Faaraxs who lift

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Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
All the ones are listed are orals, will slightly suppress testosterone and easy on the liver. Easy to obtain, easy to cycle and easy to recover from. This is usually the best starting point, low dose and see how it effects you, if you don't like AAS than just simply stop. With injectables, it takes like 2-3 weeks for some popular esters to leave the system.
So what would you recommend out of the ones you mention and at what dosage and for how long. What is the step by step process of doing it.
So what would you recommend out of the ones you mention and at what dosage and for how long. What is the step by step process of doing it.
Never ask which one I should take. Choose a goal you have in mind and pick the anabolic that suits your goal; the less androgenic the better. Dbol will give you size and strength, Anavar will give you unbelievable strength, lean size and get your ripped but unfortunately is heavily faked unless you live in a country where steroids are legal or you have the Pharmaceutical version and finally Tbol is a modified version of Dbol less mass but same strength gains and safer on the liver.

Take the dosage at once or spilt it up occurring to its half-life; difference marginal. And best with food as well,

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Never ask which one I should take. Choose a goal you have in mind and pick the anabolic that suits your goal; the less androgenic the better. Dbol will give you size and strength, Anavar will give you unbelievable strength, lean size and get your ripped but unfortunately is heavily faked unless you live in a country where steroids are legal or you have the Pharmaceutical version and finally Tbol is a modified version of Dbol less mass but same strength gains and safer on the liver.

Take the dosage at once or spilt it up occurring to its half-life; difference marginal. And best with food as well,
Drop comes in pill form right? What about pct don't someone need that after a cycle?
Drop comes in pill form right? What about pct don't someone need that after a cycle?
Drop? Did you mean Dbol, if so yes.

With these orals, no, they suppress your natural production ever so slightly, like 20-30% and naturally you will rebound quickly. It is when you take heavy androgen at heavy doses like test, deca, tren, anadrol, sdrol and son you will need to PCT.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Drop? Did you mean Dbol, if so yes.

With these orals, no, they suppress your natural production ever so slightly, like 20-30% and naturally you will rebound quickly. It is when you take heavy androgen at heavy doses like test, deca, tren, anadrol, sdrol and son you will need to PCT.
So if someone is running a cycle dbol oral. Would they need to add anything tothe cycle or running dbol alone is fine?
Steriods have side effects, brahs.

U can increase ur test with good sleep, high fat diet and adding minerals like zinc

Obviously, but the human body has limits. On your best week, you will produce 70mg of Testosterone, which is potent. But you have old men on TRT running 150-250mg of Test, which puts them 2-4x as a natural male in HIS PRIME. Also the standard dosage for steroid user is 300-600mg Test a WEEK nearly 10x the natural limit or Deca at 400-600mg a week, which is a drug THATS MORE anabolic than testosterone itself.
So if someone is running a cycle dbol oral. Would they need to add anything tothe cycle or running dbol alone is fine?
A steroid has two components an anabolic side to it aka growth and androgenic side to it aka male sexual characteristics. Dbol or Methandrostenolone, has a greater anabolic rating than testosterone and also has a lower androgenic than testosterone. Once you introduce a horomone into your system, it replaces the function of testosterone, so you don’t need anything else or a test base as the Dbol or other hormone plays the role of testosterone.

There was a study done on guys, running 100mg of Dbol for weeks on end, and Dbol did was suppress their level by 30%. And here I am suggesting a mere 30mg of Dbol a week to test the waters. Also best to START lean as possible as you will get the most out of the steroid. I suggest 8-12% BF.


Death Awaits You
Drop? Did you mean Dbol, if so yes.

With these orals, no, they suppress your natural production ever so slightly, like 20-30% and naturally you will rebound quickly. It is when you take heavy androgen at heavy doses like test, deca, tren, anadrol, sdrol and son you will need to PCT.
All anabolic steroids will suppress natural testosterone production very badly. Pct is a must on every cycle. It is also very common to lose most of your gains during pct. Gucci mane has to do plenty of research before he can put his hands on any steroids.


Death Awaits You
So what would you recommend out of the ones you mention and at what dosage and for how long. What is the step by step process of doing it.
There is a great board for people who take steroids. You will learn many things from this board which I am a member. You have to do tons of research about cycling gear if you are set to be using steroids. This is no joke. Visit this board https://thinksteroids.com/community/ and register. You'll get plenty of help from experience users, even doctors.
All anabolic steroids will suppress natural testosterone production very badly. Pct is a must on every cycle. It is also very common to lose most of your gains during pct. Gucci mane has to do plenty of research before he can put his hands on any steroids.
"In a study done in the early 80’s, a very high dose of Dbol (100mgs/day for 6 weeks) decreased plasma testosterone to about 40% of it’s normal value, plasma GH went up about a third, LH dropped to about 80% of it’s original value, and FSH went down about a third"

Disagree, some steroids suppress more than others; studies have shown this time and time again. Dbol 30mg will hardly any substantial effect on serum testosterone levels. Same applies to Var, Tbol and Winstrol at reasonable dosages.

Now heavy androgens like Deca, Test, Tren, Sdrol will suppress your production, but that's dose depended. And shutdown isn't even a thing, there's suppression but shutdown isn't a thing. Steroids were once thought to be the key to male birth control pill but scientist quickly realised sperm production nearly always occur even in the face of androgen usage, the quality and quantity is lowered but it's always there.

