Femicide in Mexico

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Vice is sponsored by George Soros. Agustín Laje and numerous others have debunked this. The West is trying to push lgbt, feminism and other such things into Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East.

All this feminicide propaganda in order to try to break apart families in Latin America via pushing feminist ideology... all that really there is behind the propaganda is that Mexico is a violent country and people get killed. and then if the killed is a woman- they say it is "femicide". That is all that "femicide" is.

If a man is killed somewhere, it's a murder. If a woman is killed, it's "femicide". There are femicides in US, Europe, every country in the world. In Mexico, there are more men killed than women. But they come with a propaganda terms for female deaths and then blast this propaganda nonsense to defame the country so they can use it to push anti-family ideology. Anyways, a lot of people are being killed in Mexico and I think whether it's a tragedy or not is not based on whether it's a man or a woman who dies.

I hear there is violence in Somalia. By the same propaganda logic they use against Latin countries, they could label female deaths in Somalia as "femicides" and then talk about "femicides in Somalia". It is pure propaganda nonsense. People in countries where violence is taking- people get hurt and sometimes they're women. In Mexico, it's more commonly men that are killed.


Entitled uppity East African
Vice is sponsored by George Soros. Agustín Laje and numerous others have debunked this. The West is trying to push lgbt, feminism and other such things into Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East.

All this feminicide propaganda in order to try to break apart families in Latin America via pushing feminist ideology... all that really there is behind the propaganda is that Mexico is a violent country and people get killed. and then if the killed is a woman- they say it is "femicide". That is all that "femicide" is.

If a man is killed somewhere, it's a murder. If a woman is killed, it's "femicide". There are femicides in US, Europe, every country in the world. In Mexico, there are more men killed than women. But they come with a propaganda terms for female deaths and then blast this propaganda nonsense to defame the country so they can use it to push anti-family ideology. Anyways, a lot of people are being killed in Mexico and I think whether it's a tragedy or not is not based on whether it's a man or a woman who dies.

I hear there is violence in Somalia. By the same propaganda logic they use against Latin countries, they could label female deaths in Somalia as "femicides" and then talk about "femicides in Somalia". It is pure propaganda nonsense. People in countries where violence is taking- people get hurt and sometimes their women. In Mexico, it's more commonly men that are killed.
Forgot you was Mexican :stressed:


Entitled uppity East African
Vice is sponsored by George Soros. Agustín Laje and numerous others have debunked this. The West is trying to push lgbt, feminism and other such things into Africa, Latin America, Asia, Middle East.

All this feminicide propaganda in order to try to break apart families in Latin America via pushing feminist ideology... all that really there is behind the propaganda is that Mexico is a violent country and people get killed. and then if the killed is a woman- they say it is "femicide". That is all that "femicide" is.

If a man is killed somewhere, it's a murder. If a woman is killed, it's "femicide". There are femicides in US, Europe, every country in the world. In Mexico, there are more men killed than women. But they come with a propaganda terms for female deaths and then blast this propaganda nonsense to defame the country so they can use it to push anti-family ideology. Anyways, a lot of people are being killed in Mexico and I think whether it's a tragedy or not is not based on whether it's a man or a woman who dies.

I hear there is violence in Somalia. By the same propaganda logic they use against Latin countries, they could label female deaths in Somalia as "femicides" and then talk about "femicides in Somalia". It is pure propaganda nonsense. People in countries where violence is taking- people get hurt and sometimes their women. In Mexico, it's more commonly men that are killed.
Femicide is still a real thing many new sources speak about not just vice :damsel:

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
honestly the whole idea that you can put on English news and know the truth about these various countries and regions of the world... that whole concept is a myth. if you study the English language news and then you watch the news in the language of the country- you are given completely different narratives and the English-language narrative is full of nonsense.

if you really want to understand Pakistan- you need to know Urdu. if you really want to understand the countries of the Hispanosphere- you need to know the language. You should know what the actual people of the region are saying, not what our Anglo-Saxon enemies are pushing in whatever their latest propaganda against us is. English-language news has been anti-Mexico and Latin America for centuries. A person might as well take Indian BJP media's word for it when it comes to Pakistan. It wasn't that long ago that these English-language news outlets used to openly refer to Mexicans as "that despicable race of mongrels" or such things. wallahi I have seen a US newspaper that called Mexicans something like that. now they've switched the rhetoric but they're no different than those days.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
wallahi it was like two days ago I called my coworker (who is AA btw) about something to do with the job site... she answers and tells me she's in Mexico. she took off and apparently was visiting Mexico. this is a country of "femicides"- why did my coworker choose it for her vacation? lots of women go visit, lots would be down to. Mexico is dangerous because of cartels, not because it needs George Soros NGO feminism

