Everyone will retake the highschool exams.

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Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
One minute you are insulting Federal States and the people who support federalism, the next you are threatening an invasion of Puntland and calling it a desert and now you want unity. "Waryaa", do you read what you write? Furthermore, Mogadishu is YOUR "tuulo", don't insult our land and think we would want to share anything with you with such hostile and rude attitude.

Teeda kale, Somalia is a federal country, it's too late to start demanding otherwise.
@Loyan is from Beesha unukaleh, he wants the center of all somalis to be Banadir where he gets to keep everything for beesha and reminds everyone they are guests.:mjlaugh:

:mjohreally: He aint fooling anyone with the "nationalism" talk
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@Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman

Aniga waxaan layaabay. Certain people keep talking about centralism but they are usually from Mogadishu which itself is not benefitting from centralism.. Jubbaland which has recently been federalised has already progressed quickly when you look at Kismaayo.

I suspect that people love the thought of power and wealth being concentrated in their backyard whilst the rest of us starve at a distance.
You are advocating for another Hawiye vs Daarood civil war during the month of Ramadan?

Hawiye vs Daarood never happened. It was every one vs MOD. Then it became everyone vs Mudulood. You accuse hawiye of everything. Hawiye fought eachother until ICU took power. You cant fool me with this fake bash towards N&N they have done so much for Somalia. I think majority of people here hate him just because he is MX. He is refusing to give reer muqdisho their right to form federal state. I dont like him for that, but it wont stop my support for him. Because many of his suggestions will bare fruit in the future strong central goverment that dictates defence, foreign policy, education and legislation is essential to form what I envision what Somalia should be in the future.
Typical anarchists and chauvinist opportunists. Why are we hostage to animals who dont care about Somalia? We need one curriculum made by experts and one exam. Rather than seeing this scandal as way to improve our education system, these chauvinists want to expand their power on the expense of national unity. One central goverment to unify unruly and seccessionist filthy Somalis is what we need not this trash where every tuulo teachs its own history how their tuulo used to be greate
We should line them up and lock them up
Used them against centralism. Which majority of the ppl in the south support. Strong central goverment is what they want. PL is virtually the only state whoms population is against federalism. The rest of us are down for it
Users and abusers miya
Hawiye vs Daarood never happened. It was every one vs MOD. Then it became everyone vs Mudulood. You accuse hawiye of everything. Hawiye fought eachother until ICU took power. You cant fool me with this fake bash towards N&N they have done so much for Somalia. I think majority of people here hate him just because he is MX. He is refusing to give reer muqdisho their right to form federal state. I dont like him for that, but it wont stop my support for him. Because many of his suggestions will bare fruit in the future strong central goverment that dictates defence, foreign policy, education and legislation is essential to form what I envision what Somalia should be in the future.
Well a capital city can not be a federal state too for many reasonz
Hawiye vs Daarood never happened. It was every one vs MOD. Then it became everyone vs Mudulood. You accuse hawiye of everything. Hawiye fought eachother until ICU took power. You cant fool me with this fake bash towards N&N they have done so much for Somalia. I think majority of people here hate him just because he is MX. He is refusing to give reer muqdisho their right to form federal state. I dont like him for that, but it wont stop my support for him. Because many of his suggestions will bare fruit in the future strong central goverment that dictates defence, foreign policy, education and legislation is essential to form what I envision what Somalia should be in the future.

You are denying that USC targeted Daarood during the civil war? Ok. Mahadsanid
@Loyan is from Beesha unukaleh, he wants the center of all somalis to be Banadir where he gets to keep everything for beesha and reminds everyone they are guests.:mjlaugh:

:mjohreally: He aint fooling anyone with the "nationalism" talk
@Loyan supporting the capital of Somalia to be a Federal state and then saying but but centralism
So his logic is "Benadir should rule Somalis AND also be a tribal fiefdom"

Loyan either you be a centralist and support Benadir as a table for everyone to eat from Somaliweyn, or you be a federalist and say Xamar unukaa leh everyone else hands off
You are denying that USC targeted Daarood during the civil war? Ok. Mahadsanid

