Farax secures himself a dime piece, dhega cas burning inside


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
Abdis getting married on the 2020s seem to not care about their heritage anymore. Is it a gen z thing? The few recent wedding I've been to or recently wed couple I've met are dating out
It’s usually common amongst misogynistic Eastern men who think they own their women but get excited when they get with Ajnabi women. I see this with Arab men as well. They’ll cry when their women marries a Somali or other groups but get excited over white women and even fetishize them. Somali men are just as bad if not worse now. At least the older generation of men who shamed Somali women for marrying out actually had a disdain for ajnabi and wouldn’t put them on a pedestal. But now these mentally ill ones call Somali women ***** and a disgrace for marrying whilst out salivating about other groups of women they perceive as attractive like Arab women. Pakistani men do this as well.

I totally feel for Somali, Arab and Pakistani women. The incels in our communities and their inferiority complex needs to be studied.
I’ve seen a lot of white men too, that Somali guy who was dating white Swedish girl comment section was crazy. Kept calling her a mudshark

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
That’s a different comparison. Those men are straight up KKK members or sympathizers. What % of civilized cadaans are like this? These lot are the type to try and lynch a madow and are of an extreme architype. Look when it comes to racism no one can out do cadaans, but my point is about regular men who are mate guarding and jealous not about fringe men who hate all madows, the men and women.

That’s the thing, if you’ve been raised in the West, then you have been programmed to see every Cadaan man by default as ‘normal’ while the many, many perpetrators that come from their demographic are neatly categorised under vague terms and classifications that shift the blame and accountability. Yet all of the black men that were and are lynched / murdered by what are actually white collar / blue collar, church going white family-men (i.e normal) are never classified as such. No they are KKK, white supremacists, while at same time an individual like Trump was voted in by that same normal White America and there is currently a renaissance of racism on X because Elon put the bat-signal in the sky.

Imagine a Somalia with a strong government and with a universal policy of tolerance to other religions, cultures and ethnicities, and with a thriving first world economy. The average Somali male would have to adhere to the rules of society that dictate that he can’t mate-guard or engage in what is now termed by law as hate crimes, but do you seriously believe that Somali men therefore would no longer harbour the same sentiments as earlier generations, when in-fact all that has happened is that they can no longer express it openly? Now replace Somali men with White men, and you’ll understand why places like Stormfront, 4Chan and Twitter have hundreds of millions of users that can finally express what was suppressed by their societies for decades.
Wallahi it’s a case by case basis but I understand your point some whites in major international cities will make less of fuss publicly about it
You lot misunderstood to some next level. My whole point was about public mainstream impressions of mixed relationships. They’ve done poles throughout the years and I think now the acceptance rate is well above 70%. I don’t know how a lot of cadaans feel about it in the comfort of their homes but in terms of public life there is a veneer of acceptance that you’ll find than most Eastern societies. Imagine we did a pole back home about their views of mixed marriages and Somali women with their mixed kids? They’re still debating about if those kids can be given citizenship.
The last time the Brits debated this was in the 1940s. We are 80 yrs behind, hence its insane that you lot misinterpreted these basic facts as me white worshipping. You should know how long I’ve been on this forum that I’m simply not the type.
That’s the thing, if you’ve been raised in the West, then you have been programmed to see every Cadaan man by default as ‘normal’ while the many, many perpetrators that come from their demographic are neatly categorised under vague terms and classifications that shift the blame and accountability. Yet all of the black men that were and are lynched / murdered by what are actually white collar / blue collar, church going white family-men (i.e normal) are never classified as such. No they are KKK, white supremacists, while at same an individual like Trump was voted in by that same normal White America and there is currently a renaissance of racism on X because Elon put the bat-signal in the sky.

