When I saw the title I thought the kid gotthe f*ck out, what's a few spars gonna hurt someone
Damn yall don't know how to take punches, unless he fell to the floor out cold, what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger![]()
internet gangstaWhy is the nigga crying tho
His father right lowkey this nigga tryna act tough but he a soft ass nigga livin in da burbs
internet gangsta![]()
I think his son a khaniis he look soft af. Who cries at 17???
Odayga takin his frustration out on the kid
I'm actually surprised there's people defending him, do you think that the gloves reduce the impact? Xoolos.
The gloves spread the impact of the on a larger surface and it packs way more concussive impact than a bare fist.
If you catch a punch to the side of the head you're bound to get your vision rocked. What people will do for views is beyond me,
this guy clearly has no technique with his punching he's mindlessly punching and swinging for the kids head with all that he's got.
Discipline kulaha, it looked like he was taking out his frustrations on him.