Farax secures himself a dime piece, dhega cas burning inside

This is what I was thinking. He clearly makes a lot of money. Arab women's mahr, gifts and wedding is extremely expensive, they're known for it. So he's definitely not a "regular" Faarax. He's from the same socio-economic bracket as her which matters just as much, sometimes more, than race to some people.
She’s tatted up. She’s clearly not from a conservative or cultural family. Ethnic background matters a lot of Arabs but not if the family are culturally lax.
She’s tatted up. She’s clearly not from a conservative or cultural family. Ethnic background matters a lot of Arabs but not if the family are culturally lax.

A lot of middle class Arab families in the West are somewhat assimilated. They tend to still be cultural/value their roots but are lax on a lot of stuff, especially where religion is concerned. They still set the mahr high and have a lot of requests where marriage is concerned.
Pinky what makes this even more hilarious too me is the fact that it's mostly just average looking Farahs that are marrying out.

This nigga even pulled a chick out of his league too :mjkkk:.
I heard the faraxs in Sweden are going left and right on pretty ajnabi girls
It’s usually common amongst misogynistic Eastern men who think they own their women but get excited when they get with Ajnabi women. I see this with Arab men as well. They’ll cry when their women marries a Somali or other groups but get excited over white women and even fetishize them. Somali men are just as bad if not worse now. At least the older generation of men who shamed Somali women for marrying out actually had a disdain for ajnabi and wouldn’t put them on a pedestal. But now these mentally ill ones call Somali women ***** and a disgrace for marrying whilst out salivating about other groups of women they perceive as attractive like Arab women. Pakistani men do this as well.

I totally feel for Somali, Arab and Pakistani women. The incels in our communities and their inferiority complex needs to be studied.
Its just jobless mentally unstable men who do that,no self respecting man with a job and a life ahead has time to leave hateful comments on the internet.
I think we should stick with each other,we are already a minority with a small population in the west
Abdis getting married on the 2020s seem to not care about their heritage anymore. Is it a gen z thing? The few recent wedding I've been to or recently wed couple I've met are dating out
Ajanabis are so insecure when their women go for Somali men. They really view Somali men as bottom of barrel and think how can they bag this ethnicity etc. Incels hasn't done yall any justice.
And Somali guys take it out us. These guys feel inferiority to Somali men's masculinity. In some ways they dickride them too. Thus Ryssian solider put the Somali flag on his battalion (he died rip) and it was honoring the Pirates for taking on ships. These men in the West are insecure for being feminine so they hate. Call Somali men what u want but they aren't punks (especially the ones in Somalia).

I seen them having a meltdown over ajnabi women going for Somali men and that includes Black men too. Why do u think they have manosphere. No matter how much money a man makes women want masculine men. These guys are fem in the West. I don't claim Somalis guys who act like them in the West. Just like I dint claim Mali girls who imitate black women either.

I love my geeljires and Somali women who are still Somali. I also noticed Arab and Asian men hate too but Somali men don't call them out. Arab men don't have a lot of pull because everyone knows they treat their own women like dogs. It's their own fault.

Mashallah to this brother. She is stunning and I wish them a happy marriage inshallah. And they both look happy. Mashallah again my Allah protect them from the evil eye from all the weirdos who don't have a life.

And I love how light and gorgeous she is. She will piss off the colorist brigade. Allah made her light and beautiful mashallah. Seethe. Ahahshaha
Cadaan dudes have entire hate pages dedicated to tracking white women who get with black men. Somali incels can never reach their level if they tried. :mjlol:
Facts and they act worse than Black women. Also white women are so spoiled they have a meltdown.

Too many ppl believe the dating world is a hierarchy and need to believe it to feel better. It's aa mirage. Go out there and get whatever you want.
That’s incredibly niche and it’s usually the 4Chan types. They’re not mainstream and aren’t on major social media sites nor does anyone care in the real world. Only the most mentally ill of their men do this. Yet with Somalis you have weirdo mainstream fobs who aren’t even technically Incels like that Jiheye odey who has 200,000 followers who literally spends his time talking about videos of Somali women with ajnabis.
You still going strong and karbashing these Faraxs 🤣🤣🤣

My impression of that jiheye oday is he's extremely bored with his truck driving job :mjlol:
It wasn't always like that. Outsiders would usually gravitate to Somalis because of their openness paticularly for the lack of " mate guarding". I don't think we can underestimate the damage done by the xenophobia and racism these antagonists have faced.
Uhhh we are one of the most insular people. Half the time ppl are marrying their own cousins now to avoid ajnabis and other tribes. What do you mean? A lot of us have to branch out. Let's keep it 100.

