The topic is xamar, if you want to learn about the history of xamar you get it from Reer Xamar's themselves, just like how any visitors of the past did when visiting xamar such as during the last 2 centuries, they weren't going to baadiya to seek out history of xamar.Yeah, some reer Xamar wrote in a manuscript that Muqdisho comes from Maqadshah and that Xamar comes from the word Arabic-red, so know we must take it as fact and explore no other alternatives. So when was the Persian King ruling Muqdisho and when was the first recorded mention of muqdisho being named after the shah? When was the first record connection of the word Xamar being derived from Arabic?
The name Maq'ad Shaah came about during time of Xulwani rule, as mentioned by Shariif Caydaruus when quoting from a manuscript.