Fellow SSPOTTERS I am in need of your help - once again!

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I need help translating a document.
Please with the kindness you have. Help!
I've gotten forced by an edo who's English isn't perfect. And my Somali is non existent.

She dumped me with this, and mother is fully backing her unclear judgement


Dear parent/carer,

As you know, the NSPCC visited our school today and delivered their Speak out. Stay safe.assembly to share information with your child about how they can keep themselves safe from harm and get help if they have any worries.

It was a very worthwhile and empowering session for both pupils and teachers. They spoke to the children and staff about the valuable work they do across the country, and talked about how important it is for everyone in our school community to join them in their ‘fight for every childhood’.

(If core fundraising)

But, as a charity, they can only provide these vital resources thanks to the financial support and generosity of their supporters.

That’s why we’re raising money to help the NSPCC’s work in schools

I am delighted to say that our school has chosen to support the valuable work of the NSPCCthis term by taking part in a fundraising event, and I would really value your support and encouragement.

How your children can have fun – and make a massive difference

Children will be doing <Buddy’s Work Out Game>– which will not only be exciting for our pupils but will also mean they’re raising money for the NSPCC’s vital work and helping keep even more children safe.

Participation is purely voluntary but if you would like to support the NSPCC’s work, it would be fantastic if you could give your child permission to take part by signing the sponsor form and return the sponsored event form and money raised to school by <insert date>. If you have more than one child in school simply put all your children’s names at the top of one form.

Every child that attended the assembly today will receive a thank you in the form of a Speak out. Stay safe. Buddy sticker. We want them to wear it with pride.

And by taking part in the fundraising event they can get different coloured badges. To make it fun and add a friendly challenge they can get fourcoloured badges depending on the number of individual sponsors that they get to sponsor them.*

And you and your children can be proud of the fact that every penny raised makes a significant difference for children. By supporting the NSPCC we can work together to end child abuse.

Talking about the Underwear Rule with your children

The NSPCC’s work in schools will help encourage conversations about staying safe – and they have a number of child-friendly materials to help you carry on the conversation afterwards. That includes ‘The Underwear Rule’, a simple way for parents to help keep children safe from sexual abuse – without using scary words or even mentioning sex.

The guide uses the rules of PANTS to teach children that their body belongs to them and them alone. Youcan find out more and download the free resources at nspcc.org.uk/pants

If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/

Yours sincerely,

<Head Teacher>

Thank you.


PS You can find more information about the NSPCC’s ‘Underwear Rule’ on their website (nspcc.org.uk/pants). It’s been created to help you talk to your children about keeping themselves safe.

*As the NSPCC complies with the Institute of Fundraising code and so children will get different coloured badge depending on the number of individual sponsors that they speak to as opposed to the amount of money that they raise


Dear parent/carer,

The NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe.programme is visiting our school to make sure our pupils have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse.

I’m pleased to tell you that we will be working with the NSPCC, the UK’s leading children’s charity, who’ll be delivering their Speak out. Stay safe.programme on <date>. This is a nationwide programme for every primary-school-aged child in the UK and Channel Islands. With the help of their friendly mascot Buddy, they’ll be presenting an assembly to the children in our school as well as a workshop for Years 5/P6 and 6/P7.

"NSPCC has helped me to build the confidence to tell people about my worries and problems." Child’s feedback

What is the Speak out. Stay safe. programme?

Through child-friendly, interactive assemblies and workshops their specially trained staff and volunteers will give our children information about how to keep themselves safe from harm and how to get help if they have any worries, sensitively discussing issues like bullying and sexual abuse, without using scary words or adult language.

We have studied the content of the materials and heard from other schools who have participated and are extremely confident that they are appropriate for primary-school-aged children. By the end of their visit, we’re convinced children will feel empowered – knowing how they can speak out and stay safe.

"This service provides important information in a child-friendly way – it should be made mandatory in all schools. A brilliant service!" Teacher, Wistaston Primary, Crewe

If you would like any more information about the NSPCCSpeak out. Stay safe.programme, including frequently asked questions, you can find it on the NSPCC website nspcc.org.uk/schoolsor please come into speak to me and I can provide more information.

