Europeans and Asians flooding Ghana/ West Africa

Dr Umar is spot on when he talks about the economic state of blacks in America

I don’t like him but he was the one sounding the alarm about white businessman buying up the hood for pocket change and turning them into commercial properties before anyone else
You can tell Umar will eventually give in and race mix aswell.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Smart move by uncle Sam Latino's can easily assimilate and work hard like whites.
They have white blood and intermarry with whites very often

There also voting republican in huge numbers they turned Texas and Florida into solid trump country . Blacks threw 90 percent of there vote behind Harris and she still lost in a landslide there political power is over and they don’t even realize it

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
You can tell Umar will eventually give in and race mix aswell.
Dr umar himself said the black community has 5-7 years before the decline can no longer be reversed

America is returning to pre 1930 blacks will join poor whites in declining small towns in Alabama as the cities will turn into economic hubs dominated by white and Asian professionals as well as Latinos in trade jobs
They have white blood and intermarry with whites very often

There also voting republican in huge numbers they turned Texas and Florida into solid trump country . Blacks threw 90 percent of there vote behind Harris and she still lost in a landslide there political power is over and they don’t even realize it
Yeah blacks shot themselves in the foot by going full woke they were better off keeping their heads down but nope they wanted to bring up race everyday.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Yeah blacks shot themselves in the foot by going full woke they were better off keeping their heads down but nope they wanted to bring up race everyday.
They used up the sympathy they had when they burned down cities in riots and are producing the majority of crime in America while complaing about prison sentences being to long

Mexican Americans are literally the ones doing all the skilled labor and trade occupations jobs blacks are missing out on once in a generation economic opportunities despite living in the sunbelt
Dr umar himself said the black community has 5-7 years before the decline can no longer be reversed

America is returning to pre 1930 blacks will join poor whites in declining small towns in Alabama as the cities will turn into economic hubs dominated by white and Asian professionals as well as Latinos in trade jobs
Their cooked but did it to themselves only have themselves to blame I'd invite some of them preferably females to Somalia in the future.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Their cooked but did it to themselves only have themselves to blame I'd invite some of them preferably females to Somalia in the future.
There women are ratchet and the worst type of feminist according to studies 50 percent of them are single while there the group most likely to be divorced
They used up the sympathy they had when they burned down cities in riots and are producing the majority of crime in America while complaing about prison sentences being to long

Mexican Americans are literally the ones doing all the skilled labor and trade occupations jobs blacks are missing out on once in a generation economic opportunities despite living in the sunbelt
Blacks would rather sell weed in their " hoods" than be humble and work a trade job their culture is their problem If they remained humble followed their version of Christianity and didn't fall for impulsive behaviour maybe they could have sorted their community out but nope they prefer chaos.
Their cooked but did it to themselves only have themselves to blame I'd invite some of them preferably females to Somalia in the future.
download (2).jpeg

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
I've noticed they are submissive around Somali men though they just don't respect pookie and rayray.
When there 35 after there done being ran through by the local drug dealer they complain about “dusties” and that there are no more “good men ”we’re just a fetish to them

African American women don’t respect nerdy/business savvy black men until there 35 and single thats why my high school friends who are from this community are dating overseas usually Latin America and southern Europe
When there 35 after there done being ran through by the local drug dealer they complain about “dusties” and that there are no more “good men ”we’re just a fetish to them

African American women don’t respect nerdy/business savvy black men until there 35 and single thats why my high school friends who are from this community are dating overseas usually Latin America and southern Europe
Can't blame them when you have feminine Latinas around the corner why waste time with a Keisha that isn't serious until she's 35 and ran through.

New World

the people's champ
How will the African migrants work to change the percent of AA?

The recent banning of abortion, will that revert the decline in numbers?

Have any of them realised the decline?
Too much tangible damage has been done to the physical and social infrastructure of black americans for me to really blame them too much, essentially any time they've tried to come together to make a legitimate change in their community they've had it be destroyed. That along with racial segregation + crack being pumped into their neighbourhoods means it's easier said than done for them to collectively rise up as a community tbh.

There are plenty of them who just put their head down and work to take advantage of being part of the most powerful country in the world, but those that were hung to dry at the bottom simply have no hope. If you're living in a hood that your father and uncles were all active gang members in, and all your older brothers are in jail and shit idk how you're expected to collectively drag yourself out of that mess?
They look middle eastern rather than white. @Kisame how do you feel that cadaans got citizenship in Ghana before your fellow fba ? :damn:
Sad Oh No GIF by BrownSugarApp

Its must be a good day to be white in Ghana

Yusuf M

Majority of FBAs ironically think they never came from Africa and are natives of the Americas.

What's weird is that some of them call us un-African despite beefing with Bantus and Nigerians
That's the funniest part about them. Kulaha we are indigenous to America. Niggaz like Tariq Nasheed always says that shit.
That's the funniest part about them. Kulaha we are indigenous to America. Niggaz like Tariq Nasheed always says that shit.
Those ADOS weirdos must be paid by Zionists.

Like why the hell would you be attacking African immigrants and basically kill any good will from others when white nationalism is on a resurgence since the Trump era?

