so much as humanity if we are so similar, if were similar, their would be hardly any disagreements like how most animal species cooperate internally and hardly ever have problems. Our intelligence is higher that's why then animal and this creates the divisions in us and disagreements as we do not see things thru the same lens. It must be our brain percieves the world through our evolutionary gifts passed on from our ancestors and that's unique and different to each person but I am sure you could find recurring patterns. For example Carl Jung grouped humanity in his psycho-analyses into 16 distinct personality groups and we all report to either group. We could the same with genetic gifts in our brain is my guess.
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