Talking about the Underwear Rule with your children

The NSPCC’s work in schools will help encourage conversations about staying safe – and they have a number of child-friendly materials to help you carry on the conversation afterwards. That includes ‘The Underwear Rule’, a simple way for parents to help keep children safe from sexual abuse – without using scary words or even mentioning sex.

The guide uses the rules of PANTS to teach children that their body belongs to them and them alone. Youcan find out more and download the free resources at nspcc.org.uk/pants

If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their websitenspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/

Yours sincerely,

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL


Seriously! Bless you! You don't know how this will benefit my edo.

I'll pay you with du'a!!!

They want it by Monday morning :(


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
Not to worry Laila, I have read it and it's doable so will give it a go either tonight or tomorrow insha Allah, I am assuming you don't really need to translate the whole thing for aunt word for word?

In any case, it's actually interesting and will treat it as a challenge if I can translate the whole thing in an accurate and understandable way.

I am usually the only one in the fam who is able to translate in depth information for the family but never in a written form.

Hopefully there will be other spotters who will also give their version of translation.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Seriously! Bless you! You don't know how this will benefit my edo.

I'll pay you with du'a!!!

They want it by Monday morning :(

Im still waiting on that invite to Ministry of Sound :ufdup:

Honestly, my written Somali isnt great but I can send you a quick translation of the first two paragraphs and tell me if you think it's OK


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Not to worry Laila, I have read it and it's doable so will give it a go either tonight or tomorrow insha Allah, I am assuming you don't really need to translate the whole thing for aunt word for word?

In any case, it's actually interesting and will treat it as a challenge if I can translate the whole thing in an accurate and understandable way.

I am usually the only one in the fam who is able to translate in depth information for the family but never in a written form.

Hopefully there will be other spotters who will also give their version of translation.

:sass1: Haye maku tartamayna waadigii xariifka iska dhigaya


Im still waiting on that invite to Ministry of Sound :ufdup:

Honestly, my written Somali isnt great but I can send you a quick translation of the first two paragraphs and tell me if you think it's OK

Yea, sure. that would be lovely.

I actually do want to go MoS. I haven't been there! i hear its like Fabric and Egg.


Not to worry Laila, I have read it and it's doable so will give it a go either tonight or tomorrow insha Allah, I am assuming you don't really need to translate the whole thing for aunt word for word?

In any case, it's actually interesting and will treat it as a challenge if I can translate the whole thing in an accurate and understandable way.

I am usually the only one in the fam who is able to translate in depth information for the family but never in a written form.

Hopefully there will be other spotters who will also give their version of translation.

reeR Borama. Thank you very much!

Masha allah. Such wonderful people on here. Word for Word would be excellent.


"I'd kill for a Noble Peace Prize"
:sass1: Haye maku tartamayna waadigii xariifka iska dhigaya
What the effing hell did I get myself into, :drakelaugh:walaahi I have to give it a go for my own sanity and validation. Waxaan waligayba aaminsana in aan Labada luqadod isku turjumi karo in an official capacity.

Anyway bal waxad hayso soo daa, I won't tolerate a fish and chips ciyaal war dhiigley to challenge me on English/Somali:mjohreally:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Ku: Waalidka

Sidaad ogtihiin, hay’adda NSPCC (ururka la dagaalanka dulmiga caruurta) ayaa maanta soo booqday iskuulkeeni, kuna soo jeediyeen kalfadhigeeni kalmado ku saabsan is-ilaalinta, siday caruurta isaga ilaalin lahaayeen qatarta jidha iyo sidey u kaalmo waydiisan kadhaan haday walwal qabaan.

Waxaa aad uga faa’ideystay ardayda iyo macalimiinta, waxay kaloo ka hadleen hawsha ay ka qabanayaan meelaha kale ee dalka iyo ahmiyada ey leedahay ka qaybgalka dagaalkaani xaq-u-dirirka xaqii caruurta.


>,,< certified creep >,,<
Jaale waalid iyo wixii caruurta heeyo

Waxaa iska dabiici ah in waalidku ay barbaarinta caruurtooda uga fekeraan ugana qayb qaataan sida ay korriimada jirkooda uga fekeraan. La yaabna ma laha inaan niraahno dadka iyo xayawankuba waa wadaagaan inay ubadkooda baraan sidii ay noloshooda u maamulan lahaayeen oo ay mushkiladaha degaankooda ku hareeraysan uga gudbi lahaayeen ama wixii ay cuni lahaayeen ula soo bixi lahaayeen una samaysan lahayeen hoy ay gabbaad ka dhigtaan.

