Farax pulls famous chick

Famous for what now?

uk shitshow called love island, where social media influencers go on some dating show to become millionares over the summer. i dont know why we give them so much clout, the show is literally the no.1 show during the summer.
i honestly think he can do way better, she looks transgender and way too botched with countless surgeries. if youre gonna date out at least date up, somali guys always go for sub-par females smh even when they themselves are good looking; . shes muslim so this might be long term still
uk shitshow called love island, where social media influencers go on some dating show to become millionares over the summer. i dont know why we give them so much clout, the show is literally the no.1 show during the summer.

I can't see the entertainment value in it. I never seriously watched it, but even Big Brother was a much better concept. Love Island is rubbish, but is watched is so popular it leaks into some other European countries.
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