Cauudubillah how on earth did you make such a conclusion from what I said? Clearly you dont understand what you stated when you said Hawiye vs Daarood war witch never happened. How many prominent Hawiye leaders spoke against the killings of the civillians but ofc Warlords holding Hawiye civillians as hostage is the true representative of the ppl, because it fits your narrative. Mudulood supported Ali Mahdi, who was well respected honest bussinessman. He promised multiparty democracy justice for the lootings . He housed many Daaroods in his estates risking his own life. But your clanmilitias supported Caydiid who wanted to be MBS 2.0 and you dare to say it was Hawiyes after Daarood heads.
@Loyan supporting the capital of Somalia to be a Federal state and then saying but but centralism
So his logic is "Benadir should rule Somalis AND also be a tribal fiefdom"

Loyan either you be a centralist and support Benadir as a table for everyone to eat from Somaliweyn, or you be a federalist and say Xamar unukaa leh everyone else hands off

Waryaa I support banaadir state based on democracy one man one vote and political parties free of qabiil based power sharing. Feel free to move there or stay in your tuulo dont care.
Waryaa I support banaadir state based on democracy one man one vote and political parties free of qabiil based power sharing. Feel free to move there or stay in your tuulo dont care.

So what you're saying is, Somalis must be ruled from Benadir, but they cannot eat at its table because it's an Abgaal ran Maamul Goboleed with one man one vote in a blatant tribal territory :gucciwhat:

Cauudubillah how on earth did you make such a conclusion from what I said? Clearly you dont understand what you stated when you said Hawiye vs Daarood war witch never happened. How many prominent Hawiye leaders spoke against the killings of the civillians but ofc Warlords holding Hawiye civillians as hostage is the true representative of the ppl, because it fits your narrative. Mudulood supported Ali Mahdi, who was well respected honest bussinessman. He promised multiparty democracy justice for the lootings . He housed many Daaroods in his estates risking his own life. But your clanmilitias supported Caydiid who wanted to be MBS 2.0 and you dare to say it was Hawiyes after Daarood heads.
Abgaal were anti Darod and took part of the looting against random Darods in Xamar don't bring that sheeko now.


Make Hobyo Great Again
So what you're saying is, Somalis must be ruled from Benadir, but they cannot eat at its table because it's an Abgaal ran Maamul Goboleed with one man one vote in a blatant tribal territory :gucciwhat:
The hypocrisy is blinding. Does this @Loyan guy even read what he writes?


If wars can be started with lies, so can peace.
Hey see the bigger picture we need to create unity. Corruption needs to be quelled. Waryaa to have national curriculum is essential to create a nation state in the long run. Our people need to have something that unifies them beyond the fake federal borders. Im not advocating for corruption. I just see this as chauvinist poöicy by greedy people that dont see beyond their tuulo.
Mate, puntland's borders predate Somalia it self. Don't try to undermine the federal regions with your conceding views:susp:
So what you're saying is, Somalis must be ruled from Benadir, but they cannot eat at its table because it's an Abgaal ran Maamul Goboleed with one man one vote in a blatant tribal territory :gucciwhat:

Abgaal were anti Darod and took part of the looting against random Darods in Xamar don't bring that sheeko

Waryaa, im a realist Im not gonna advocate centralism by force. But Im willing to compromise Federalism based on one man one vote first in Xamar and then the hole country. Otherwise lets just all go our seperate ways if you see Xamar as a piggy bag for you to loot then go away.
Abgaals were not part of the looting our leaders spoke against it unlike yours who still dont apologise for what you did to reer ictiraaf and reer RRA.
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Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
@Loyan we want a somalia with a limited central gov responsible for Defence, Immigration, Justice etc. Few vital ministries max 5. Everything else falls under the states. The days for a student to go all the way to Xamar for an education or for someone to get a passport are over. While we are it, reduce the number of incompetent MPs in Parliament.
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