Ilmuhu inay wax bartaan waxay bilaabaan waqti aad u horreeya oo ay dhici karto in aan weli garaadkoodu wax kala soocin mana joojiyo qofku inuu wax baranayo oo uu isa saxayo ilaa uu ka geeriyoodo ama caqligu ka tago. Inta haddaba ilmuhu ay hoos joogaan waalidkood ayaa waalidka ama qofka ka masuulka ahi awood u leeyahay inuu ku dadaalo in uu u hagaajiyo aasaaska uu ilmuhu hadhow wax ku dhisi lahaa ama uu xumaanta iyo samaanta ku kala miisaami lahaa. Qodobbada soo socda waxaa laga yaabaa inay waalidka qurbaha jooga wax badan taraan:

Aqoonta iyo edebtu waa laba wax oo la oran karo waa kala duwan yihiin. Oo waxaa laga yaabaa in la arko qof aad u aqoon badan laakiin u baahan in edebtiisa wax laga saxo sida loo arki karo qof edeb badan laakiin arrimaha qaar jaahil ka ah. Tusaale ahaan haddii labo qof ay shaqo soo wada dalbadaan waxaa laga yaabaa in midkood uu haysto shahaadooyinkii loo baahnaa weliba uu leeyahay khibrad badan oo uu shaqadaan oo kale horay u soo qabtay laakiin aanu shaqaaalaha kale la heshiin karin oo uu ama iskala weyn yahay ama uu si dhaqso leh u caroodo. Qofka kale waxaa laga yaabaa inaanu weligii shaqadan oo kale soo qaban, waxbarasho gaar ah oo shaqadaan khusaysana aanu weligii gelin laakiin uu yahay qof dabeecad wanaagsan oo shaqaalaha meeshaba isu haya kana warqaba, shaqadiisana aan ka maqnaan oo cudurdaarasho been ah aan aqoon sida loo sameeyo. Maamuluhu labadaas qof markuu kala dooranayo wuxuu isu miisaamayaa mid walba faa’iidada iyo khasaaraha uu leeyahay iyo baahida shirkaddiisa.

Waxbarshadii Soomaaliya iyo tan waddamada loo soo qaxay gaar ahaan kuwa reer galbeedku way kala duwan yihiin. Waxaa caadi ahayd Soomaaliya in ilmaha la geeyo dugsi quraan oo waalidku ku yiraahdo macallinka “macallin, ilmahayga lafihiisana anaa leh, jirkiisana adigaa leh” oo micnaheed yahay sidaad doonto u dil oo jirkiisa nabro ugu yeel laakiin lafihiisa ha iga jebin. Kama hadlayo hadda ilmaha in la garaaco inay sax tahay iyo inay qalad tahay, laakiin waxaa hadalkaas ka muuqda sida buuxda ee waalidku ugu kalsoonaa macallinka oo wax walba oo ku saabsan ilmahaas waxbarashadiisa uu macallinka keligiis uga masuul ahaa. Waxaaba adkayd in xataa iskooladii Soomaaliya ka jirey ay waalidiintu tagaan oo ay ka war doonaan sida ilmahoodu wax u baranayaan. Dareenka noocaas ah kama jiro waddamada reer galbeedka. Waalidku qayb weyn ayuu ku leeyahay waxbarashada oo macallimiinta iyo maamulka iskuuladu waxay waalidiinta uga warbixiyaan waxbarashda ilmahooda, dhaqankooda iyo weliba sida ay u soo xaadiraan. Waxaa la ogaaday in haddii macallimintu dareemaan in waalidku aanu muhimmad weyn siinayn warbixinaha loo soo diro, ama aanu su’aalo weydiin macallimiinta oo aanu iskuulka soo booqan marar badan, in macallimiintu iyaguna aanay ilmihiisa muhimmad weyn siinayn oo waqti badan ku luminayn.

you welcome @Laila :cool::cool:
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