Farah's marrying Ajnabi

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This interracial fetish is a bit concerning.

Nah bro. At end of the day people will make their own decision and should be respected. Whats more concering is why this thread was made in the first place. It was to show that somali men also marry outside their communities and it happens but somali women are more represented in marrying out and many seem to have deep selfesteem issues. But its none of my business.
At the end of the day it's about personal choice. You want an interracial spouse, go for it. You want someone from your ethnic background, go for it.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
to big gus and protag, yeah you can love whoever you want, but if your affection is like a biproduct of self-hate or an inferiority complex than that's sad


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
The faraxs were promoting their culture at their wedding tho and made their new wives wear the guntiino. That is at least commendable. :obama:

Cambuulo Tonight

Poultry in motion
The future of somali race lies in spreading our seeds accross the world whilst keeping our women in check.

A man marries out, it's a victory:rejoice:

A woman marries out, its's a loss:ohlord:
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