Farax secures himself a dime piece, dhega cas burning inside

This is something every community of men do. Men don't like their women marrying others, that's natural.
Thats not an excuse. Such hypocrisy simply isn’t acceptable and women don’t have to stand for it. It’s misogyny. You think men thinking they own women is natural.
I don’t care.


Plotting world domination
You still going strong and karbashing these Faraxs 🤣🤣🤣

My impression of that jiheye oday is he's extremely bored with his truck driving job :mjlol:

Stumbling upon jiheye was an eye opening experience. Bro must have a cursed tiktok timeline since all he reacts too is interracial bs. He seems like the type to also interact with a lot of red pill bs

No hate to fobs but being a truck driver for a living just seems like a cursed way to live. That career could radicalize you since your on the road alone for 40+ hours a week. Plus not every truck driver makes a good income.

Someone needs to convince these guys to abandon trucks and start completing some 2 year medical or trade programs.
This is the South Asian/Arab playbook by the way. I’ve been knowing this for a while. They’ll accept Somali sisters (they won’t really be happy but it’s their son they want to baby him) but as soon as a Somali dude wants their daughters hand all hell breaks loose.

The difference between Somali incels and this lot are that they’ll accept white reverts any day of the week (they’re cucks), but will reject a Somali (most practicing Muslim ethnicity) based on “cultural differences”. Somali incels hate anyone who isn’t Somali.

Ana Arab niggas come see this 👆🏾
Not gonna lie, this makes me hard to accept the one ummah thing. How can I have love for people who hate my kind, and those who look like me? All because Allah made us a different shade/ethnicty? It’s really hard to accept that. I’ve seen Afghan men hate Somalis for marrying “ their” women, Arabs, Pakistani etc (rarely see the likes of Indonesian get mad) and it’s Muslims who show us this hate. Crazy ma peeps. I used to be someone who really thought of every Muslim as a brother/sister but when you get to my age and know of all this hate and disgust they have for their fellow Muslim, I can’t just turn the other cheek and still believe they are also my family in faith.
Thats not an excuse. Such hypocrisy simply isn’t acceptable and women don’t have to stand for it. It’s misogyny. You think men thinking they own women is natural.
I don’t care.
Dosen't matter what u think or if u label it misogyn, men do own and dominate women in reality. The safe society u live in is only safe because men allow it to be safe and built it, it's just an illusion of saftey that u have, a woman can only be safe by the permission of God and then men!
No because of by law Somalis don’t allow mixed kids with Somali mum’s a passport. This is enshrined in LAW! You’re missing the picture here. I don’t care if white people are more secretly racist. But by law and societal customs they’re way ahead.
That's irrelevant, question is if they mate guard less or not or if they display same behaviour that u accuses somalis and easterners of and that u deem so bad!
Dosen't matter what u think or if u label it misogyn, men do own and dominate women in reality.
So you think you own random Somali women? Whats next we can r-word you and abuse you? You sound abusive Walahi.
The safe society u live in is only safe because men allow it to be safe and built it, it's just an illusion of saftey that u have, a woman can only be safe by the permission of God and then men!
Let’s add to it? Men also use to r-word, kill abuse and force women with 0 laws sometimes. I mean men can do anything right? At one point female babies were also buried as it was the custom. With that train of thought you can justify every abuse under the sun when it comes to women. We should just be lucky we’re breathing and be grateful. Get out of here with your evil God-complex

Also, just to give you a history lesson, You men yourself weren’t safe from each other so don’t come to me with that nonsense.

In the past men not only dominated women but they also dominated working class men which are the majority. If I live in an illusion, do you do you. Every freedom you have, such as the right to education and laws that make you equal to rich men is a modern concept. In fact it’s liberalism. The idea of all men are equal. It’s a modern phenomenon. You didn’t have that. You were just as oppressed. So remember that before you come rambling with nonsense.

That’s the issue with modern men. They don’t understand history. And guess what? In this day and age women don’t have to which is why weirdo men like that complain on the internet but don’t have the guts to move mad in real life.
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So you think you own random Somali women? Whats next we can r-word you and abuse you? You sound abusive Walahi.

Let’s add to it? Men also use to r-word, kill abuse and force women with 0 laws sometimes. I mean men can do anything right? At one point female babies were also buried as it was the custom. With that train of thought you can justify every abuse under the sun when it comes to women. We should just be lucky we’re breathing and be grateful. Get out of here with your evil God-complex

Also, just to give you a history lesson, You men yourself weren’t safe from each other so don’t come to me with that nonsense.

In the past men not only dominated women but they also dominated working class men which are the majority. If I live in an illusion, do you do you. Every freedom you have, such as the right to education and laws that make you equal to rich men is a modern concept. In fact it’s liberalism. The idea of all men are equal. It’s a modern phenomenon. You didn’t have that. You were just as oppressed. So remember that before you come rambling with nonsense.

