Female News Anchor Epic Diva Meltdown on Air

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This is your typical women at a workplace type of behaviour, this what happens when the naas nuclear bomb is not safeguarded from society, it leads to this.

Even the professional Journalistic news Anchor profession is not safe from their destruction, no institution or profession is.

They have become imams at mosques leading prayers, they now want to become bishops and pope's, even the religious circles are not safe from this decadent destruction, no religious sanctity is safe not even marriage.

It's like "Everything has to Go" FIRE-SALE sign at a collapsed third rate retail store.

We are living in very interesting times.

This is your typical women at a workplace type of behaviour, this what happens when the naas nuclear bomb is not safeguarded from society, it leads to this.

Even the professional Journalistic news Anchor profession is not safe from their destruction, no institution or profession is.

They have become imams at mosques leading prayers, they now want to become bishops and pope's, even the religious circles are not safe from this decadent destruction, no religious sanctity is safe not even marriage.

It's like "Everything has to Go" FIRE-SALE sign at a collapsed third rate retail store.

We are living in very interesting times.

Did your mother not love you enough? This kind of hatred against women requires thereapy, but then again redpillers are know for their sanity


I have an IQ of 300
Firstly nice clickbait bradar, this was not an "epic diva meltdown" by any stretch of the imagination :comeon:
Secondly I'll agree that this was very unprofessional but again your views are very extreme
I've seen loads of gaffes and mistakes by male reporters too
This isn't "destruction" of the journalistic profession, I'd leave that to (note that they're male) anchors like Sean Hannity and Bill O'reilly :dabcasar:

I love women, it's the likes of you that hate them, that allow this unabated epic self-destruction that's taking place without any resistence, like the cuckold pussy-whipped betaised scum that your are, your own sister could be out at a party and you wouldn't care.

Now go back your discussions, why families are so broken, why kids are in jail, why the rapid infestations of garoob's, while you sister is climbing down those chimneys, you gheera lacking, filth breeding, ignorance pleading, approval seeking spineless turd.


MGTOW is the radioactive symptoms of this explosion, due to the male's negligence ala Fukashima. As for me, I am just a concerned man for my western brethren and the death spirals they are wallowing in.
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I love women, it's the likes of you that hate them, that allow this unabated epic self-destruction that's taking place, it's your betaised types in the western world that allowed this destruction/corruption to fester.

Now go back your discussions, why families are so broken, why kids are in jail, why the rapid infestations of garoob's, while you sister is climbing down those chimneys, you gheera lacking, filth breeding, spineless turd.


MGTOW is the radioactive symptoms of this explosion, due to the male's negligence ala Fukashima. As for me, I am just a concerned man for my western brethren and the death spirals they are wallowing in.

Death spiral? Nigga we ain't talking about your dating life.

Quit being apocalyptic, the most prosper national with highest happiness index is countries where women have equal access.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Western society is going to hell in a hand basket, just like the Roman Empire when they allowed women to run amok. As you can see in this interview women are too preoccupied with trivia all that cause of a colour of a shirt, just like how they way their son is dressed is more important than having a male role model in the house. If unchecked women will turn the next generation of men into ladyboys who don't have the slightest idea what masculinity is or their role in society. As you can see there single mother homes are on the increase so is promiscuity, sodomy, bastard children, effeminate males population, dikes, transgender iyo balaayo are all coming out of the wood works cause of the selfish, self absorbing, callous, narcissistic, vain nature of women if left unabated it will lead to total destruction of the human race worse than a hundred nuclear bombs detonating simultaneously. The sugar daddy (Government) realised the best way to control society is through women, cause they're emotional & lack the ability to do their own critical thinking, if you get them then the rest of the family follows.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
MGTOW is for weirdo white niggas who get no pussy...
I bet you my last pretty penny that you were raised in a single mother home.

We are heading in the same direction as AA & West Indian families, the total destruction of the familial bond.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
I bet you my last pretty penny that you were raised in a single mother home.

We are heading in the same direction as AA & West Indian families, the total destruction of the familial bond.
ma caay baa, u were raised in a single parent home? come on bro


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
ma caay baa, u were raised in a single parent home? come on bro
Why are you speculating :umwhat:

Ask me what I meant before you allow your emotions to interfere with your critical thinking.

