Farmajo MUST Go

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He's clearly incompetent. he walks, and if anyone replacing him isn't better, they also walk until we find the right person.[/QUOTE]
Do cagdheer have a
in my opinion they are the 2 biggest idiots Mj and OG, they could have worked together years ago, they only started it now, imagine they could have tamed and ruled east Africa, I have heard MJ sees Ogaden as the great bear, deep down they see Ogaden as the type that if he gets a foundation, sits down on a land its very very hard to remove him, i have had Mj tell me they know fighting Ogaden is impossible in numbers, in strategy, they have seen what OG have done to DDS and Jubaland and NFD where they dominate, so they fear if they get the chance for xamar that is it because OG doesn't leave easily, he will make sure he dominates, this is what Mj has always feared, Mj doesn't fear MX, hawiye, 1door because he know he can handle them politically or militarily, but because OG is so dominate and no one can go to neighbouring kenya and Ethiopia to remove him, since OG i very influential, its a tactic for Mj to make sure they dont entice the great horn of africa somali bear to fall in love with the malab in xamar

another thing Mj deep down has always feared also with Ogaden is the greeter regional geo strategy, no one but Mj and OG are focused on this, the MJ knows if OG took over xamar government for even 1 term, the Og will use every resources in the somali state to invade Ethiopia and get back his land, because of the wider Geo strategic issues this will create, the Mj is very weary of supporting OG in xamar, deep down the Mj knows the OG will rebuild the army and the state for the entire sole purpose of taking back his lands,

also the Mj can easily be used by OG to arm twist hawiye and dir, the hawiye controls dir, the Mj controls hawiye, Mj know how to get something from abgal, they can sweet talk them, used the boggy man HG etc, the OG has never ever dealt with Hawiye to be honest, the MX is considered hawiye, the Mj knows how to control, divide and take advantage of hawiye inter conflict, OG can deal with non somali dir but hawiye and OG are alien to each other, even the Sayidka banned hawiye to do poetry/gabay after one of them insulted his horse, the Sayid also demanded eley speak af somali, the OG doesn't deal with central somalis because he doesn't know them very well, he considers them un-advanced, nor does he marry from them,

to prove my point

1) 1963 the MJ made a oromo dude the head of WSLF, immediately Ogaden created al-nusra and wslf was brought back when siad barre got in to power, the MJ did this to avoid OG dominance in somalia or the somali state, most people dont appreciate or understand this, only the MJ and OG do, this is a hidden cold war between them,

2) Mj was the one in early 1960s who created and spread the myth OG were ethiopians and not native to jubaland, again the cold war, MX run with it in the 90s to gain somalia, it did not work in the end but it suited Mj interest to make sure Og never thretens them in the somali state

3) Mj created bah harti, galjecel, cawrlmare, leelkase, etc were brought into kismayo so harti can stand a chance to compete against Mohamed zubeer/OG in jubaland, this has bitten harti in the ass, cawlrmare was told you are warsenglai, today they eat with the harti card and hawiye card, MJ created this bah harti alliance to get a chance to fight against OG - again most dont know this ecept these two who have been taking each other in a cold war

4) SSDF got their ass kicked, in the mid 1970s they were froced to escape from somalia, they went through the NFD from jubaland then through Ogaden region, despite at the risk of their own lives, they came to siad barre in the 1977 war, they told siad barre MX will be in massive danger, he asked why, they told him we saw at least several millions Ogadens through NFD and DDS, if you support their independence your state is doomed, said barre listened and its why he fucked up the soviet offer of peace talks and was told to stop at harar, SSDF Mj pushed him, most do not know, the Mj were being very strategic, they wanted to make sure the OG doesn't threatens them, to screw his chances for a free state,

this is a fact, the MJ has always thought of OG as a threat, the MJ doesn't fear any other somali except OG, the ones they really have to keep an eye is OG, becuase they dont have any control over OG,

the issues with OG is he is a brick wall, very hard to influence him, very self reliant, he doesn't need man power or strategic help, OG is basically racist as he doesnt deal with outside, he doesn't need help, or invite outsiders in poltics, he will dominate his lands,

look at DDS gov, they deal with ethiopia alone, so does ONLF, look at liyu, all the officers are OG, this is why the Mj fears the OG, he has very difficult time cracking in, gaining influence , Mj can sweet talk abgal tomorrow to attack HG, fact, Mj can call africa com to bomb Hg if they attack galkaciyo tomorrow, fact, but they cannot go to neighbouring nations or the west to deal with OG, OG blocks him in every move and military is out of the question, Mj cannot fight OG directly, this is why Mj is very weary,

with out lifting a finger, OG is changing the cold war between Mj and OG, the secret cold war, this is why Mj was the the first to send delegates to Godey with Jubaland, the first to send ONLF delegates from puntland in nairobi,