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

these are male and female homicides in Mexico. about nine men are murdered for every woman murdered. so is a woman's life worth more than that of nine men?? why is the outcry only for the women? does your brother's life not matter? does your father's life not matter? if you have a son, does his life not matter?

these western imperialist forces see Mexicans as subhumans- but they view Africans the same or worse. you should not trust them or their intentions at all.
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these are male and female homicides in Mexico. about nine men are murdered for every woman murdered. so is a woman's life worth more than that of nine men?? why is the outcry only for the women? does your brother's life not matter? does your father's life not matter? if you have a son, does his life not matter?

these western imperialist forces see Mexicans as subhumans- but they view Africans the same or worse. you should not trust them or their intentions at all.
Because women don’t engage in violence and aren’t in armed militias and tend to be killed by men they’re dating or men they know very well. Thats the difference Omar. Since men are men murdered by their wives, girls friends, love interest and girls that fancy them? That’s what sets things apart Omar and why femicide is different to male homicide. Also, are the bodies of men r-worded before being killed as well?

Also using women on holiday to Mexico is silly, because simply looking at Data globally, a woman is 80% more likely to be killed by a family or boyfriend or husband or man she knows on a very close level. Men on the other hand is only like 11%.

Men are always going to have higher murder rates. They’re part of the gangs, take part in risk taking behavior in a way that’s a lot more than women, yet women tend to be murdered it’s useless senseless and via relationships.

As much as we know the West does dehumanize people of color, blaming this on Western propaganda is a bit too simplistic. The West knows they too have a femicide issue. They just like to call it DV. In the UK alone 3 women are murdered by their partners. Despite the fact that more men do die, please show me what men are being killed in the comfort of their homes via the hands of women they’ve been married to for years whom they kids with? This is uniquely a woman’s phenomenon.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Because women don’t engage in violence and aren’t in armed militias and tend to be killed by men they’re dating or men they know very well. Thats the difference Omar.

Also using women on holiday to Mexico is silly, because simply looking at Data globally, a woman is 80% more likely to be killed by a family or boyfriend or husband or man she knows on a very close level. Men on the other hand is only like 11%.

Men are always going to have higher murder rates. They’re part of the gangs, take part in risking taking behavior in a way that’s a lot more than women, yet women tend to be murdered it’s useless senseless and via relationships.


L? you just casually brush off nine men dying for every woman and you say it's because the men are violent. you are from the UK, you've probably never even been to this continent much less Mexico. those men that get killed- what would you know about what they were involved in?

when Al-Shabaab kills Somalis on the beach, do you blame the victims? the cartels are pretty much the same thing but the Mexico equivalent of AS khawarij. you commit zulm if you imply their victims weren't innocent. many are.

anyways, if you want to talk about things like femicides... well I was gonna say I could talk about ur culture (which I wouldn't btw) but you already bash your own culture all the time so I guess it makes sense that you're okay with bashing other cultures
L? you just casually brush off nine men dying for every woman and you say it's because the men are violent. you are from the UK, you've probably never even been to this continent much less Mexico. those men that get killed- what would you know about what they were involved in?
Are you brushing off the fact that these women being are killed by husbands and boyfriends? The men who are meant to protect them? I’m sorry but by most metrics being killed in your own home by men you know for well who are meant to protect you is crazier and harder to tackle, hence why this ‘femicide’ the West is talking about is a huge issue for them as well.

Im not talking about just Mexico. What im saying is a fact. Men are much more likely to be in armed conflict or risk taking behavior. I’m sorry but this is the issue with extreme anti feminism like yourself, because later on you start to deny reality and act even worse than the ‘feminists’ you dislike by denying that men and women aren’t the same. The cartel is mostly made up of all men, their enemies are all men, the men they deal with are mostly all men. Hence it’s common sense that the men’s homicide will be higher Omar. Also for revenge purposes, the cartel are much more likely to target men.

when Al-Shabaab kills Somalis on the beach, do you blame the victims? the cartels are pretty much the same thing but the Mexico equivalent of AS khawarij. you commit zulm if you imply their victims weren't innocent. many are.
Those women are mostly being killed by men they were in relationships with. Watch the documentary. It’s not the same as men being killed because they opposed the cartels or dying in shot out.
anyways, if you want to talk about things like femicides... well I was gonna say I could talk about ur culture (which I wouldn't btw) but you already bash your own culture all the time so I guess it makes sense that you're okay with bashing other cultures
It’s fine you can. I can differentiate Somalis being killed by AS and women being killed and r-worded by evil men for simply being women and being married to them.
Recently our country has been having issues due to crazy husbands knifing and even burning wives and trying to find justice for them.

Btw this is a global issue, As much as we know the West does dehumanize people of color, blaming this on Western propaganda is a bit too simplistic. The West knows they too have a femicide issue. They just like to call it DV. In the UK alone 3 women are murdered by their partners. Despite the fact that more men do die, please show me what men are being killed in the comfort of their homes via the hands of women they’ve been married to for years whom they kids with? This is uniquely a woman’s phenomenon.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Are you brushing off the fact that these women being are killed by husbands and boyfriends? The men who are meant to protect them?

