FBA vs Ethiopian woman

I would ignore the ADOS/FBA crowd tbh

Because with ADOS you see that inferiority complex and self hatred turn into a superiority complex towards other Africans , where they think because America is a super power, they to are apart of the making of that power structure and that puts them above other Africans.

Basically they believe their connection to the U.S. makes them superior to other Africans. They think American power and influence elevates them - even though they did not build that system. They feel embarrassed when Africans outcompete them, so they attack/berate them as a coping mechanism.

But the reality is Black Americans have consumer power, but not ownership power. $1.8 trillion annual spending power. Very little business or land ownership. Most money spent leaves their community. Often dependent on government/social programs. Black Americans, despite their spending power, do not control their own economy -- many of their neighborhoods and businesses are owned by non-Black groups.

So it's the ramblings of the powerless and economically frustrated.
Here is another Ethiopian using our name to get views, in this video she says that they are 150k Somalis in Rwanda which is wrong I’ve been there like 3 times and we don’t even crack 5k

They are not even refugees either, they are mostly expats and transnational business people or economic migrants.

But that is what make us hyper visible, to a lot of them even if our numbers are very small.

They always love claiming Somalis who are either economic migrants(move to somewhere to make money or set up business) or in Kenyas case alot of Somalis in Eastleigh/or Nairobi, Kisumu etc are generationally been there or born in Mandera/Gareesa are refugees, when they are not

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They are not even refugees either, they are mostly expats and transnational business people or economic migrants.

But that is what make us hyper visible, to a lot of them even if our numbers are very small.

They always love claiming Somalis who are either economic migrants(move to somewhere to make money or set up business) or in Kenyas case alot of Somalis in Eastleigh/or Nairobi, Kisumu etc are generationally been there or born in Mandera/Gareesa are refugees.

most Somalis in wider east Africa region cannot be classified as refugees they are moreso investors and economic migrants some of whom have been in places like central and western Kenya TZ and UG for over a century
They are not even refugees either, they are mostly expats and transnational business people or economic migrants.

But that is what make us hyper visible, to a lot of them even if our numbers are very small.

They always love claiming Somalis who are either economic migrants(move to somewhere to make money or set up business) or in Kenyas case alot of Somalis in Eastleigh/or Nairobi, Kisumu etc are generationally been there or born in Mandera/Gareesa are refugees.

@Rayaale @Xoriyo @Chaseyourdreamzz Just to add to this

Gareesa for example have been experiencing major economic growth, hovers around a high 5-7% . Somalis have poured billions into the place. It only took a dent due to covid.
As such, economic growth slowed down to 4.8 percent in 2022 from 7.6 percent in 2021.

So even here Somali businesses in Garissa and Mandera are growing without relying on Nairobi’s support.

We are also seeing a turn around in policy towards the region, they are moving away from economically marginalizing it. People don't realize Somalis were forced to migrate to Easleigh and Nairobi to make money and other places because the Kenyan government deliberately underdeveloped North Eastern, denied resources, and imposed economic blockades.

Kenyan government never invested in North Eastern instead all they did was loot taxes from it. But this is now changing.


Noted that the road will traverse Meru, Garissa, Isiolo, Wajir and Mandera counties, boosting trade and driving economic growth.

Imagine if it wasn't for this NFD would have been much richer than Nairobi today. But it will soon over take other parts of the country.
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How many Somali businesses actually got destroyed during the George Floyd campaign??

I'm curious now because I've seen this take brought up numerous times.
Supposedly some white supremacists came over from Wisconsin just to attack Somali businesses/take part in the overall destruction that was happening during that time. I remember seeing this one vid on Twitter that had me crying for days but basically a group of habayars and abtis had caught a lone white guy in the parking spaces at Karamel and they said he was trying to start a fire or something. In the vid, one of the abtis is holding onto him while occasionally hitting him over the head and the lady that is recording is yelling “waar iska dahya!!” But also laughing at the white guy getting hit. The white guy himself was also laughing at one point, kinda like “you got me!” The whole situation was soo goofy bro 😭


Plotting world domination
Supposedly some white supremacists came over from Wisconsin just to attack Somali businesses/take part in the overall destruction that was happening during that time. I remember seeing this one vid on Twitter that had me crying for days but basically a group of habayars and abtis had caught a lone white guy in the parking spaces at Karamel and they said he was trying to start a fire or something. In the vid, one of the abtis is holding onto him while occasionally hitting him over the head and the lady that is recording is yelling “waar iska dahya!!” But also laughing at the white guy getting hit. The white guy himself was also laughing at one point, kinda like “you got me!” The whole situation was soo goofy bro 😭

When I went to go protest during I didn't see any Madows or Hispanics breaking into random small businesses. Most of the protesting happened downtown and the only business I saw people break into was CVS.
I don't know how it is in the UK, but the impression I get from some parts of the US like where I am is that the two groups do very much associate with one another. Every majorly Somali settled neighborhood here in Boston like Alewife or Roxbury seems to also be an Ethiopian and Eritrean hotspot and the communities seem cordial toward one another.

Was in a Somali oday's halal meat shop a while back and I remember a Xabashi woman coming and talking to him for a good while, catching up like they'd known each other for years before she began placing her order. I've not gone over to Minnesota yet but I've heard Oromos in particular settle quite close to Somalis and even vote for Ilhan? This woman is pretty much coming at it with that kind of perspective, as far as I can see. There isn't really all that much or any animosity between the two communities in the diaspora. As far as I've seen, anyway.
That's generally how most regional communities are in the US, East Asians associate with each other, same with Latinos, Desis, etc. It's sort of the modus operandi here and Northeast Africans are no different.

Only going off the impression I get from online of course, but the UK seems more tribal in this regard. Bangladeshis, Indians, and Pakistanis appear more differentiated and fragmented, and I get a similar vibe for Northeast Africans there as well.
They are not even refugees either, they are mostly expats and transnational business people or economic migrants.

But that is what make us hyper visible, to a lot of them even if our numbers are very small.

They always love claiming Somalis who are either economic migrants(move to somewhere to make money or set up business) or in Kenyas case alot of Somalis in Eastleigh/or Nairobi, Kisumu etc are generationally been there or born in Mandera/Gareesa are refugees, when they are not

@Xoriyo @Rayaale

I looked it up to see where she got the numbers from . She took the total number of refugees Rwanda hosts that was reported to be 150.000 and attributed it to Somalis lmaaaoo When most of them are refugeese from Congo or Burundi etc and no mention is given to Somalis.
As of early 2019, estimates determine that Rwanda is host to approximately 150,000 refugees. To support this number, Rwanda maintains six refugee camps and four transit/reception centers, in addition to supporting refugee integration into urban areas. Rwanda is remarkable for its inclusive approach to refugees, most of whom are from Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The national government, UNHCR, the World Food Programme (WFP), the Government of Japan and other international, national and local organizations are all working to improve opportunities and livelihoods for refugees in Rwanda.

I couldn't find a census number on how many Somalis are in Rwanda, the fact that there is no census or stats shows they are most likely to low to keep count of.

What did i say about how Africans all believe most Somalis in their countries are automatically refugees, when in all likelihood a significant portion of them are just economic migrants or they have been there since before 1991 or are generational.

It's like a label they associate with our name, i think it's their way cope with the fact that Somalis often start up successful business where they settle when they struggle to do the same and Somalis are only able to because they rely on transnational networks and pooling of resources to finance it.