OG has played a smart game, very patient, this is another reason Mj is vert baffled, MJ takes advantages of weakness, like impatience, but OG is very patient, they created jubaland and invited MJ to eat, they pretended nothing has happened, Mj is scratching his head, they claim to be the king of darood, cabdi iley and ahmed madoobe send them the sultans and of Absame,

cabdullhi yusuf went to OG and Mj and aid marehan has 9 mps, give them MPs as they threatened to leave the darood camp and join hawiye, Mj gave 2 mps, OG gave 3 Mps,

OG gave harti all their rights and homes back, barre hiraale rape, looted, killed, the Mj is again baffled,

the Mj has came to realised the OG is the patient, persevering clan in east africa,

this si why only the MJ calls dds Ogadeniya whilst the rest hate calling it that, the man is a jinny, he is ahead of all yall, he knows the OG has the access to 100 million Market in Ethiopia and 50 million to kenya,

secretly, Mj admire a people who are cool, calm, collected, unemotional and supreme with geo Strategy , because that is what they are, the love it when they see themselves in others they are genuinely willing to say hey lets learn from these people,

act like a monkey and they will call Washington to send bombers on your roof, like they have done to certain groups,
Terri beta u keep repeating the same shit nobody fears ur occupied clan lol especially not mj
in my opinion they are the 2 biggest idiots Mj and OG, they could have worked together years ago, they only started it now, imagine they could have tamed and ruled east Africa, I have heard MJ sees Ogaden as the great bear, deep down they see Ogaden as the type that if he gets a foundation, sits down on a land its very very hard to remove him, i have had Mj tell me they know fighting Ogaden is impossible in numbers, in strategy, they have seen what OG have done to DDS and Jubaland and NFD where they dominate, so they fear if they get the chance for xamar that is it because OG doesn't leave easily, he will make sure he dominates, this is what Mj has always feared, Mj doesn't fear MX, hawiye, 1door because he know he can handle them politically or militarily, but because OG is so dominate and no one can go to neighbouring kenya and Ethiopia to remove him, since OG i very influential, its a tactic for Mj to make sure they dont entice the great horn of africa somali bear to fall in love with the malab in xamar

another thing Mj deep down has always feared also with Ogaden is the greeter regional geo strategy, no one but Mj and OG are focused on this, the MJ knows if OG took over xamar government for even 1 term, the Og will use every resources in the somali state to invade Ethiopia and get back his land, because of the wider Geo strategic issues this will create, the Mj is very weary of supporting OG in xamar, deep down the Mj knows the OG will rebuild the army and the state for the entire sole purpose of taking back his lands,

also the Mj can easily be used by OG to arm twist hawiye and dir, the hawiye controls dir, the Mj controls hawiye, Mj know how to get something from abgal, they can sweet talk them, used the boggy man HG etc, the OG has never ever dealt with Hawiye to be honest, the MX is considered hawiye, the Mj knows how to control, divide and take advantage of hawiye inter conflict, OG can deal with non somali dir but hawiye and OG are alien to each other, even the Sayidka banned hawiye to do poetry/gabay after one of them insulted his horse, the Sayid also demanded eley speak af somali, the OG doesn't deal with central somalis because he doesn't know them very well, he considers them un-advanced, nor does he marry from them,

to prove my point

1) 1963 the MJ made a oromo dude the head of WSLF, immediately Ogaden created al-nusra and wslf was brought back when siad barre got in to power, the MJ did this to avoid OG dominance in somalia or the somali state, most people dont appreciate or understand this, only the MJ and OG do, this is a hidden cold war between them,

2) Mj was the one in early 1960s who created and spread the myth OG were ethiopians and not native to jubaland, again the cold war, MX run with it in the 90s to gain somalia, it did not work in the end but it suited Mj interest to make sure Og never thretens them in the somali state

