Femicide in Mexico

that is not accurate... and also I think you're distorting things a little... I mentioned Ogaden to let the Somali feminists know that our culture is able to project power.... since they want to come for our culture.... I think it may have been insensitive, though, so I think I should not have said it.

but the idea that I identify as a Spaniard... no I don't. I am a mestizo and I identify as such. I just don't like that inaccuracy being spread about me. I am not white or a spaniard.

edit: also- I am a Muslim. you may dislike me but I'm not a kaffir. I am a Muslim and then my race. not the reverse. I don't put my race first. hopefully. may Allah forgive me if I ever do.

Don't try to backtrack, you are a Spanish supremacist, I don't care if you identify as a burrito.

Don't try to backtrack, you are a Spanish supremacist, I don't care if you identify as a burrito.

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I was so caught up with the topic of femicide I didn’t even notice what he wrote about Ogaden. This shocking tbh.

Sometimes I have a bit of a one track mind in which I like to stick to the topic and I don’t like to deviate but that is madness. I can’t believe he actually wrote that
I've never seen a comment that has elicited such rage in me, dhiiga ii kacay ma maqashay, walahi boqol buu gaaray, my head is still hot.
What so confused. Reach out and touch you right back? What my cousins were able to do in Ogaden? Why is he talking about killing Muslims and siding with the gaals.

I kid you not it went over my head. Even when Kane was dragging him I thought he was talking about things he said in the past.
You're the only person, who upvoted this post. Orad dabadiisa uu dhaq adoonyahow.

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They’ll all congregate together when it comes to being anti-women. All of their sense of nationalism, sense of Islamic brotherhood goes out the window if they get a chance to engage In misogyny.

Being anti-women or denying issues surrounding women is the biggest thing to unite men.

Women should remember this. Putting women in their ‘place’ will always trump their so called nationalism or dhig.
They’ll all congregate together when it comes to being anti-women. All of their sense of nationalism, sense of Islamic brotherhood goes out the window if they get a chance to engage In misogyny.

Being anti-women or denying issues surrounding women is the biggest thing to unite men.

Women should remember this. Putting women in their ‘place’ will always trump their so called nationalism or dhig.

You know that AlShabab has Somali men, that will force Somali girls/women to 'marry' foreign perverts. I even heard that they divorce them from their Somali husbands. The type of adoon you see in this thread, are exactly the type to do this, because for them, women are things to inherit, spoils of war.
I didn't read the full thing, why would I be against galbeed that's my homeland nacas
No, you saw him arguing with me and you couldn’t care less about his rants about us Somalis and how the Cubans treated us.

I bet you, you don’t even know what femicide is, but you simply liked his post as anything women related is an issue for you.

I hope you grow up young lad and smell the coffee.
You know that AlShabab has Somali men, that will force Somali girls/women to 'marry' foreign perverts. I even heard that they divorce them from their Somali husbands. The type of adoon you see in this thread, are exactly the type to do this, because for them, women are things to inherit, spoils of war.
It happened in 2011.

These boys will deny it though and call you a feminist despite AS during that time period also killing Somali fathers who said ‘no’.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
They’ll all congregate together when it comes to being anti-women. All of their sense of nationalism, sense of Islamic brotherhood goes out the window if they get a chance to engage In misogyny.

Being anti-women or denying issues surrounding women is the biggest thing to unite men.

Women should remember this. Putting women in their ‘place’ will always trump their so called nationalism or dhig.
Give me a quote where I've said anything about this topic. Get a job please 🙏
No, you saw him arguing with me and you couldn’t care less about his rants about us Somalis and how the Cubans treated us.

I bet you, you don’t even know what femicide is, but you simply liked his post as anything women related is an issue for you.

I hope you grow up young lad and smell the coffee.

The little freak has a grudge against women, and goes from topic to topic, being a passive aggressive cretin. I placed it on ignore before, and only took it off, to prove that he is upvoting people like Omar, to spite women.


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