Faraax troll manages to piss of cadaan weebs


Ride The Lightning
Isn’t this just the Japanese government taking action to discourage creepshotting?

Easy algo boost if you say “Japan” and “shutter sounds” in the same tweet it looks like.


Ride The Lightning
Literally everyone from WigNats to suburban black nerds to feminists love it.
They do this out of some belief that if they were in Japan they’d be accepted as normies, usually from people that are outcasted in some way. A lot of these people are usually autistic.

reality is that Japanese are conformist to the point of suffocation. the otaku culture was only picked up and adopted cause their outcasts could spend their time honing value added skills to a thriving Japanese economy, could only happen in a specific period of time.

If you don’t add something to the collective masses you are still shut out and can end up as a hikkikomori shut in. Japanese are more cruel to their outcasts than the west. It’s the ultimate NPC robot society but a lot of people want to be that I guess

other than that normies like Japan out of orientalism, Japan was exceptional because they were the only non white country that could have a country on par with white. That isn’t the case anymore but it’s legacy sticks. The government also promotes it to prevent a similar fascination with the geopolitical rival China, Indians will also boost the f*ck out of it for both of these reasons and they pretty much decide where the normie algorithm goes due to their numbers

