Extreme Feminism really ruined femininity and modesty

Omar del Sur

I just read about it for a few minutes. I don't have the whole picture. I dont know. It just seems like something business and men a the top will highly benefit from. I that all I got to say. Yep

It's deeper than capitalism.

It's not really about economics.

The Quran tells us

Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze.

-Surah Fatir 35:6

The real aim of the Dajjal system or the New World Order or whatever you call it.... is not to oppress the workers or to make a bunch of money.

I mean obviously, the people at the top I'm sure are interested in money and all that....

but the ultimate aim of feminism and of the NWO agenda....

is to lead human beings into hell.

If you look at the 60's/70's feminist theory....

who is a "liberated woman"?

“A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after”

-Gloria Steinem (who btw is a Jewess)

so what's the real aim? liberation of women. what does that mean? Sex before marriage.

Marx advocated for the elimination of the family. Plato did the same thing in The Republic.

Feminists are pawns in a larger agenda they don't understand. They're not exactly innocent, though. To be a "liberated" woman, she has to rebel against religion.

So it is indeed part of an anti-religious agenda.

It's a very similar formula as with the French Jacobins or with the "Russian" Bolsheviks.

The Jacobins preached "liberty, fraternity, equality.

What did that translate to? Killing the French priests and trying to destroy religion in France.

The Bolsheviks preached a bunch of gibberish about "the workers". What did that translate to? Killing the Russian priests and trying to destroy religion in Russia.

Mao Zedong preached a bunch of gibberish about the proletariat. What did that translate to? The cultural revolution- trying to destroy religion in China. Now they're even putting Muslims in concentration camps.

If we say these are all coincidences, I would like to mention that we need to add Mexico under Plutarco Calles and Communist Spain during the Spanish Civil War to the list of "coincidences" as well.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion explains why you hear all this gibberish about rights of whatever group and then it ends up actually translating to trying to eradicate religion

"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes..." (Protocols of Zion, 6)

and what is the actual agenda behind the fake agenda of serving the working class/women/brown people/whoever?

"it is indespensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear of minds out of the GOYIM the very principle of Godhead and the spirit"

-also the Protocols, Protocols 4

once you read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and understand it, the connection between the dots is understood....

you say

"we are fighting for *insert whatever group here*"

you gain power on that basis (because people are stupid and gullible) and also being funded by Jews

and then it just coincidentally happens to end up being a smokescreen for an attack on religion

the elimination of marriage and family is a particularly powerful way of fighting to eliminate religion.....

religion (except marequires that sex is within marriage (except in the case of those whom your right hand possesses)

so you see, you might agree with Islam intellectually all you want and you might even pray salah five times every day

however, you're a guy and you have desires...... you have a bunch of immoral women who have been told that being a is liberation..... and in many cases it's super insanely difficult for you to get married now..... so I mean you can follow Islam and be abstinent and full of desire...... or you can have your sexual desires fulfilled but you just have to turn away from your religion.... and it's the same with Christians..... and this on a mass scale, yes it's a part of an anti-religious agenda......

E Michael Jones wrote a whole book about this and I recommend it


no one has to take my word for it.... just read Libido Dominandi.... it's well-documented... you breakdown marriage and family and it does a lot to breakdown religion

Jewish Revolutionary Spirit is good too (except for I think one line where I think he kind of expresses disdain towards Islam but I think it's literally just part of one line and is kind of subtle anyways- it's not really more overt, more like a hint)

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It's deeper than capitalism.

It's not really about economics.

The Quran tells us

Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze.

-Surah Fatir 35:6

The real aim of the Dajjal system or the New World Order or whatever you call it.... is not to oppress the workers or to make a bunch of money.

I mean obviously, the people at the top I'm sure are interested in money and all that....

but the ultimate aim of feminism and of the NWO agenda....

is to lead human beings into hell.

If you look at the 60's/70's feminist theory....

who is a "liberated woman"?

“A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after”

-Gloria Steinem (who btw is a Jewess)

so what's the real aim? liberation of women. what does that mean? Sex before marriage.

Marx advocated for the elimination of the family. Plato did the same thing in The Republic.

Feminists are pawns in a larger agenda they don't understand. They're not exactly innocent, though. To be a "liberated" woman, she has to rebel against religion.

So it is indeed part of an anti-religious agenda.

It's a very similar formula as with the French Jacobins or with the "Russian" Bolsheviks.

The Jacobins preached "liberty, fraternity, equality.

What did that translate to? Killing the French priests and trying to destroy religion in France.

The Bolsheviks preached a bunch of gibberish about "the workers". What did that translate to? Killing the Russian priests and trying to destroy religion in Russia.

Mao Zedong preached a bunch of gibberish about the proletariat. What did that translate to? The cultural revolution- trying to destroy religion in China. Now they're even putting Muslims in concentration camps.

If we say these are all coincidences, I would like to mention that we need to add Mexico under Plutarco Calles and Communist Spain during the Spanish Civil War to the list of "coincidences" as well.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion explains why you hear all this gibberish about rights of whatever group and then it ends up actually translating to trying to eradicate religion

"In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes..." (Protocols of Zion, 6)

and what is the actual agenda behind the fake agenda of serving the working class/women/brown people/whoever?