3) Mj created bah harti, galjecel, cawrlmare, leelkase, etc were brought into kismayo so harti can stand a chance to compete against Mohamed zubeer/OG in jubaland, this has bitten harti in the ass, cawlrmare was told you are warsenglai, today they eat with the harti card and hawiye card, MJ created this bah harti alliance to get a chance to fight against OG - again most dont know this ecept these two who have been taking each other in a cold war

4) SSDF got their ass kicked, in the mid 1970s they were froced to escape from somalia, they went through the NFD from jubaland then through Ogaden region, despite at the risk of their own lives, they came to siad barre in the 1977 war, they told siad barre MX will be in massive danger, he asked why, they told him we saw at least several millions Ogadens through NFD and DDS, if you support their independence your state is doomed, said barre listened and its why he fucked up the soviet offer of peace talks and was told to stop at harar, SSDF Mj pushed him, most do not know, the Mj were being very strategic, they wanted to make sure the OG doesn't threatens them, to screw his chances for a free state,

this is a fact, the MJ has always thought of OG as a threat, the MJ doesn't fear any other somali except OG, the ones they really have to keep an eye is OG, becuase they dont have any control over OG,

the issues with OG is he is a brick wall, very hard to influence him, very self reliant, he doesn't need man power or strategic help, OG is basically racist as he doesnt deal with outside, he doesn't need help, or invite outsiders in poltics, he will dominate his lands,

look at DDS gov, they deal with ethiopia alone, so does ONLF, look at liyu, all the officers are OG, this is why the Mj fears the OG, he has very difficult time cracking in, gaining influence , Mj can sweet talk abgal tomorrow to attack HG, fact, Mj can call africa com to bomb Hg if they attack galkaciyo tomorrow, fact, but they cannot go to neighbouring nations or the west to deal with OG, OG blocks him in every move and military is out of the question, Mj cannot fight OG directly, this is why Mj is very weary,

with out lifting a finger, OG is changing the cold war between Mj and OG, the secret cold war, this is why Mj was the the first to send delegates to Godey with Jubaland, the first to send ONLF delegates from puntland in nairobi,

OG has played a smart game, very patient, this is another reason Mj is vert baffled, MJ takes advantages of weakness, like impatience, but OG is very patient, they created jubaland and invited MJ to eat, they pretended nothing has happened, Mj is scratching his head, they claim to be the king of darood, cabdi iley and ahmed madoobe send them the sultans and of Absame,

cabdullhi yusuf went to OG and Mj and aid marehan has 9 mps, give them MPs as they threatened to leave the darood camp and join hawiye, Mj gave 2 mps, OG gave 3 Mps,

OG gave harti all their rights and homes back, barre hiraale rape, looted, killed, the Mj is again baffled,

the Mj has came to realised the OG is the patient, persevering clan in east africa,

this si why only the MJ calls dds Ogadeniya whilst the rest hate calling it that, the man is a jinny, he is ahead of all yall, he knows the OG has the access to 100 million Market in Ethiopia and 50 million to kenya,

secretly, Mj admire a people who are cool, calm, collected, unemotional and supreme with geo Strategy , because that is what they are, the love it when they see themselves in others they are genuinely willing to say hey lets learn from these people,

act like a monkey and they will call Washington to send bombers on your roof, like they have done to certain groups, you had alot of MJ hate in you...spit that and iska nafis sxb
Now lets talk about OG, are they really united? Ilaah baan kugu dhaarshay say the truth :O27GWRK:
He's clearly incompetent. he walks, and if anyone replacing him isn't better, they also walk until we find the right person.
Do cagdheer have a

Terri beta u keep repeating the same shit nobody fears ur occupied clan lol especially not mj[/QUOTE]

identity your clan creature kS3, i dont debate unknown people
i once shukansid this biomal bird (i cancelled as soon as i found out she was anti OG and biomal, i dont know why i just never came across an Ogaden marrying them so it was strange, no familiarity in culture, a part of me looked down on them, i know its wrong, i dont know why, i was told by my uncles when it comes to marriage be racist and look down on those we dont marry from) anyways she went on about insulting Mj, saying they have destroyed somalia, the first enemy of all somalis, the one clan somalis cannot get along because of them blah blah, I was very shocked, i asked her why, she could not give me any clear answers, i asked her how she felt abut HG raping, looting and robbing her lands in shabele and killing and burning innocent kids and females, she was shocked, i really wanted to understand why this biomal who never ever came across an Mj would be against them, last i checked they never share borders, i dumped her after she said OG invaded jubaland and took it by force, this is since ahmed madobe, i had to remind her we conquered jubaland from galla pagans centuries ago, so needless to say she was deleted and blocked,

