Farmaajo reaches Garowe and apologises to Reer Puntland

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I am actually wrong to say Federalism is a Darod interest, it's really a somali interest, it keeps the playin field even at sub-clan level so negiotations can prosper and not dominance and power hunger. I am not saying hawiye are stronger then darod, but what i am saying is if they unite as one tribe they will run over darod who are separated due to distance as subclans. If darod were in the same area, that would be different story but I focus on reality. War waan arkay sxb 91 wuxu keenay, im sure it wont be different today if it occurs once more and federalism ensures it cant HAPPEN.

I am saying hawiye has a key-advantage that darod doesn't and they have used that advantage before and we saw that result. It doesn't mean their stronger, it just means they identified a weakness in us and we have with them to keep them in a similar break-down into sub-clans like PL/JL is. If hawiye is broken down into sub-clans like PL/JL are, there is no issue then, the playin field is even and we know no1 can win at that level anyways, we see the proof for 27 years now and were gonna keep it that way.

To many emotions on SPOT and I do it but only for 'shits n giggles', I know I do just to play aroun not when it's serious political talk which seems that need to be had with this man who has written a filthy manifesto in the past!!!
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Seeker of knowledge and truth
Doc chill we ain't going back to 91 even if we did why are you so shook you act as if Hawiye is some sort of superpower what are you on bro:chrisfreshhah:


This is standard for anyone that visits reer bermuda, even those that have been extensively insulted prior (PM saacid e.g), they got the women to flock to the streets to chant "wiilka quruxda badnaa" (this after months of shameless public insults he is an enemy to darood interest that shocked everyone etc).

This is nothing more then emotional black mail, classic carrot/stick approach to make one feel that his destiny/interest lies here, this worked on everyone except HSM who is the old school reer mudug guy that can't be fooled, the same tactic was used against him in Bosaaso, the women flocked to him bursting out in eloquent baraanbur, it didn't work, neither did the sixir, nor did he change at all, in fact he rebuked the leaders in public with their one-man vote BS by asking them to implement this in their region first.

However if you are a unaware buffoon you would think because of the grand welcome you received which in present times is better then what you receive anywhere else in Somalia because it's all pre-planned charade done for political and manipulative reasons, along with all the gifts & cute ladies & habro's ululating for you in melodial personalised prepared baraanbur

You will begin to subconsciously belief that these are the best most wadani people in Somalia with the best leaders who should be followed at all cost. This is a form of magic itself.

Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar:
Two men came from the East and addressed the people who wondered at their eloquent speeches On that Allah's Messenger (ο·Ί) said. Some eloquent speech is as effective as magic.'

When this fails, they switch to real magic that was imported by the Oromo's originally, many rich odayaal's in the major cities in Puntland have their businesses run by Oromo, I was told several stories of such cases were those man when asked blamed oromo "sixir"

During colonial times, the best looking young girls were presented to the colonial officers to win favours by reer bermuda, like I have said before, the lack of warrior spirit is compensated with mastery at these types of things and those traits are shared by their offspring's, they wouldn't have survived otherwise.

I think, I love this beautiful man. #FULLHOMO


This is standard for anyone that visits reer bermuda, even those that have been extensively insulted prior (PM saacid e.g), they got the women to flock to the streets to chant "wiilka quruxda badnaa" (this after months of shameless public insults he is an enemy to darood interest that shocked everyone etc).

This is nothing more then classic carrot/stick approach to make one feel that his destiny/interest lies here, this worked on everyone except HSM who is the old school reer mudug guy that can't be fooled, the same tactic was used against him in Bosaaso, the women flocked to him bursting out in eloquent baraanbur, it didn't work, neither did the sixir, nor did he change at all, in fact he rebuked the leaders in public with their one-man vote BS by asking them to implement this in their region first.

However if you are a unaware buffoon you would think because of the grand welcome you received which in present times is better then what you receive anywhere else in Somalia because it's all pre-planned charade done for political and manipulative reasons, along with all the gifts & cute ladies & habro's ululating for you in melodial personalised prepared baraanbur

You will begin to subconsciously belief that these are the best most wadani people in Somalia with the best leaders who should be followed at all cost. This is a form of magic itself.

Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar:
Two men came from the East and addressed the people who wondered at their eloquent speeches On that Allah's Messenger (ο·Ί) said. Some eloquent speech is as effective as magic.'

When this fails, they switch to real magic that was imported by the Oromo's originally, many rich odayaal's in the major cities in Puntland have their businesses run by Oromo, I was told several stories of such cases were those man when asked blamed oromo "sixir"

During colonial times, the best looking young girls were presented to the colonial officers to win favours by reer bermuda, like I have said before, the lack of warrior spirit is compensated with mastery at these types of things and those traits are shared by their offspring's, they wouldn't have survived otherwise.

War waxan ma 'ciqaab' bay ka tahay? anigu waxan ka ordaya more then 3 paragraphs, i dont wanna send ppl to sleep


War waxan ma 'ciqaab' bay ka tahay? anigu waxan ka ordaya more then 3 paragraphs, i dont wanna send ppl to sleep

It's true bro, they say the answer to everything is usually 'simplicity' if it gets complex or never ending their is a problem. U know like a baby starts simple then complex, same with anything in life be it plants, animals, universe, etc. It all has simple beginnings, not complex ones. Complexity comes after alot of time goes by as u see with a baby!!! I hence try to ensure my message is simple. Taking cues from nature itself


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
You know damn well that Farmaajo needs PL more than PL needs him, specially under the current situation wherein he is being sabotaged by certain communities. Farmaajo can make Gaas' job more difficult, however Gaas can destroy Farmaajo by simply pulling out. That's the difference
Communities? ahaha
Gaas could pull out but where did that get SL, stuck in a nation hell-bent on killing each other, hell would freeze over before the MJ leadership would side with Gaas' decision. You are stuck with Somalia till judgment day's horn rings. That's the reality.

Also im not even sure why you even bring any of this up in the first place.


It's true bro, they say the answer to everything is usually 'simplicity' if it gets complex or never ending their is a problem. U know like a baby starts simple then complex, same with anything in life be it plants, animals, universe, etc. It all has simple beginnings, not complex ones. Complexity comes after alot of time goes by as u see with a baby!!! I hence try to ensure my message is simple. Taking cues from nature itself

Warya, why you talking to yourself?


Communities? ahaha
Gaas could pull out but where did that get SL, stuck in a nation hell-bent on killing each other, hell would freeze off before the MJ leadership would side with Gaas' decision. You are stuck with Somalia till judgment day's horn rings. That's the reality.

Also im not even sure why you even bring any of this up in the first place.

Well that can go both ways really. GM/HS can pull out and make it look a darod thing and the darod can pull PL/JL out and make it look like a hawiye thing. Legitmacy is both ways bro!!! honestly tit for tat shit doesn't get anywhere, there is no stronger tribe, we need to cooperate that's the truth.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
It's true bro, they say the answer to everything is usually 'simplicity' if it gets complex or never ending their is a problem. U know like a baby starts simple then complex, same with anything in life be it plants, animals, universe, etc. It all has simple beginnings, not complex ones. Complexity comes after alot of time goes by as u see with a baby!!! I hence try to ensure my message is simple. Taking cues from nature itself


This makes me proud to be a Puntlander. Keep it up guys, welcome all peace-loving somalis and show the karbash to the spoilers. Keep it secular mind over matter and throw out the jahiliyah shit of he is somali or muslim cuz if he laying bomb down for u, he aint no brother too u!!! only secularism can achieve that sort of thinking
puntland is not secular and we dont want to be buddy. im sorry.



Yeah a car just comes by itself according to you in it's complex state and not from simple parts added together u think things just drop from the sky in perfection yet you cant demonstrate anything in life that doesn't start small first..Its small to big sxb not BIG TO SMALL or BIG TO BIG. But ignorance has no cure except to troll along with them :)


You know damn well that Farmaajo needs PL more than PL needs him, specially under the current situation wherein he is being sabotaged by certain communities. Farmaajo can make Gaas' job more difficult, however Gaas can destroy Farmaajo by simply pulling out. That's the difference
The only thing Gaas can destroy is his next dinner.


Anyways Good welcome Puntland.:salute:
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