"it is indespensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear of minds out of the GOYIM the very principle of Godhead and the spirit"

-also the Protocols, Protocols 4

once you read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and understand it, the connection between the dots is understood....

you say

"we are fighting for *insert whatever group here*"

you gain power on that basis (because people are stupid and gullible) and also being funded by Jews

and then it just coincidentally happens to end up being a smokescreen for an attack on religion

the elimination of marriage and family is a particularly powerful way of fighting to eliminate religion.....

religion requires that sex is within marriage (except in the case of those whom your right hand possesses)

so you see, you might agree with Islam intellectually all you want and you might even pray salah five times every day

however, you're a guy and you have desires...... you have a bunch of immoral women who have been told that being a is liberation..... and in many cases it's super insanely difficult for you to get married now..... so I mean you can follow Islam and be abstinent and full of desire...... or you can have your sexual desires fulfilled but you just have to turn away from your religion.... and it's the same with Christians..... and this on a mass scale, yes it's a part of an anti-religious agenda......

E Michael Jones wrote a whole book about this and I recommend it


no one has to take my word for it.... just read Libido Dominandi.... it's well-documented... you breakdown marriage and family and it does a lot to breakdown religion

You're the textbook definition of an extremist.

Omar del Sur

You're the textbook definition of an extremist.

I guess the textbook definition of an extremist is pretty mild then. I'm definitely a conspiracy theorist but I don't think being a conspiracy theorist and being ISIS is the same thing.

Anyways, I want to recommend this book


the author is an extreme Jewish Communist and he advocates for what I suppose could be called "sexual Communism"..... or what people call "cultural Marxism".....

I mean he basically gives a blueprint for it here and you can see him openly saying the same stuff I've been saying, just from a different point of view


"You are your best thing"
This reminds me whenever we travel my hubby tries to help old couples and women with their luggage. I hope we come across this lady one day so she can put an end to his helping nature, I told him many times the only person you should be breaking your back for is me :noneck:
No. Women's rights come from Allah, our Creator.

@Omar del Sur


He never nominated one as his emissary aka prophet, doesn’t allow them to become an Imam even if she’s the smartest and best educated person, made their testimony to two of them equivalent to one man and justified all of the above that it’s due to their “defective intelligence”, while men were promised 4 wives and an abundance of female slaves to shag against their wishes, while men were promised 73 houris in “heaven”, add insult to injury, Hadiths stated the majority of women are hell-dwellers. For what?
Is that what you consider ‘Women’s Rights’? They’re fighting that kind of ‘evil’ mindset and may the powers that be make them winners. Amen.

Omar del Sur

@AussieHustler you either are a hasbara troll or just act like one

and you're anti-Islam plus an uncle tom..... I'm not interested in what you have to say....

I already know you're out to attack me because

1- I'm a Muslim and I'm not a super liberal type who cares about white people's approval

2- I name the Jew.

Nevertheless, I intend to continue redpilling people on the Jews and how they control the media, Hollywood, etc.

@Omar del Sur


He never nominated one as his emissary aka prophet, doesn’t allow them to become an Imam even if she’s the smartest and best educated person, made their testimony of two of them for the equivalent of one man and justified on Hadiths because of their “defective intelligence” in the seventh century, while men were promised 4 wives and an abundance numbers of female slaves to shag with them, 73 houris and to add insult to injury, Hadiths stated the majority of women are hell-dwellers.
Is that what you consider ‘Women’s Rights’? They’re fighting that kind of ‘evil’ mindset and may the powers that be make them winners. Amen.

Aussie, what happened? I thought you were an atheist. Have you converted to Christianity? You switch up quick.

Omar del Sur

@Omar del Sur


He never nominated one as his emissary aka prophet, doesn’t allow them to become an Imam even if she’s the smartest and best educated person, made their testimony of two of them for the equivalent of one man and justified on Hadiths because of their “defective intelligence” in the seventh century, while men were promised 4 wives and an abundance numbers of female slaves to shag with them, 73 houris and to add insult to injury, Hadiths stated the majority of women are hell-dwellers.
Is that what you consider ‘Women’s Rights’? They’re fighting that kind of ‘evil’ mindset and may the powers that be make them winners. Amen.

wow that's pretty disgusting. all the people who end up aligned with you should really reconsider their choices, given that you're an Islam-hater. you are just begging to burn in hell.

shaytaan is really having fun with you. what a satanic post.
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This whole Hadith exists and yall wanna day islam is feminist because women get mehr (which is due to sexism anyway) Imagine being an Arab woman in the 7th century tryna celebrate Eid and burning in the hot desert sun and the prophet tells this shit unprovoked
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wow that's pretty disgusting. all the people who end up aligned with you should really reconsider their choices, given that you're an Islam-hater. you are just begging to burn in hell.

shaytaan is really having fun with you. what a satanic post.

Omar why do you go straight to getting personal? And emotional arguments?

He made some points, why don’t you use reason and evidence to counteract them? You would make your points more convincing to your audience.

When it comes to supplications and curses, I revert back to the Pascal Wager principles. You know it might be accepted. Check Omar’s post of wishing me to join the guys, I gave him a heart. Why? I’m one of the few crazy Somali guys ditching all that male privilege bestowed upon us by religion. I’m fuming why the boss will misguide me, can’t he find another bloke?