10 years when i was a wee kid of early 20s at uni, this 1door girl asked me for coffee, she was starring at me for days, until i called her over to get to know her, she asked me with in 5 minutes if i was Mj, i said no i am not far off i am their cousin, she told me she hated them, i did not understand how a young girl can be so hateful but now i realise it was wars over lascanood and borders,

i have noticed, 1door, MX, hawiye, everyone seems to hate MJ, the only ones i realised who truly don't have any cuqdad or hate towards MJ is Ogaden/Absame, i have met, 1door, hawiye who first time you speak they mention this boggy MJ men, just fear and cuqdad for them,

i also realised the MJ and OG are the two most hated clans across east Africa, i once met a gurgure, did not even know what the hell they were, he said i hate Ogaden, they want to dominate everything in DDS, i didn't even met this gurgure race before who speak 3 languages and Practice 3 deens, i have seen boran and oromo and ahmaar and tigra all make videos vowing they will destroy Ogaden one day, God help Ogaden, Mj has somalis who hate him, Ogaden has ethnic groups that hate him, mainly thanks to liyu karbashing from the tigra borders to gondar the ahmaar capital to deep inside oromo regions during cabid iley days and even now,

i think Mj has put a fear in a lot of people because they are very united, effective, they know how to divided and control 1door, HG, abgal etc, they know how to control them,

somalis generally hate each other, major tribes, but vast majority seem to have a natural hate towards the MJ, partly it could be because they sorted out their region whilst the rest fight and kill each other, its the same with Ogaden, they are hated in DDS, many times every tribe has virtually ganged on Ogaden many times, booty clapping for habashi, but the Ogaden always comes back and karbahses them and puts them in line whilst dealing with the Ethiopians, this is why both are hated, they focus on their goals no matter what, they both persevere,

somalis hate people who focused on their region and goals, Mj is like OG, we dont even consider other clans to exist in DDS, notice how regardless of cagjar or liyu or ONLF, Ogaden just doesn't give a two hoots, he does his own thing, deals with 100 million on his own, doesnt need man power etc, Mj had done the same to her border tribes around puntland, they just ignore them,

so please tell me , why is Mj hated or rather feared?

You hit the nail on the head Teeri, MJ and Absame have always been in secret rivalry with each other. Didn't Absame move out of Bari and into Ogaadeenia because Bari/North-East was getting too crowded?

It's like in any family, ambitious brothers cannot run the same company, at some point, they will bump heads. Like Boqor Osman and Sultan Keenadiid, they couldn't share Majeerteenia so he made his own Sultanate in Hawiye lands.

It's natural respect and rivalry and now the political class has finally realised that the pie is big enough for all of us to share so it's win-win for all of us and Somaliweyn in general.

That's why certain people get so upset and paranoid whenever OG/MJ stand on the same side.
Man you are weird or a crazy dude:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: why tf fadhi ku dirir with a girl you trying to date?? Second... somali men ignore womens qabiil...yes im isaaq and yes i talk shit bout og and mj..that doesnt mean that i hate them. Im marriad to OG Alxamdulilah...and she have 4 kids for me. I hear alot of OG problems, they are not united.
And my best friends are MJ,MX, habiye and isaaq..we shot fire at each other...we travel togetha in africa and asia..we even joke that we have somali "full insurance" when we travel. We do business in somaliland, puntland and muqdisho...we consider ourself a DREAM TEAM.....