One good thing about some white women is they no longer are allowing men of other races to fetishize them. Good for them. It's dehumanizing. A person entire life is not there for you to use as a trophy and stunt on other ppl. It's sick and reeks of insecurity. I seen Asian men having meltdowns over not being about to SLEEP with white women.

I think the whole incel community was created by mentally ill ppl who are so obsessed with white women. A lot of it is about White women. I blame and the media. It's sad really the amount of white women put in human trafficking picked up from poorer white areas. And I know other women are victims too but my point is the biggest commodity is white women. And we know it's the poor ones they get.

I think white women are the least mate guarded and least protected. I would put black women in the West up there too. Asian women are the 2nd most fetished.

Arab women don't have to worry as much about other races since they can't see them or afraid to touch them since they are treated as property and their societies are crazy. They don't need more abuse their own society got it down pact. Sad.

I'm sure this groom will be less sexist too. Good for her.
It’s usually common amongst misogynistic Eastern men who think they own their women but get excited when they get with Ajnabi women. I see this with Arab men as well. They’ll cry when their women marries a Somali or other groups but get excited over white women and even fetishize them. Somali men are just as bad if not worse now. At least the older generation of men who shamed Somali women for marrying out actually had a disdain for ajnabi and wouldn’t put them on a pedestal. But now these mentally ill ones call Somali women ***** and a disgrace for marrying whilst out salivating about other groups of women they perceive as attractive like Arab women. Pakistani men do this as well.

I totally feel for Somali, Arab and Pakistani women. The incels in our communities and their inferiority complex needs to be studied.
This is something every community of men do. Men don't like their women marrying others, that's natural.
And Somali guys take it out us. These guys feel inferiority to Somali men's masculinity. In some ways they dickride them too. Thus Ryssian solider put the Somali flag on his battalion (he died rip) and it was honoring the Pirates for taking on ships. These men in the West are insecure for being feminine so they hate. Call Somali men what u want but they aren't punks (especially the ones in Somalia).

I seen them having a meltdown over ajnabi women going for Somali men and that includes Black men too. Why do u think they have manosphere. No matter how much money a man makes women want masculine men. These guys are fem in the West. I don't claim Somalis guys who act like them in the West. Just like I dint claim Mali girls who imitate black women either.

I love my geeljires and Somali women who are still Somali. I also noticed Arab and Asian men hate too but Somali men don't call them out. Arab men don't have a lot of pull because everyone knows they treat their own women like dogs. It's their own fault.

Mashallah to this brother. She is stunning and I wish them a happy marriage inshallah. And they both look happy. Mashallah again my Allah protect them from the evil eye from all the weirdos who don't have a life.

And I love how light and gorgeous she is. She will piss off the colorist brigade. Allah made her light and beautiful mashallah. Seethe. Ahahshaha
They can’t say all this to our face,they know they’ll get smoked,I grew up with Shia lebanese guys this guys are the most pathetic weak feminine men I’ve ever seen they act tough when we ain’t around them but we make sure we put them on their place
That’s a different comparison. Those men are straight up KKK members or sympathizers. What % of civilized cadaans are like this? These lot are the type to try and lynch a madow and are of an extreme architype. Look when it comes to racism no one can out do cadaans, but my point is about regular men who are mate guarding and jealous not about fringe men who hate all madows, the men and women.
Every time an example of whites doing mate guarding in a racist is brought up u explain it away, ''it's only 4chaners'', ''it's only twitter and Musk allowing anything to be said on there''. Can't the same hold true for Somalis? Can't Jiheye be an outlier just as Nick Fuentes is an outlier for whites?

Also whites who are in interracial relationships seem to be mostly the bottom ones, the ones who are middle class or good looking go for other white people. But the moment a good looking white woman gets with a black guy just check the comments!
Every time an example of whites doing mate guarding in a racist is brought up u explain it away, ''it's only 4chaners'', ''it's only twitter and Musk allowing anything to be said on there''. Can't the same hold true for Somalis? Can't Jiheye be an outlier just as Nick Fuentes is an outlier for whites?

Also whites who are in interracial relationships seem to be mostly the bottom ones, the ones who are middle class or good looking go for other white people. But the moment a good looking white woman gets with a black guy just check the comments!
And notice they make it seem like Black women lost. They were never set out to win and yes they intimidate white becauss life is hard for them don't treat people hard and then expect them to be as soft as a flower.

