Aseer, you’re 18 and talking this way isn’t healthy.Being rich is a plus thats it, if you dont havr the latter its over for you regardless. Unfortunately the average womans primal survival instincts hasnt updated they still believe Good Looks=Survival when things are very different in todays day and age. Only a few have attained consciousness and basic survival cognitive skills to know that this is not the case anymore.
Men like good looks, so do women. You can’t change human nature and trying to analyze women based on something that is also applicable to men at a higher rate is silly.
Woman wanting a man that is attractive to them isn’t unfortunate. You wouldn’t go for an unattractive woman, so why must women?
A woman that doesn’t want to be with a man she’s not attracted to doesn’t lack consciousness.
If you’re being real, go marry a woman you think is ugly.