You said.." i also realised the MJ and OG are the two most hated clans across east Africa" think why? You cant just say theirs no reason to hate them and ignore the WHOLE east africa population(200 million ppl):ftw9nwa:
And you also said "Mj has put a fear in a lot of people because they are very united" thats not true, mj are not united and so is isaaq ,hawiye, OG..and so on. One love sxb no cuqdad dumaashi:confused::eek:o_O:2tjlv3e:

as soon as i said i am OG, the biomal bird say i hate OG, they took kismayo by force, i had to remind her i gave her mamul, ministers, Mps, when marehan was there they w=used to rape and grow drugs in her land, the HG grew weed, H, all types of drugs to export,

anyways there are certain groups my family will not welcome i marry, we look down on them, including 1door,
oh my God, its a dark dark when you got lucky to marry an OG, its like an African american marrying a Kennedy, you got lucky and married a princess, she sure married beneath her, she married down,

i bet her mum is 1door and her father passed away,

my father banned me from marrying certain tribes, the first tribe he mentioned was 1door, he banned me from it,

what a shame,

and how on earth can you be friends with a hawiye, mj, mx,

have you ever tried to poison them?

all jokes aside, i would not trust an 1door to give me water, i would be very worried he will want to poison me,

sxb dont carry, i am joking with you, its 2019, sadly everyone is allowed to marry anyone, nothing i can do, i think superior ones should only marry their own kind, but if she is happy, good for you,
Haha..sxb she pure OG..and dad(my dad now) is the RESPECTED OG ELDER CAAQIL in the my city... I dated so many different qabiil girls(even my qabiil) but this OG girl was the one for me...she is my ride and die girl..she is in a good hand....and when it comes to you, you got full of hate toward other qabiil, do your kids a favor and give them proper that they dnt become like you, sick.
You hit the nail on the head Teeri, MJ and Absame have always been in secret rivalry with each other. Didn't Absame move out of Bari and into Ogaadeenia because Bari/North-East was getting too crowded?

It's like in any family, ambitious brothers cannot run the same company, at some point, they will bump heads.

It's natural respect and rivalry and now the political class has finally realised that the pie is big enough for all of us to share so it's win-win for all of us and Somaliweyn in general.

That's why certain people get so upset and paranoid whenever OG/MJ stand on the same side.

yeah, we moved because dhulbahante at that time lead harti, jidwaq lead absame, harti said we will be the royal family of darood, we said hell no,. everyone got ready to war, jidwaq said lets move we will not shed cosun blood,

Alxamdulilah we were blessed with lands, well, we shed blood for centuries to conquer them, we single handedly expanded the somali regions,

but yeah, if we seriously put our stupid cold war rivalry, its cold because its a secret war not of direct fight but one of stealth keeping an eye on each other,

wallahi we can and could take over east africa if we were united for the last 40 years,

this is what i love about Mj, they are so awake, they came, well uncle ina sharmakre came to us in nairobi, we told faisal warabe to get lost, CCC was sent by deni, faisal warabe came with demands, he said carry the gas and oil through us, somaliland is only 400 km, dont use djabouti its 800 km, ONLf told ahmed madoobe please send this man outside, he came with your permission,

with did putnland do? they said what do you need, how can we help, i cannot discuss it in public, put lets just say CCC was a statesman, he knows how to speak to us, warabe was an arrogant human, even after we told him the oil and gas are not Your business, he went on radio and said ONLF is against US interest, we immediately had to say ONLF and US are friends, dude is a big mouth, he lied, he blew any chances of his people every benefiting from us economically, we have bosaso and djabouti ports, he seriously screwed up,

but we need to put all those aside, we need to work together, we have big enemies to fry, a independent Ogadeniya is in the best interest of puntland and harti and darood, it means more muscle against harti enemies, we can even take back khaatumo in 24 hours with no daddy ahmaar to cry to for 1door,

Mj are a re people with dhiig, when needed they will stand by you,
He's clearly incompetent. he walks, and if anyone replacing him isn't better, they also walk until we find the right person.
Do cagdheer have a

Terri beta u keep repeating the same shit nobody fears ur occupied clan lol especially not mj[/QUOTE]
Haha cagdheer waa united kulahaa kkkkk...their will never be a united cagdheer, never ever.
Haha..sxb she pure OG..and dad(my dad now) is the RESPECTED OG ELDER CAAQIL in the my city... I dated so many different qabiil girls(even my qabiil) but this OG girl was the one for me...she is my ride and die girl..she is in a good hand....and when it comes to you, you got full of hate toward other qabiil, do your kids a favor and give them proper that they dnt become like you, sick.

shame, sign of the times,


waa bilcaan, she is dead to us,
sadly I dont see him resigning, I think the attacks will get worse next year... Somalia is under extreme political crisis
Do cagdheer have a

Terri beta u keep repeating the same shit nobody fears ur occupied clan lol especially not mj
Haha cagdheer waa united kulahaa kkkkk...their will never be a united cagdheer, never ever.[/QUOTE]

if OG are not united, why do they rule 1dpor in DDS and 25 other clans and yet only they lead the place and negotiate referendum with the habahsi and ONLF?