Imagine a Somalia with a strong government and with a universal policy of tolerance to other religions, cultures and ethnicities, and with a thriving first world economy. The average Somali male would have to adhere to the rules of society that dictate that he can’t mate-guard or engage in what is now termed by law as hate crimes, but do you seriously believe that Somali men therefore would no longer harbour the same sentiments as earlier generations, when in-fact all that has happened is that they can no longer express it openly? Now replace Somali men with White men, and you’ll understand why places like Stormfront, 4Chan and Twitter have hundreds of millions of users that can finally express what was suppressed by their societies for decades.
With all due respect, Somalis in parliament are debating about whether mixed kids are to be given citizenship. The last time this was debated in the West was like in the 1940s.

By law and mainstream public society they’re a lot more progressive. No one in Major European countries denies the citizenship and the rights of mixed kids or even white mothers of mixed kids whilst Somalis even go as far as contemplating if these mothers should have their own Somali passports confiscated. I don’t know why you lot will deny this simple fact? This isn’t about who is more racist, you’ve missed the point entirely and I’ll explain in detail.

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These people are weird, every time they see an interacial marriage it has to be posted. Do you guys really never go out or what?
Was this really thread-worthy?

Does this deserve attention?

Its platinum thread worthy. Its a good, even great day to be a faarax. Dont ruin this. 3 pages and counting we got some straightening to do. In this day and age where young people struggle to find a partner, its highly relevant.
These people are weird, every time they see an interacial marriage it has to be posted. Do you guys really never go out or what?
Ana carab detected, this case got many angles, which I will break down soon.
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Translate the hate comments. Most of us aren't fluent in IKEA language, saaxib.

Those are nice comments in general except for the top comment that says if he can have her anyone can have her:dead:
They are counting on our silence, and even comments like this. HUGE understatement right there, theres waay more vile, jelous and pathetic comments. Cmon dude dont be this deluded, unless they deleted some comments in the meantime I’ll hold you accountable for major under exaggeration.

@dojacat If I would have to translate every one and print screen for receipts it would take hours, just take my word for it.

First comment is literally «Guys if he pulled this, we all can🙏🏽» typical NPC tiktok comment.

LIKE THIS FAARAX IS ANYONE. This brotha looks like he is a senior analyst, a senior insert whatever in a big consulting firm. A senior engineer even at that. I find it funny when folks on the internett are trying to undermine him as if they know him. Bet you a 100$ he is highly educated at least!

Im not gonna stop there, not even nearly. This faarax said fukk all the internett mombo jambo, fukk twitter, fukk hollywood and fukk the yahoods, brotha said i operate in the real world and pulled a got damn rabbit out of the hat. Bro pulled queen fukkin sheba, and its so hilarious how much they are crying in the comments sorting to all kinds of derogatory words. Just lookin at his aura I am damn sure he is a top academic, top of his class it doesnt even matter what field he in.

another comment saying «haram 3leyk» 😂😂

It just goes to show what Ive always preached, game trumps all doesnt matter what background, ethnicity or whatever its how you carry your self.

edit: another comment «why are all the girls with black guys now adays». whats the term, It’s over? Wee idin dhamatay.

Not mention worthy really but arabs and kurds are having a go at each other in the comments trying not to claim here, like she’s a god damn hot potato😂😂 This farax ended them just by his presence alone
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Staff Member
He eating good. Dont hate the player hate the game. Congrats to the newly weds

Happy Lets Go GIF by NHL


Its platinum thread worthy. Its a good, even great day to be a faarax. Dont ruin this. 3 pages and counting we got some straightening to do. In this day and age where young people struggle to find a partner, its highly relevant.

Ana carab detected, this case got many angles, which I will break down soon.
"Great day to be a faraax!"

Is this you?
LIKE THIS FAARAX IS ANYONE. This brotha looks like he is a senior analyst, a senior insert whatever in a big consulting firm. A senior engineer even at that. I find it funny when folks on the internett are trying to undermine him as if they know him. Bet you a 100$ he is highly educated at least!

This is what I was thinking. He clearly makes a lot of money. Arab women's mahr, gifts and wedding is extremely expensive, they're known for it. So he's definitely not a "regular" Faarax. He's from the same socio-economic bracket as her which matters just as much, sometimes more, than race to some people.