Federal Electoral Commission reject results of HOP086 ( Fahad Yasin’s seat)

Close to 60 new mps and senators came from Mogadishu to witness fahad yaasin win.

When mahdi guuleed said farmaajo will win 1st round he was not kidding.


Hambalyo Fahad Yasin Liibaxa Beletweyne
The Lion King GIF by Walt Disney Studios
Close to 60 new mps and senators came from Mogadishu to witness fahad yaasin win.

When mahdi guuleed said farmaajo will win 1st round he was not kidding.

Formaggio is now the frontrunner. HS has the most cheesephobic population. There are still credible suspicions that he had something to do with the disappearance of FGS agent from a Beledweyne family.

Somaaliaitaliana elites must love cheese they like cheese so much they would vote for Fahad
Is he somalia's Kim Jong un

More like the kingmaker. Him and the Qatari funds are the reason why HSM won previous presidency and the reason why farmajo won the last (s)elections.
He has set himself to be the next lower house speaker meaning Qatari influence will be much strong in the coming parliament no matter if farmajo wins or loses .


congrats to mr fahad, thank you for proving to everyone what being an individual can get you. Good luck to you and Somalia sir :)


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The real President of N&N is Fahad Yaasiin but he's smart enough to allow the pathetic Tedrosians to act like the seat clingers they are to distract from his antics.
Fahad yasin is MX culturally, politically and socially he grew up in Beled xaawo and has a MX mother and wife. Who are you trying to detach our son from us, we groomed him for this moment. He will be King for life that I assure you.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Fahad Yasiin wa cadceed so baxday oo barqad joogta cadceed so baxday sacab laguma qarin karo wa cadceed Ilaahi no so diray cadowgiis firig furfur oo faruuq uu yeel what an amazing poetry from Abwaan Badal

FIET have no power in HiirShabelle, they are useless. They failed to stop Yasiin Fareey seat so why would they be able to stop Fahad?
Technically they have the power over all of the FMS, they just haven’t been using it or likely being pressured by the I.C not to delay things.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Technically they have the power over all of the FMS, they just haven’t been using it or likely being pressured by the I.C not to delay things.
Nope they have zero power to stop Yasiin fareey and Jawaari seat to come back forget about the lion Fahad. Rooble has faied in all his endeavours and will fail again, again and again.

