Europhile Dilemma on cousin marriages, inbreeding and low IQ

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There are no groups of people on this planet more inbred then the Jews, this has been going on for more than a millennium and is part and parcel of their religious doctrines and traditions to stay away from the impure ‘goyim’ (every other sub-human none Jew)

Yet they have the highest scores in ‘IQ’ test from all people and supposedly most inventions in this world have come from them.

It’s the same story with countless royal families across the entire Europhile community landscape whom for centuries even did incest to keep their ‘lineage’ and ‘blood’ supposedly ‘pure’ and this tradition continues until this day.

In the quickademic self-contradictory pseudo-science culture, this makes perfect sense; two smart people that get together produce the best desirable offspring, and this is simply repeated in their world view.

This same concept is today used in cattle breeding, in cross fertilization and even during slavery; the strongest black males were paired up with the toughest females and bred like this for 400 years to produce the best desirable offspring.

The whole thing is backed up by quickademic scientific community and makes absolute perfect sense if you blindly adhere and conform to it without question, even eugenics were based on these principles.

The least inbred people on this planet are the African’s were the most variety of people as well as genetic variations occurs (since supposedly humanity began from that place).

Yet in the Europhile ‘IQ’ test they rank at the bottom and even worse are regarded as the most stupid, backward people on earth, which many blind conformist Europhiles would agree to.

The Europhile blind conformist community as always finds itself in a nasty catch 22 positions on the question of “cousin marriage” and a dilemma that’s impossible to escape from

The argument of inbreeding = LOW IQ + Defects is destroyed by 2000 years of Jewish inbreeding and that of Europhile Royal families that are regarded as the smartest today and in so called ‘IQ’ scores.

The argument is yet again destroyed because Africans are the least inbred group and have the most diversity in their genetic code as well as the people.

Simple observations and history just like this is enough to disprove this quickademic, conformist, cheap, charlatan, brain parasite suffering Europhile zombies and every argument these bakhti spawns bring to the table.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
f*ck these Europhiles bruh

Wallahi they're corrupt morally bankrupt people :wow:

Miss me with the cousin thing doe :browtf:
So do you think that there is absolutely no medical problem with marrying first cousins for 10 generations?

The Jews did it for 2000 years. I personally wouldn't do it or even marry a cousin at all. This is simply refuting the arguments by the conformist blind Europhile community.


:ftw9nwa: Bal horta meel ii fadhiiso huuno, I will attend to your needs soon, I promise, eh! sheekada ha iga qasin. :nvjpqts:


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
The Jews did it for 2000 years. I personally wouldn't do it or even marry a cousin at all, but I don't see any problems using Europhile quickademic self contradictory pseudo science, that argues it produces stupid people.


:ftw9nwa: Bal horta meel ii fadhiiso huuno, I will attend to your needs soon, I promise, eh! sheekada ha iga qasin. :nvjpqts:
First :
Why do you keep justifying it with "Jews did it?" :farole:
Aren't you muslim?:mugshotman:

Secondly :cryinglaughsmiley:
I have no problems with cousin marriages but I wouldn't do it myself.

Don't want my descendents to end up with hooked chins. :damn:


Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
The Jews did it for 2000 years. I personally wouldn't do it or even marry a cousin at all, but I don't see any problems using Europhile quickademic self contradictory pseudo science, that argues it produces stupid people.
So what if Jews did it 2 millenniums ago?

I'm asking you whether you believe there is any medical problem with generations of cousin marriage as seen with the Pakistani community, or do you believe it be a lie made up by the west?
So what if Jews did it 2 millenniums ago?

I'm just asking you whether you believe there is any medical problem with generations of cousin marriage as seen with the Pakistani community?

The premise of this thread was refuting that inbreeding causes retardation and low IQ, but to answer your question, I have no proof to believe there is, history clearly serves as a great proof against this with communities that did this for 2000 years, and had it been harmful our deen would have outlawed it.

As for the Pakistani community, no different then the Somali autistic community in the west, both are problems that were unknown throughout history or even back in our respective countries and these are just linked to vaccinations/diet.

So far the argument of history and that of religion are both on my side and this topic was proving that even the quickademic pseudo scientific materialist rational is also on my side.
Inquisitive and inquisition are polar opposites. And to answer your question no! you all failed to respond to the contradiction as @TekNiKo would attest.

It obviously did inquistion, why else would you dedicate an entire thread to it while copy pasting the exact comment you sent me.

You didn't respond to any of our comments when we all pointed out that cousin marriage is harmful lol

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Wuts going on in the Pakistani community
50 % of them marry their first cousins in the UK, and they've had this cultural practice of endogamy where they've done this for many many generations. So their mother and father are first cousins, their grandfather & grandmother are first cousins etc.


Holy shit this guy is completely anti anything factual. Now we're disputing the harmful affects of inbreeding and a lack gene variety :snoop:someone detain this fucker. Is this elaborate trolling?

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
As for the Pakistani community, no different then the Somali autistic community in the west, both are problems that were unknown throughout history or even back in our respective countries and these are just linked to vaccinations/diet.

So far the argument of history and that of religion are both on my side and this topic was proving that even the quickademic pseudo scientific materialist rational is also on my side.
Right, so you completely reject all medical findings that generations of cousin marriage can lead to hereditary diseases under the basis that the results are "quickademic pseudo scientific materialist rational"?

FYI, at one point in history, khaat was considered halal and was used by worshipers to stay up at night but after medical research, we later found out that it's a stimulant with many harms. So fiqh isn't static, and can change. Research doesn't actually show that marrying your first cousin in and of itself is bad, but that generations of inbreeding can cause severe illnesses and or disabilities. In that case, it would be recommended or even compulsory to marry out to break that cycle.

If you want to prove otherwise, then you should publish your own science report instead of blabbing on about how "jews done it".
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