In western circles it is hidden. You're telling that if became news on international news stations the EU group on Somalia wouldn't at the minimum make a statement on it?How is hidden under the rug when it is widely circulated rumor? It fails the hidden part.
Further it won't change anything. He'll highlight as a character attack on him by his political rivals and when it comes from SL or Puntland it would be viewed as such.
Allegation alone don't change foreign policy, actually prove is needed, and if you haven't noticed Somali politics has never been top story on EU, even this election was at the bottom page, with Trump remarks at the top. Also it is not on the mind of the EU, which has brexit and French and German election coming up.
You really don't understand the beaucratic nature of the EU do you? You think it is another of these slack-tvism sites you work your magic on?
No institution, no matter how big it is wants to be mentioned in the same sentence as a rapist. Even it is just an allegation. Plenty of heads of European orgs had to resign due to rape allegations. They take it very seriously.
Relax no one is going to touch your beloved Mr Cheese anyway. If the Europeans won't give him money then the Arabs will.