Faarax from UK moves to Hargeisa and says hes never going back

Internet Nomad

Life is Hargaisa if you have money is probably better than being working class in the weat.

There js leas competition to get rich in somalia and you can build your self a latge house which would cost millions to build in the west.
Why build another mans dream? In the west while you understand that your parents worked like slvs just to put food in the table. All you need now is education and laptop. The Internet is in all large Somali cities. Don't waste you life by building another mans country. For instance once your parents leave you a house in America your taxes on that property the average American house is 600k your tax at 40%. Now is that house yours or not ?
Honestly I don't know why Reer US doesn't build their own homes, an acre of land in maine or new mexico is about 600 dollars.
1 acre = 4000sqm
THAT is alot of land/value for only 600 dollars.

Before anyone says building a home is hard, it isn't.

Simple buy alot of brick/stone, determine the dimensions of the house, use ropes and sticks to label dimensions, then under that rope place brick/stone and "weld" in a way together with mud. Now you have stable roots for your walls.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
What is it with muslim men & pretending like they have the same problems as cadan western men ? 😂 ”cooking food for ur wifes boyfriend” huh
If you stay in the gynocentric west with rape and divorce laws stacked against you as a man you are bound to get cucked it’s practically inevitable I hope you are a woman because no grown man should be uttering this foolishness .

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Honestly I don't know why Reer US doesn't build their own homes, an acre of land in maine or new mexico is about 600 dollars.
1 acre = 4000sqm
THAT is alot of land/value for only 600 dollars.

Before anyone says building a home is hard, it isn't.

Simple buy alot of brick/stone, determine the dimensions of the house, use ropes and sticks to label dimensions, then under that rope place brick/stone and "weld" in a way together with mud. Now you have stable roots for your walls.
New Mexico is practically Somalia inside America that place has no economic opportunity better off building a house in Tennessee where it’s cheap and there is no income tax so you keep more of what you earn

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Never get married.
Not a long term plan for most men especially if you want kids you will have to figure it out somehow just know that most women have been brainwashed by western feminism and believe late term abortion and putting a man accused of rape but no convicted is a good idea .
If you stay in the gynocentric west with rape and divorce laws stacked against you as a man you are bound to get cucked it’s practically inevitable I hope you are a woman because no grown man should be uttering this foolishness .
‘Gynocentric’, ‘rape & divorce laws stacked against you’ ‘you’re bound to get cucked’ 💀 alot of somalis don’t get married legally in the west nor does the average somali even have assets to protect incase of a divorce lol

like the typical low iq incel that you are you have to make up grievances to feel justified in your little victim complex
Honestly I don't know why Reer US doesn't build their own homes, an acre of land in maine or new mexico is about 600 dollars.
1 acre = 4000sqm
THAT is alot of land/value for only 600 dollars.

Before anyone says building a home is hard, it isn't.

Simple buy alot of brick/stone, determine the dimensions of the house, use ropes and sticks to label dimensions, then under that rope place brick/stone and "weld" in a way together with mud. Now you have stable roots for your walls.
Sxb we have too many regulation that will get in the way and also each state home building rules are different. not a lot of Somalis are in construction due us not liking to do manual labor.
Not a long term plan for most men especially if you want kids you will have to figure it out somehow just know that most women have been brainwashed by western feminism and believe late term abortion and putting a man accused of rape but no convicted is a good idea .

Muslimcels are pretending female adultery, late stage abortion, fake rap3 allegations and ‘divorce rap3’ are common amongst muslim women 😂

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
‘Gynocentric’, ‘rape & divorce laws stacked against you’ ‘you’re bound to get cucked’ 💀 alot of somalis don’t get married legally in the west nor does the average somali even have assets to protect incase of a divorce lol

like the typical low iq incel that you are you have to make up grievances to feel justified in your little victim complex
I’m 35 and speak merely about the situation in America I observed and I’m not talking about fobs who just came I’m talking about western born Somali men but of course you will spew feminist propaganda .

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Muslimcels are pretending female adultery, late stage abortion, fake rap3 allegations and ‘divorce rap3’ are common amongst muslim women 😂
The way you referred to muslim men suggests that you are an atheist ?

These things are common among all western born women stop playing dumb once you go to public school the indoctrination is forced down your throat

The only exception I would make is for somali women who went to Dhquan Celis in Africa who were exposed to the reality of the world and not the western make believe fantasy

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
35 and unmarried? Nvm keep consuming redpill nonsense, i’m afraid ur too far gone
I’m married and I'm not “redpill” I believe in common since only reason i did not turn out like you is because of my two years in Kenya during the mid 2000s which saved me from western gynocentric propaganda

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Sxb we have too many regulation that will get in the way and also each state home building rules are different. not a lot of Somalis are in construction due us not liking to do manual labor.
What state do you live in because if you live in a democrat one your living in a economic sinkhole that squeezes the average worker through taxes and makes near impossible to start a business with all the red tap

I understand what your talking about I am originally from California where home prices are the highest in the nation even the New York Times admitted liberals are terrible at managing the economy

What state do you live in because if you live in a democrat one your living in a economic sinkhole that squeezes the average worker through taxes and makes near impossible to start a business with all the red tap

I understand what your talking about I am originally from California where home prices are the highest in the nation even the New York Times admitted liberals are terrible at managing the economy

Im in Republican state. I like it here


Plotting world domination
Nigga said “stuck” in the west. Bros promoting his dusty tuulo like it’s a first world nation. “I didn’t really have time to take my kids to the park in the uk” kulaha😂 nigga just outsourcing his failures

The best schools are all in the west too. Seems pretty neglectful to not give your children the best opportunities in life.


Plotting world domination
Imagine leaving the uk for Somalia the down grade is crazy at least go to a developed Muslim country like Oman

Moving back home only seems worth it if your childfree or retired.

Forcing your kids to go to school back home instead of in the west is fucked up :mjkkk: .

Bro just admitted to being broke too ngl @Ashraf he couldn't afford to live a middle class lifestyle in the UK so he moved back home.