That’s the issue with modern men. They don’t understand history. And guess what? In this day and age women don’t have to which is why weirdo men like that complain on the internet but don’t have the guts to move mad in real life.
This is the reality deal with it. U just proved my point with the ''history'' bit and liberalism, still men that brought that. Men hold your safety in their hands, a weak man is still better off than a woman, a man of lower status can by his own means establish himself while a woman is mostly safe in relation to a another man protecting her!

No amount of rambling will change this, this is nature.
This is the reality deal with it. U just proved my point with the ''history'' bit and liberalism, still men that brought that. Men hold your safety in their hands, a weak man is still better off than a woman, a man of lower status can by his own means establish himself while a woman is mostly safe in relation to a another man protecting her!

No amount of rambling will change this, this is nature.
Not really, since men also brutalized weak men and turned them into slaves, peasants and serfs. You’d also be expected to fight in pointless wars and most of you lot won’t even be able to father children.
Upward mobility in the past was incredibly difficult. Again you’re talking from a modern lens. You’re clearly someone that has 0 understanding of history LOL. The fact that we have more incredibly more female ancestors than male ancestors should tell you that much 😂😂

If I’m brutalized as a woman so are millions of men, only difference is that I understand this whilst modern men lie to themselves and think that if they lived in the past they’d be rich Lords. No, you’d be another man’s b1tch. You’d be working his land and so would your poor wife 😂

We live in a liberal world and the same new found rights I have, so do you. In fact if I was a rich woman in the past I’d probably have more rights than a poor men. For starters I’d be more educated ect.

The difference between you and me is that I’m not delusional. if it’s nature for me to be mistreated then it’s also nature for poor men to be mistreated as well. You’d be under a man’s mercy like I am. That is life.

But guess what, we don’t live in those times? So what are you talking about? Whats your point?
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Not really, since men also brutilised weak men and turned them into slaves, peasants and serfs. You’d also be expected to fight in pointless wars and most of you lot won’t even be able to father children.
Upward mobility in the past was incredibly difficult. Again you’re talking from a modern lens. You’re clearly someone that has 0 understanding of history LOL.

If I’m brutalized as a woman so are millions of men, only difference is that I understand this whilst modern men lie to themselves and think that if they lived in the past they’d be rich Lords. No, you’d be an other man’s b1tch.

We live in a liberal world and the same new found rights I have, so do you. In fact if I was a rich woman in the past probably would have more rights in the past than poor men. For starters I’d be more educated ect.

The difference between you and me is that I’m not delusional.

If it’s nature for me to be mistreated then it’s also nature for poor men to be mistreated as well. You’d be under a man’s mercy like I am. That is life.

But guess what, we don’t live in those times? So what are you talking about? Whats your point?
U are very good at strawmanning when u don't have any counter arguments, im comapring the 2 sexes, nowhere did I say all men are equal and would be on the same level!

Men as a group had the upperhand over women. Rich men had the upper hand overall but poor men were still above poor women. And without the saftey of the powerful rich man even the rich women would be at the mercy of poor men.

Even your bad argument about rich women falls flat because rich women were just rich in relation to men, either the father or husband.
U are very good at strawmanning when u don't have any counter arguments, im comapring the 2 sexes, nowhere did I say all men are equal and would be on the same level!
No, because you’re trying to come from a place in which all men are equal. You’re trying to put yourself in the position of the 1%. The world was organized by rich men whilst the labor of the poor were used.
Men as a group had the upperhand over women. Rich men had the upper hand overall but poor men were still above poor women. And without the saftey of the powerful rich man even the rich women would be at the mercy of poor men.
Like I said? You can’t group men. Simply because the same way women were brutalized so were men. A poor man was just as much of man’s b1tch than any woman. In fact a rich woman would have an upper hand.

LOL are you mad? In a world in which rich women had male slaves??? Go read a history book?

Women are physically weaker than men, but if you’re using brute strength as a measure of power how is it in history we have cases of powerfully built men being ordered about by older and physically weak men?

Even your bad argument about rich women falls flat because rich women were just rich in relation to men, either the father or husband.
Again it’s the top 1% of men and guess what? They gave those women more rights than peasant men like you who were the majority.

Your whole point was, men gave women ‘rights’. My point is they also gave you average men ‘rights’ as well. It’s a simple concept.


A bit of history. My point is valid. Even when we look at the history of feminism, what influenced it is the history of liberalism. The idea of all men being equal. The French had a revolution based on the equality of man. In the late 1700s, upper class European women started to dwell on equality and started to believe in Equal rights for women as well. Their thinking was if men can fight for equality, why can’t women?