1door are sure not united, at least we are all working together towards DDS and jubaland, all 3 OG nations focused

look at last week, 1door could not even help each the, despite us attacking the president clan,

anyways, proves my point why we should not give our girls to m1dgo like you,

your insult your in laws, signs of an adoon mentally, 1door waa 1door,

walle she married down, nasab , she married beneath her,

actually i dont believe you, no father OG ah would give his daughter to an 1door, its like giving your daughter to a Jamaican, so stop lying sxb,

cap the crap,
sadly I dont see him resigning, I think the attacks will get worse next year... Somalia is under extreme political crisis

i think he will be gone, Mj will strike last minute dot come and sweet talk the west and UN, puntland will not allow him to stay, mark my words, they will keep silent now but are plotting for the dude to be gone,
as soon as i said i am OG, the biomal bird say i hate OG, they took kismayo by force, i had to remind her i gave her mamul, ministers, Mps, when marehan was there they w=used to rape and grow drugs in her land, the HG grew weed, H, all types of drugs to export,

anyways there are certain groups my family will not welcome i marry, we look down on them, including 1door,
I hate cagdheer..that was exactly what i said to my cagdheer girl...and do you knw what she said to me back..i hate 1door:)..then we became bestfriends..after 6years of dating, now we are husband and wife:2tjlv3e: 10years
i think he will be gone, Mj will strike last minute dot come and sweet talk the west and UN, puntland will not allow him to stay, mark my words, they will keep silent now but are plotting for the dude to be gone,
He will definitely not get term extension but he still has 1 year left and you know how last year can be they tend to be deadly. 2 deadliest attacks in Xamar happened during his reign in 2017 and 2019.
These KGB trainned Kacanists(Nabar iyo Naxdin) are funny.

They claimmed that Cascasey Bombing was done by Madoibe it backfired.

They now claim the ex control Afgooye is done by Sheikh Sharif.
These mujrimin qaraxmajo should be sent to Nigeria.
Man you are weird or a crazy dude:ftw9nwa::ftw9nwa: why tf fadhi ku dirir with a girl you trying to date?? Second... somali men ignore womens qabiil...yes im isaaq and yes i talk shit bout og and mj..that doesnt mean that i hate them. Im marriad to OG Alxamdulilah...and she have 4 kids for me. I hear alot of OG problems, they are not united.
And my best friends are MJ,MX, habiye and isaaq..we shot fire at each other...we travel togetha in africa and asia..we even joke that we have somali "full insurance" when we travel. We do business in somaliland, puntland and muqdisho...we consider ourself a DREAM TEAM.....

You said.." i also realised the MJ and OG are the two most hated clans across east Africa" think why? You cant just say theirs no reason to hate them and ignore the WHOLE east africa population(200 million ppl):ftw9nwa:
And you also said "Mj has put a fear in a lot of people because they are very united" thats not true, mj are not united and so is isaaq ,hawiye, OG..and so on. One love sxb no cuqdad dumaashi:confused::eek:o_O:2tjlv3e:

walaal,Garhajix ba Tahy?
That is what a langaab like you dreams about
When somalia was being formed each clan joined with their piece of land.

Mare.xan squatters did not have land but hanged on the Somalia dream.

Maxamed Siyad baree came from Ethiopia and destroyed democracy installing communism and assisting his clan migrate to somalia from Ethiopia.
21 Years of looting the nation brought the civil war.

Farmajo today is destroying federalism and replacing it with dictatorship.

Iam Darood and Kablalax you are oromo hiding under Sade Darood.

look at this low iq oromo warday.

sxb what land did you bring? you have no land in somalia, marehan has parts of mudug galgaduud and jubbaland?

your lands are in Ethiopia sxb, your own argument goes against you. others have fought to liberate you black oromo futo, you ungratful warday.

siyad barre brought your starving people from ethopia and settled you in afmadow.
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