Black women are seen as undesirable, rude, aggressive and have to fight against all these stereotypes. America truly hates. Everyone knows White women are seen as the beauty standard so of course Black women will end up losing to White women in dating. But what is White men's excuse??? 🤔 Since they are seen as powerful and the best why then are they losing women to Black men? Shouldn't it be more embarrassing for them compared to Black women???

Black women weren't degraded when White men had access to them. The most IR dating was them not Black men. Ever since the dating world because less rigged and natural it seems like Black men can compete with them. Now all of a sudden when they can't have access to Black women they get upset.

The White race is dying because their men don't marry out outside of Asians. Everyone knows that men are the ones who can make babies that's what drives most wars. Makes no sense to be that powerful and still not be able to impregnante women. They are afraid of the other races of men. Somali men don't have much to offer in the West and yet they can pull girls without an empire backing them or the media.
They can’t say all this to our face,they know they’ll get smoked,I grew up with Shia lebanese guys this guys are the most pathetic weak feminine men I’ve ever seen they act tough when we ain’t around them but we make sure we put them on their place
True I give it up to Somali men because they have it good since they have us Somali women guarded lol it's just plain acting greedy. They are going to Somalia or in some cases marrying other races but want us to be on reserves lmao. f*ck outta here. That's why they attack us when we do marry out. It's not right.

You want Somali women to die in the reserves of dating. They brag about having the West Somali girls in the reserves and having access to the ones in Somalia plus other races. No way is this fair. The other generation will have it easier since the ones in the West won't speak Somali and that will eliminate the Somali born reserves at least.

Look at Ilhan who they bash yet they leave out all her kids being Somali. Did she have kids for that Jewish mam? No. So what the point? She still furthered the Somali lineage. AOC, Talib, Haley all of them are with white men and will have white babies. Leave our Auntie alone. She's a real one.

Other men which they had it like Somali guys. Asian men are rich and can't control their women. Imagine knowing you can be so educated and rich and still be discriminated by your own women. White men did this to them. Because rich white men don't struggle it just sucks for the ones with no many because they don't have masculinity to offer. Why do I think they worship Eminiem?

Lastly, this whole manosphere and discussions on simping confuse me. It should only br poor white men and Asian men who need. Since when have non-western Black men and Whitern ever been simps?

If there is a simp medication I think Somali need a small dose because this is crazy. When have they ever been simps??? It's like a rock acting like it needs to get harder lmao why??? Stop this shit guys. I'm serious it's starting to piss me off.
My bad Talib got rid of her husband when she got in. Which is right on time.

Lol look at Ilhan btw. Her ex married a younger woman who is educated. She posted them on instragram. And he has a job in Somalia. Where is the loss?? Btw Adeer got married 30 days after lmao. Where is the loss. His bride looks younger too and he will have kids with her hahah. The Jewish dude took Ls he's a damn trophy husband and its white women who did this. His ex was the breadwinner and funded his life. He is like a woman.

Like I said why are Somali guys complaining? Spoiled. It's Somali women who have always taken Ls not the men:


Somali guys never lose man. Compare him Meghan Markles ex who she used and was married to for 10 years. Imagine his L and now she married a prince and got knocked up in 1 year lol. 😳 Dude is rich too. I believe men of all classes can be cucks. I think the rich ones might be more cucks.

Atleast Adeer Elon is setting a good example and has 3 exes and 12 kids. That's what rich men supposed to do not what Harry William are doing. This shit is dumb. Harry married a garob and only has 2 kids. If I was a rich man I would go the Elon and Cannon route. Why not give a woman a chance to have kids. He had kids with Grimes who is adorable and not stuck up. Not the usual hot model (he went through that phase too lmao). Sorry I'm a fan.
Every time an example of whites doing mate guarding in a racist is brought up u explain it away, ''it's only 4chaners'', ''it's only twitter and Musk allowing anything to be said on there''. Can't the same hold true for Somalis? Can't Jiheye be an outlier just as Nick Fuentes is an outlier for whites?

Also whites who are in interracial relationships seem to be mostly the bottom ones, the ones who are middle class or good looking go for other white people. But the moment a good looking white woman gets with a black guy just check the comments!
No because of by law Somalis don’t allow mixed kids with Somali mum’s a passport. This is enshrined in LAW! You’re missing the picture here. I don’t care if white people are more secretly racist. But by law and societal customs they’re way ahead.