Fadeexadi shiirki turkiga.

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good relations with ethiopia is benefial to somalia on the long run,i see no problem in hawiye establishing strategic partnership with our friend ethiopia.


Blood times are changing you need to get with barnaamijka. Ethiopia is changing, this guy's regime is falling. Somalis need to form an alliance with Oromo and Reer Ogadenia. They're going to run Ethiopia in due time. Secondly you need to quit the embarrassing qabiil stuff. It has no purpose but to polarize Somalis and create dysfunction. Qabiil should be a private matter between families and not a political tool. Qabyalad in siyaasadda is why small clans are backing Al Shabaab and its why the country has only moved backwards from 1991 to only a couple of years ago and us the reason why change has been so slow moving.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
This is the man for whom the Somali parliament impeached an honorable PM namely Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed.
Somalis are causing themselves this by supporting Ethiopian agents over trustworthy men like Abdiweli Sheikh.


Bored to death
What is a nationalist in your own words?
Someone who is loyal to his nation. I think it's pretty safe to say (from you answering a question with a question) what you believe in so there's no need to masquerade with this wadani image.


Bored to death
Blood times are changing you need to get with barnaamijka. Ethiopia is changing, this guy's regime is falling. Somalis need to form an alliance with Oromo and Reer Ogadenia. They're going to run Ethiopia in due time. Secondly you need to quit the embarrassing qabiil stuff. It has no purpose but to polarize Somalis and create dysfunction. Qabiil should be a private matter between families and not a political tool. Qabyalad in siyaasadda is why small clans are backing Al Shabaab and its why the country has only moved backwards from 1991 to only a couple of years ago and us the reason why change has been so slow moving.
This isn't Game of Thrones. You can't just form alliances with whole ethnic nations that are themselves divided up in thousands of groups. Somalis have nothing to offer to Oromo, not a single iota. And FYI, it has already been attempted by Siad Barre who failed miserably then too. Ethiopia is too complex for it to merely collapse, centuries of internal strife and civil uprisings have kept it together and now that they are elevating their population's living standards you would be hard pressed to find any sane individual who would throw it all away for trivial things like nationalism.


Do I respond to the tone or the arguments?

I didn't say Ethiopia would fall. You're experiencing word vomit and reading difficulties.


Bored to death
Do I respond to the tone or the arguments?

I didn't say Ethiopia would fall. You're experiencing word vomit and reading difficulties.

Blood times are changing you need to get with barnaamijka. Ethiopia is changing, this guy's regime is falling. Somalis need to form an alliance with Oromo and Reer Ogadenia. They're going to run Ethiopia in due time. Secondly you need to quit the embarrassing qabiil stuff. It has no purpose but to polarize Somalis and create dysfunction. Qabiil should be a private matter between families and not a political tool. Qabyalad in siyaasadda is why small clans are backing Al Shabaab and its why the country has only moved backwards from 1991 to only a couple of years ago and us the reason why change has been so slow moving.

It's like RISK, the board game for you isn't it. :drakelaugh:


You're a buffoon if you can't tell the difference between a regime and A COUNTRY. Haha! You lose the game!
Mashallah Gabre's got things under control, Pimp Gabre slapping Faaraxs in their own conference what a sight to see.

I fully support the Tigrenization of Somalia.


Bored to death
You're a buffoon if you can't tell the difference between a regime and A COUNTRY. Haha! You lose the game!
After a regime/government falls, the country as is ceases to exist. So yeah, the fall of the Ethiopian government is the fall of the country. You want to us to think of Ethiopia as a piece of chess with moving figures and alliances to be made on the spot. Somali Republic failed at this, as did Siad Barre in the lead up to the war. :camby:


You're talking to yourself, nothing you write is related to what I'm writing.
Countries can demand a regime change and remain intact. Ethiopia is easy. They have federalism in place, the whole country will not disintegrate if these guys leave power because the country devolved power on paper decades ago. This government are the ones who are guilty of unconstitutional actions, they can be replaced with people who follow existing Ethiopian federal law. It's no longer the cold war era where countries could just fall apart because the leadership changes or was unpopular.


Bored to death
You're talking to yourself, nothing you write is related to what I'm writing.
Countries can demand a regime change and remain intact. Ethiopia is easy. They have federalism in place, the whole country will not disintegrate if these guys leave power because the country devolved power on paper decades ago. This government are the ones who are guilty of unconstitutional actions, they can be replaced with people who follow existing Ethiopian federal law. It's no longer the cold war era where countries could just fall apart because the leadership changes or was unpopular.

Ethiopia is easy. I say to you, good day.:2tjlv3e:
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