Im not talking about just Mexico....

Btw this is a global issue,

ok well I appreciate you clarifying. but I wish Vice and these various western propaganda outlets would recognize your point and not try to make it out to be something particular to Latin America.

yes, women sometimes are killed by husbands and boyfriends. it is sad but I believe the aim should be to reduce it as much as possible and I don't believe it can be totally eliminated.
@Omar del Sur

If you bothered to watch the video, they too differentiate between a normal female victim of homicide vs femicide.

Not everything is based on the breaking of the family because I’m sorry when women are being murdered and mutilated by husbands there is no family to save. That’s the key differences here and the documentary touches on that.

They do not class every female murder as ‘femicide’ that’s a lie. A random women dying via a shot out between cartels isn’t called femicide, she’s the same as a man being killed by criminals.

A woman being murdered by her boyfriend and r-worded is called femicide.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur

If you bothered to watch the video, they too differentiate between a normal female victim of homicide vs femicide.

do you care what Ethiopians have to say about Somalia? I don't care what the West has to say. you shouldn't either if you want to know about our region.

yes I did not watch the video, that is correct- I do not care whatsoever what Vice has to say about Mexico and Latin America. we have our own outlets which are much superior.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Not everything is based on the breaking of the family because I’m sorry when women are being murdered and mutilated by husbands there is no family to save. That’s the key differences here and the documentary touches on that.

I don't tell you about Somalia. this femicide stuff is being used for a political purpose to push feminist ideology. you don't know about what's going on in the country and region.
do you care what Ethiopians have to say about Somalia? I don't care what the West has to say. you shouldn't either if you want to know about our region.

yes I did not watch the video, that is correct- I do not care whatsoever what Vice has to say about Mexico and Latin America. we have our own outlets which are much superior.
What they’re saying is global issue. No one is saying that every murder of women is ‘femicide’. There is no difference between a random woman being killed by the cartel and a man being killed, both come under normal homicide.

But the thing is, many women have spoken about it. There are mothers grieving because their daughters were stabbed up by husbands and boyfriends and then r-worded as well and it seems that’s high there unfortunately and Vice is creating a documentary based on what your people have already said amongst themselves.

If Ethiopians created a documentary about let’s say tribalism like the treatment of midgaans for instance. Would I be pissed? Lowkey but can I deny it’s an issue? Nope.

I care more about tackling the root issue rather then what so and so would say or say.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
What they’re saying is global issue. No one is saying that every murder of women is ‘femicide’. There is no difference between a random woman being killed by the cartel and a man being killed, both come under normal homicide.

But the thing is, many women have spoken about it. There are mothers grieving because their daughters were stabbed up by husbands and boyfriends and then r-worded as well and it seems that’s high there unfortunately and Vice is creating a documentary based on what your people have already said amongst themselves.

If Ethiopians created a documentary about let’s say tribalism like the treatment of midgaans for instance. Would I be pissed? Lowkey but can I deny it’s an issue? Nope.

I care more about tackling the root issue rather then what so and so would say or say.

you don't speak for my people and neither do these white liberals at Vice.
I don't tell you about Somalia. this femicide stuff is being used for a political purpose to push feminist ideology. you don't know about what's going on in the country and region.
It’s an issue there though? The government needs to try and find ways to deal with the growing amount of women being killed by partners. Feminism will happen naturally if men don’t stop murdering women. It’s as simple as that.

I know that what I’m saying is a global phenomenon and know that everywhere a woman is 80% more likely to be killed by a man they know very well compared to a man which is only 11% more likely.

If this the case globally, imagine who horrible it must be with Mexico a country with a very violent organization and drugs in the mix? Obviously women’s femicide will be bad if it’s even bad in the West and everywhere?
you don't speak for my people and neither do these white liberals at Vice.
You don’t speak for your women. It’s your women who are talking about it as well. This is the issue with men like you. You don’t want foreigners to speak to you but you’ll make every woman in your nation who speaks up as some sort of agent. The reason why these documentaries are able to find out information is that in the last few yrs mothers of femicide victims have been talking about it across the country and starting awareness campaigns ect.

Mexican women who the ones organizing awareness btw and the like are NOT foreigners you don’t get to silence them.

Btw, your country and the rest of Latin America statistically has higher rates of femicide compared to many parts of the world. If you cared about your women you’d be focusing on that rather than screaming about feminism 24/7.

Basically to explain it in laymen’s terms more women in your nation are being killed by husband and partners than most places. I personally think India has a higher rate but i doubt their statistics are accurate and they probably try to hide it since families are usually all involved and they tend to act like something else happened.

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