Fahima Yusuf "The secessionist continuously kill those who oppose them in Las Anod


سلطنة مجرتين
Harti have failed and not attempted to unite all the different dhullo clans and factions, if united dhullo would be the powerhouse of Waqooyiga.

Harti put efforts with Warsans uniting and look how different the political landscape is there, the same efforts must be prioritized which Dhullos, don't call if they become Khatumo or PL as long as they are united.
The secessionist cannot kill anyone. They fund drug addicted mercenaries to kill their brethrens for money. There is a video from Mohamed Siyaad Baare AUN where he mentions the poor man is lowly, as people will use him as they see fit.

Afweyne said that while using Dhulbahante clan militias against Isaaq?

Good thing Bahararsame restrained themselves in 80s instead of full yhrottle supporting Afweybe and now JS wised up by working with Isaaq on mutual interests instead of waiting for another Afweyne to use them
Afweyne said that while using Dhulbahante clan militias against Isaaq?

Good thing Bahararsame restrained themselves in 80s instead of full yhrottle supporting Afweybe and now JS wised up by working with Isaaq on mutual interests instead of waiting for another Afweyne to use them
Bahararsame have always had beef with MJ over grazing land so their anti Puntland position makes sense. JS are divided, those in diaspora are against Somaliland. Actually all dhulo diaspora are against Somaliland. JS back home were influenced by ina Garaad Ismaaciil and others
what central leader does somalia have exactly? The whole country is in shambles, every little thuulo has a leader who’s corrupt as mutherfucka. Walaal iska amus.

I said a clan not a country. for example mjs have deni :)yloezpe:) the abgaal have sharif sheikh and the others the ogaden have dhuxul the habar gidir have qoorqoor or the xawaadle have waare or godax barre y’all niggas got who? ali khalif who is cucked by hargeisa?? I will respect dhulbahante once they free themselves from jeegaanta
I said a clan not a country. for example mjs have deni :)yloezpe:) the abgaal have sharif sheikh and the others the ogaden have dhuxul the habar gidir have qoorqoor or the xawaadle have waare or godax barre y’all niggas got who? ali khalif who is cucked by hargeisa?? I will respect dhulbahante once they free themselves from jeegaanta

That shows the incompetence of Somalis, how is every qabil going to have it’s own leader? Once Somalis have one leader then maybe they will start to gain more respect from the international world.
That shows the incompetence of Somalis, how is every qabil going to have it’s own leader? Once Somalis have one leader then maybe they will start to gain more respect from the international world.

I understand your point but mine still stands i hope to see a free SSC one day


Free AhmedSmelly Bliis iyo Bliis
I fail to understand where the entitlement from boths sides are coming from. What has your state done for them? This seems to be a battle of ego and a quest to conquer the most land. While the pleas of the people are being ignored.

I support a warsengeli & Dhulbahante state. May Allah grant them prosperity.


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