Explain E1b1b like I am 5

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Its sad when our self respect is so low we have to talk about some obscure genes to feel special.

E1b1b we wuz kungz






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I can not understand DNA facts and the denial of Somali origins and linkage between them and the Prophet Tribe, in-particulary Darod not being Arab. DNA is simply used ignorantly saying ahhh your E1B1 and Saudis are J1 so you can't be the same no consideration is given to the environment. Well Ishmael was a minority(different dna) among arabs that existed(possibly J1) cause the prophet lineage would necessarily need to be 'small' in percentage numbers in Saudi Arabia not Large as the large dna markers would represent the 'qahtani' arabs who existed previously in the land J1.

We see the E1B1 marker in Jews and Arabs as a 'minority' where-as J1 marker as the majority. The majority would be the pre-existing population of the area in the middle-east and u can tell by the 'sheer numbers' in DNA percentages of a land. So if 80% of Saudis are J1, that's clear proof the indigenous tribe were J1, but we know the prophet lineage was a minority and Ishmael came to a bunch of J1 already existing in the land. The question is what was Ishmael and Isaac dna? it would need to be a minority cause they both came to a pre-existing J population in Israel and Saudi arabia.

You need to look for the minority clads in the land and E1B1 is a minority clad in both those lands. That's not even going into the question of testing people DNA within somali clans. We need proof each clan being tested and verified who they are in term of clan and their results. Theres no point bringing indingenous clans and testing them and saying thats all somali results!!!


I mean Africa has the highest level of genetic diversity. Cause If I go to china and marry a chinese woman and my son marries another chinese, he looks chinese on outside and can mix in but blood wise he will be coming back to me. Africa has to be origin point of humanity cause all the dna is present in africa but they only look like each other on the outside due to environment but very different in the inside blood wise. Inside blood-wise the differences in genetic is crazy in Africa, it's far more diverse then other continents, hence this must of been the launching pad or where these clads unite back too.

So lets be honest, someone can look Bantu but be fully Cushitic blood wise. I think that's the confusion you see in these DNA threads, where there isn't a clear barrier on external looks influenced by the environment and internal blood, they some-how mix the two and you simply can't!!!

So what do u judge people by, blood or looks? if it's blood, then you have a-lot of brothers in the world, go find them thru your genetic tests, but if it's external appearances, then stick to people who look like u physically on the outside and share a same environment to you, but blood wise could be from a despised nation and not your genetic brother but 'facial' brother. !!!

Race is a social creation by men like politics was created by men, it's got no scientific basis not DNA wise. Blood wise you can't use race as it criss-crosses all races cause blood is internal markers passed on and the internal markers can have different physical appearances due to environmental elements. You can take 5 men today from an african father and place them in all the continents, they will marry local women from each continent and the genes swap and produces a mix. But the mix ends when the children of such a product start marrying more local women and after a few generations they are no longer physically anywhere near who their father was but when u test their blood, ahhhhhhh blood don't lie and the father will come roaring out!!!
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We must dismiss race. We can't take all white people today and say this your common father, they have so many different fathers inside their blood, it can only mean race is environmental and not genetic or else we would be able to link all black people to one father not 1000 different fathers.

What occurred to my understanding n speculation anyways is a band of tribes ventured out from 1 part of Africa, possibly East Africa and then repopulated the world. these people were most likely the same DNA blood for example if me and my brothers head to different continents, we will definitely have different types of children depending on what we mix with such as Neatherdals who may pass genes plus the strength of the sun in each continent which may trigger new genes to develop in response to the sun rays or lack of. This can explain why there is variations in humans it's the sun basically and how strong it is or weak plus admixture of archaic humans like neaderthals in certain bands of humans. But the original point is east-africa that won't change and they were most likely a band of families or related cousins and brothers and their wives who ventured out and started what we see now.

So if your looking for your real brother the one you share a common father with, u better test blood cause that is inside of you, but if your looking for people who look like u on the outside THANK the sun but inside your different fathers. For example, I know many people who look 'superficially' like me on the outside but we are not related and my brother who looks quite different on the outside yet we are related by blood. So what is most important to you is the question similarities or blood?


E1b1a isn't native to the majority Cushitic speakers and Ethio-Semetic speakers. Also East Africa is diverse, make it more specific when pointing out.

Well possibly South Cushitic, this could be the truth. Two blood brothers hugging knowing their father is the same and the sun tricked them to forget the blood ties plus mixing with other people dna made them look different on the outside.


Or in most Somali case, a cushitic horner tests his blood and Bantu tests his blood. Both find the result is the same. OH MY WE HAVE ONE FATHER...They look at their physical differences and say damn BRO our father would cush would be ashamed of us cuz were both his children and we let these other tribes we mixed with fool us into thinking were enemies.


