E-Ft420077 Y229068 is our haplogroup (ugaaslabe).
E-FT77328 YTree
E-Ft420077 Y229068 is our haplogroup (ugaaslabe).
I would love to learn more of these languages and their connections to the occupational caste group and the region.both Madhibaan and Anaas (Yibir) have their own separate languages. And that would suggest they had a period of isolation from the rest of the Somalis or other horners. How long that was remains to be seen, but it is obvious they once had a territory of their own and were distinct groups.
That being said, a few individuals testing their haplogroups won't prove much. To make sense of these haplogroups, the majority of clans needs to be tested, but that is not possible at this point. I would say don't read too much into the haplogroups at this stage.
There's no evidence this Muse Dhariye is from SLIt’s true
Abgal from banadir match muse dhariye from hargeisa https://www.yfull.com/tree/E-FT77328/