Farmaajo To Invite Alshabab If Elected President

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You haven't mentioned what an ideal way to tackle them would be, so what do you suggest sxb?

Very simple, HSM corruption was the main cause, soldiers and police that haven't been paid for months have no motivation to fight or protect, instead they will extort money from the public which they did, something that didn't happen under Shariif presidency, we held off building homes as a result it was getting worse every year.

Al-Shabab would come in and pay them, just to get them removed from a road so they can drive the truck bomb to it's destination of the parasite government that is usurping their money whom the soldiers hated with gusto anyway.

This is why in Islam people that spread corruption like this should have opposite sides of their limbs cut off, because the ramifications are massive, the whole social order collapses as well as economy if this is allowed to fester. some of the soldiers haven't been paid for 8 months.

If you solve this issue, 90% of the problems will disappear, the soldier getting paid will know he will be relieved from duties + the regular salary he uses to feed his family will be at risk, hence he will fight al-shabab tooth and nail to defend the government that is looking after him.

This approach will also dry up their recruitment vehicle which is high during periods of intense corruption. Why do you think the soldiers and police forces love him so much?

He did this basic thing in his 6 months and they fought with gusto to remove al-shabab from Mogadishu. You cannot sit down with dupes, might as well sit down with their Ethiopian/CIA masters.

But I have been told since that the account is bogus most likely, but all the tabloids picked up on the story and Farmaajo hasn't distanced himself yet. Maybe it was just a carrot stick approach to dry up their recruitment, only Allah knows, but I have full faith in him to rectify the issue.
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