While the DR looks on in awe how ignorance of the sun effects and mixing with other tribes and ppl can fool two long lost brothers by blood into enemies:bell:.

Then the DR sheds liberal tears :liberaltears:

While hiding from the stormfronters, nation of islam, cushitic supremacists, who want the ignorance to continue :drakelaugh:

1 ancestor is probably looking down and having a laugh how his childrens are fighting but he knows he is the father of them all and is probably havin a spliff and see the DR awoke from the ignorance. :yousmart:
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Please note Somalis can be arab by blood or cushitic and still look the same physically on the outside due to sun rays plus mixing with other genes. Just cause we look the same brothers dont mean we share the same father!!! which one if more important to u. Your brother from the same father and mother yet looks different on the outside or some stranger you look identical feature wises but come from separate fathers and mothers. It's a decision you lamagoodles need to reach!!! :)
I've heard enough of e1b1b Im more interested of ev32 and T1a and some ppl here saying different Somali clans have one or the other marker. Does this mean that some ethnic Somali clans are mixed or foreign in origin?


I've heard enough of e1b1b Im more interested of ev32 and T1a and some ppl here saying different Somali clans have one or the other marker. Does this mean that some ethnic Somali clans are mixed or foreign in origin?

I highly doubt the DNA tests done on Somalis. We have no proof what clan they are, we are simply told 'somali subjects'. They could all be from one clan and then those results are said to be representative of all Somalis. I want a name plus a clan who we can actually verify is from that clan. Possibly a famous person like the leaders of each region, that would be far more interesting to observe the result then, then strangers who u don't know for certainty who they are other then their 'mouth'.


I am the Sultan
No, the marker is several 10,000s of years old. Each region has their own unique sub-groups within that clade. Also, haplogroups do not correlate to race. Autosomal DNA does. You can look Chinese, Black, Arab, European etc and still share the same haplogroup but not the same autosomal dna (race).

Go to wikipedia or youtube for explanations of how it works. It's fairly simple to understand.

Ev32 carriers are related to Europeans while T carriers are of middle eastern origin .


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Ev32 carriers are related to Europeans while T carriers are of middle eastern origin .

Wrong.:mjlol: EV32 is as European as Sambusa. Get out of here with that nonsense. And the Middle East is just some landmass between Arabta and India. It was first coined by the British in 1850, mind being a bit more specific.:drakelaugh:


I am the Sultan
Wrong.:mjlol: EV32 is as European as Sambusa. Get out of here with that nonsense. And the Middle East is just some landmass between Arabta and India. It was first coined by the British in 1850, mind being a bit more specific.:drakelaugh:

Balkan Europeans and Some section of Somali carry similar Y DNA but are distantly related.


I am the Sultan
EV32 carrier that's Balkan. I haven't heard of it. Perhaps a different branch of E3b.

Yes l meant E3b and not EV32

Balkan Europeans Y-DNA distribution

Haplogroup I2a* appears to have originated in the Balkans, perhaps from a glacial refugium there; I2a is very common in Croatia and Bosnia today and decreases in frequency across Eastern Europe. A rare offshoot branch of I2a is also found further West, including in the British Isles. Another subgroup of I2a is by far the most common lineage in Sardinia, but it is also found at low frequencies in France and Spain.

Haplogroup R1a is found today across a large swathe of Asia and Europe and may have originated in South or Central Asia. R1a is most common among Pakistanis, Northern Indians, Russians, Ukrainians and the Kyrgyz and Altai peoples of Central Asia. In Europe R1a is the most common group in Slavic peoples and is also very common in Scandinavia. The presence of R1a in the British Isles is in the main due to Norse Viking ancestry, although Anglo-Saxons and Danes will have carried a smaller proportion there and there is a rare English-specific subgroup. It has been hypothesised that haplogroup R1a was carried to Europe by the Kurgan culture, who domesticated the horse.

Haplogroup E1b1b(*) - defined by the marker M35 - appears to have originated in East Africa, but has been carried from there to the Near East and then on to North Africa and Europe (especially the Mediterranean and the Balkans). Today it is most common in the horn of Africa, North Africa, the Near East and around the Mediterranean. One subgroup decreases in frequency from SE to NW Europe consistent with a dispersal mediated by the arrival of farmers in the Neolithic period, beginning 10,000 years ago.
*Haplogroup E1b1b was formally known as E3b

Haplogroup I2b(*) appears to have originated near modern day Germany, where it reaches it peak frequency. I2b is found spread across a broad area of NW Europe including the British Isles, where it has been brought by numerous historical migrations.
*I2b was formally known as I1b2

The J2 lineage originated in the northern portion of the Fertile Crescent where it later spread throughout central Asia, the Mediterranean, and south into India. As with other populations with Mediterranean ancestry this lineage is found within Jewish populations.
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