Even the Gaalo know Islam will be victorious

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
The gaalo's biggest nightmare is for us to gain power again. The destabilization of muslim lands and support for tyrannical regimes such as Ethiopia against Somalia shows this. Their next target is Turkey, may allah protect them.
The gaalo's biggest nightmare is for us to gain power again. The destabilization of muslim lands and support for tyrannical regimes such as Ethiopia against Somalia shows this. Their next target is Turkey, may allah protect them.
The same Turkey that's killing itself without anyone intervening? :icon lol:

It will be centuries before Muslims can compete with the rest, if at all.


We have nothing to fear nor are blighted by uncertainty, rather we have firm believe in Allah (maybe u should too)

“Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, ‘When (will come) the Help of Allah?’ Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!
[al-Baqarah 2:214]

“Allah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth”
[an-Noor 24:55]

I remember this phase :icon lol: For me it came towards the end, fiercely defending outwardly as I began to wrestle with quickly losing grasp inside.
The destabilization of muslim lands and support for tyrannical regimes such as Ethiopia against Somalia shows this.
Supporting Tyrannical regimes such as Saudi Arabia against Yemen. Look at the massacre against innocent people in Yemen and call Muslim countries innocent.

Their next target is Turkey, may allah protect them.
The same turkey that's been fucking with the affairs of Syria and Russia and has been pulling the west into war with Russia.

Bu..but turkey dindu nuffin mayn, dey wus gud bois


Accomplished Saaxir
Syria - war
Libya - war
Yemen - war
Somalia - semi-war
Iraq - war
Afghanistan - war

Why on Earth would you wish this to be brought to Europe. I'm actually not joking, Europe will enter the Dark Ages if Islam came to power. Fortunately the Muslim World is the most fragmented and divided it's ever been.

Syria - war
Libya - war
Yemen - war
Somalia - semi-war
Iraq - war
Afghanistan - war

Why on Earth would you wish this to be brought to Europe. I'm actually not joking, Europe will enter the Dark Ages if Islam came to power. Fortunately the Muslim World is the most fragmented and divided it's ever been.

>implying Islam won't save Europe

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