If a child is raised in a single parent home then they will always see women as not capable of doing no wrong. Have you seen some of these athletes (basketball players) talking about my mother raised me on her own, that's false the government raised you cause your mother was supported by her sugar daddy the government more times (this don't go for all single mothers but the majority) I know it's a bitter pill to swollow but if you do your due dillegence you'll find out when welfare started in the US it targeted predominately the AA community & the government made it incumbent upon the mother to kick the father out otherwise they won't be entitled to welfare, I wonder what the logic behind that was?
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ma caay baa, u were raised in a single parent home? come on bro

It's not, but he is trying to avoid this same destructive avalanche wave from growing in a more virulent form.

Stats back him up on this, a child from a single parent home is more likely to commit crime, more likely to have depression, more likely to divorce, more likely to have other bastard spawns, more likely to commit suicide and I have even seen stats suggesting lower IQ compared to children from the two parent households.

Just look at the AA community to get a glaring example or even the Somali ones, many years ago I was sent a linkedin message by a sister asking me to visit Feltham prison, they were running a pilot scheme were they were finding positive Somali role models to go and speak to the youth in the prison, I took up on the offer because I am a community person, regardless how decadent they become.

No joke, every single one of these youths came from broken homes, and the funny thing is many of them blamed it on that exactly, most never seen their father as the degenerate mother kicked the odeey out when the welfare checks arrived, poor demoralised sod went back to Somalia.

This was the majority of cases, it was then followed by women throwing out some useless khaat addict she married in the first place, which is really a 50/50 blame, I literally asked every single one of them this question, and that was there response. Either he never met his father since he was booted when they moved here, or he was khaat addict in a 2:1 ratio.

It's the same with women, the cheapest, most stupid skanks I have come across with the lowest IQ are also products of a broken home, now I am not saying all of them, because you have some real gems that survive and are far better then the equivalent 2-parent home person because they went through hardship, i know of a few of such people.

But that takes a lot of smartness, foresight, courage, contemplation, introspection which the fast majority of human's are incapable off.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Don't get me wrong wallahi I have the utmost respect & admiration for the single mothers who had a dead beat as a husband & they sailed through the rough currents & made it through the most deadliest terrain to raise their kids. Truth be told the vast majority are not like that wallahi I can tell you harrowing stories where the father was upright hardworking family man who would give his life for their children kicked to the curb cause some women figured if the government gives us a house & pays our bills then why do we need a man? In their selfish pursuit of independence they've thrown their children under the bus cause that impacts the kids more than anyone else. A mother can nature a child & show it unconditional love yes but she can not give that child harsh love, discipline cause she's not built like that, there is where the problem lies in my humble opinion.

Visit to Felt-ham prison under the Somali role model pilot programme engineered by a sister (that came from a broken home but survived) correlates everything you have just said, I asked each individual youth, and the collaborated the same, just as I thought.

The only issue is they didn't know why the father wasn't there, or why the divorce took place, I have seen households were both parents are together but the father has too much pride to work since he lived a rich life back home which was all destroyed and he didn't speak the english language and was frequently mocked for this destroying his confidence.

I don't condone his laziness, but his wife will tell you, all her sons would be in jail without his presence and discipline, and she said countless times she is grateful because she was almost about to divorce him several times that decade due to advice of Garoobo who were telling her he was useless ironically.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Why are you speculating :umwhat:

Ask me what I meant before you allow your emotions to interfere with your critical thinking.

If a child is raised in a single parent home then they will always see women as not capable of doing no wrong. Have you seen some of these athletes (basketball players) talking about my mother raised me on her own, that's false the government raised you cause your mother was supported by her sugar daddy the government more times (this don't go for all single mothers but the majority) I know it's a bitter pill to swollow but if you do your due dillegence you'll find out when welfare started in the US it targeted predominately the AA community & the government made it incumbent upon the mother to kick the father out otherwise they won't be entitled to welfare, I wonder what the logic behind that was?
i mean ur not wrong, but what does the man's parental situation got to do with anything


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
i mean ur not wrong, but what does the man's parental situation got to do with anything
Some men who have been raised by single mothers have it in them that women can't do no wrong & if you bring up some of the flaws that pertain to some women they get defensive & equate it with their mother.
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