PCT isn't a MUST but it's somewhathelpful. PCT are more dangerous than the steroids themselves, Nolva effects liver and heart and improper usage of clomid can mess up your vision. PCT is poison in my eyes. Either blast and cruise, you just hop off and allow body to return to homoeostasis. Arnold, Nubret, Frank Zane, Mike Mizters and others before PCT become a thing, run grams of gear yet all fathered numerous children and lived past 70,

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Disagree, some steroids suppress more than others; studies have shown this time and time again. Dbol 30mg will hardly any substantial effect on serum testosterone levels. Same applies to Var, Tbol and Winstrol at reasonable dosages.

Now heavy androgens like Deca, Test, Tren, Sdrol will suppress your production, but that's dose depended. And shutdown isn't even a thing, there's suppression but shutdown isn't a thing. Steroids were once thought to be the key to male birth control pill but scientist quickly realised sperm production nearly always occur even in the face of androgen usage, the quality and quantity is lowered but it's always there.

PCT isn't a MUST but it's somewhathelpful. PCT are more dangerous than the steroids themselves, Nolva effects liver and heart and improper usage of clomid can mess up your vision. PCT is poison in my eyes. Either blast and cruise, you just hop off and allow body to return to homoeostasis. Arnold, Nubret, Frank Zane, Mike Mizters and others before PCT become a thing, run grams of gear yet all fathered numerous children and lived past 70,
What about to prevent gyno?


Death Awaits You
Disagree, some steroids suppress more than others; studies have shown this time and time again. Dbol 30mg will hardly any substantial effect on serum testosterone levels. Same applies to Var, Tbol and Winstrol at reasonable dosages.

Now heavy androgens like Deca, Test, Tren, Sdrol will suppress your production, but that's dose depended. And shutdown isn't even a thing, there's suppression but shutdown isn't a thing. Steroids were once thought to be the key to male birth control pill but scientist quickly realised sperm production nearly always occur even in the face of androgen usage, the quality and quantity is lowered but it's always there.

PCT isn't a MUST but it's somewhathelpful. PCT are more dangerous than the steroids themselves, Nolva effects liver and heart and improper usage of clomid can mess up your vision. PCT is poison in my eyes. Either blast and cruise, you just hop off and allow body to return to homoeostasis. Arnold, Nubret, Frank Zane, Mike Mizters and others before PCT become a thing, run grams of gear yet all fathered numerous children and lived past 70,
Yes some steroids suppress more than other. The thing is that it takes some time for natural testosterone production to kick back in. It's very easy to lose gains after you come off and you also run the risk of having depression. There are 100,000 members on meso rx who are experienced users. You might wanna visit that board. We all help each other daily. How long have you been running gear if you don't mind me asking bro ?


Death Awaits You
What about to prevent gyno?
Like I said, there tons of research you have to do. Register at meso rx and be a lurker for a some time while doing your research. You can't just get straight answer. We are dealing with hormones that can have a negative effect if you don't know what you're doing.
What about to prevent gyno?
There’s a lot of ways. The simplest way is to start lean as possible and ensure your natural estrogen is low before jump on. Remove environment xenoestrogens, use Zinc Picolinate as natural AI and watch water and fat gain; if you gain an ounce of fat on AAS, you are doing it completely wrong and go back to the drawing board. I'm not a fan of AI hence why I'm more pro Deca than Test. And fan of Deca only cycles like the 50-80s Bodybuilders. More mass less androgenic effects,

Pick non-aromatizing compound like Anavar or Tbol or compound which aromatizing slightly like Deca and Masteron.

Gyno isn't always caused by estrogen alone, usually ratio between androgens/estrogen and sometimes caused by prolactin.

Just start lean as possible,
Yes some steroids suppress more than other. The thing is that it takes some time for natural testosterone production to kick back in. It's very easy to lose gains after you come off and you also run the risk of having depression. There are 100,000 members on meso rx who are experienced users. You might wanna visit that board. We all help each other daily. How long have you been running gear if you don't mind me asking bro ?
The average steroid user online looks like garbage, usually bloated 30-50 year old man giving terrible advice, telling people wait to 25 and other ludicrous advice and many are running low dosed gear and sometimes getting mixed up compounds. I'm not impressed with them at all.


Death Awaits You
The average steroid user online looks like garbage, usually bloated 30-50 year old man giving terrible advice, telling people wait to 25 and other ludicrous advice and many are running low dosed gear and sometimes getting mixed up compounds. I'm not impressed with them at all.
Most Steroids boards are bullshit as they are a source board. Meso rx is a special one. Some of the best competitors are members and many guys who have plenty of experience under their belt. Also it is not a source board. You won't be disappointed I'm telling bro. Do you blast and cruise ?


I honestly can't tell wallahi. I would have to see him fully (no homo) and how his form is lifting weights. Then i can tell if hes on roids or not.

Going to the gym its really easy spot them out.
This thread so sus everyone gotta say no homo ten times :drakelaugh:
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If I'm not too tired out from the weeks work, I have about 3 sessions per week. It's all powerlifting for me, I'm not into cutting, I'm not after a six pack to show the girls. I want to eat what i want, when i want, and to be able to lift as much weight as i can.


I've got a calol under that shirt though lol.
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