So the average uber driver makes 120k year10k a month is 120k a year here you go

Due to the low barrier of entry , AN extreme amount of time wouod be needed for this. Thus it would be detrimental to your health and thus your livelihood. The average Uber driver makes less than 1k a week.
they don't make more then all taxi drivers and, how do they have higher prospects? they can't move up much, taxi drivers can become owner operators and grow there business to millions(seen it happen before from a Sikhi friend), also in what way are nurses seen as societly higher? there basically seen as maids for doctors and get no respect
Taxi drivers cannot become owners without buying the license plate which costs up to a million dollars.
Taxi drivers aren buisness owners , if they went to open a buisness that would be in spite of being a taxi driver not because of it.
Nurses are treated with much more respect due to their academic background and career prospects.
Uber drivers on average make minimum wage also.