Everyone come in

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>,,< certified creep >,,<

before you go back to the main page.... first of all ramadan kareem in advance.... second of all anyone who I have trolled, teased, annoyed, irritated, gotten on their nerves, given em headache, quarrelled with, even bothered em,,,, please can you find it in your heart to forgive me... pweesee pwettyyy pweeeseeee... (I was in fear of missing out names if I started tagging).... third of all shout out to somalispot for giving me the privilege to interact with some cool ehumans,, and arrghhh for making it hard for me to quit,,, so I decided to stick to pms & my silly thread...... dhaaanks for reading this far muuuuwaaaaaahhhhh xxx

~end of message~




:donkey:ill be forever grateful if you guys make my last post hit thread:donkey:
I dunno, chat among yourselves, get to know each other, and maybe have beef together,, with caano


>,,< certified creep >,,<

lately I been tryna evaluate my life.... I thought before I can do anything, I need to minimise distractions first.... ramadan is the perfect time to change because we are already in self disciplinary mode.... alhamdulilah shedans locked up too...


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>,,< certified creep >,,<
lool I'm gonna be sad for doing this...but hey the word sad wouldn't exist if somebody hasn't done sad things before :ohno:

i dunno... i really want my last thread to be hit :weirdo:

so im gonna make it hit by writing things that will prolly make you unwatch this thread :mjpls:.... hint hint
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