Far-right tweet goes viral

Their the ones who first went to other continents. They genocided native Americans, forcefully converted the south Americans. Colonized and exploited Africa and Asia and are now crying when they have descendants of those they exploited in their countries. Europeans have no one but themselves to blame. They were the ones who were forcing globalization down people's throat one hundred years ago.

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
This grifter claims to be pro-Palestine 🤣 yet she's happy the Greek coastguards killed innocent immigrants trying to reach Greece. By the way, she's half Greek.

Where are these people's morals? You can be anti-immigrant without being morally bankrupt.

I wonder how they feel about Al-Andalus and Emirate of Sicily, they were Muslim society flourishing in the European heartland.

Hardly a tale of barbaric Muslims coming to destroy European culture and people, but added to the cultures growth and prosperity and in which they owe a lot to.

The idea of emphasizing Judeo-Christian heritage over Islam in Europe is AHistorical and imaginary

Let’s be a bit more honest about what a ‘European identity’ looks like​

Discomfort at acknowledging Islam as a part of Europe is also true in the Continent’s southeast, where the Ottomans ruled for centuries. Hungarian baths, Serbian burek, Mostar Bridge — all European heritage — owe their existence to Islamic medicine, culinary traditions and architecture. And ignoring that history does a disservice to historical truth, as well as to millions of Muslim Europeans made to feel like they don’t really belong.

Before Muslims came they literally wore wooden pattened shoes to lift themselves above the excrement filled streets, and they rarely bathed or washed themselves. No sanitation or hygiene really, wore wigs to hide lice and the effects of syphilis and this continued until the 17th century.

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Before Muslims came they literally wore wooden pattened shoes to lift themselves above the excrement filled streets, and they rarely bathed or washed themselves. No sanitation or hygiene really, wore wigs to hide lice and the effects of syphilis and this continued until the 17th century.

They are proto pajeets


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