fictional/romance book presenting somalia as a hopeless, dangerous refugee centre

Being rich is a plus thats it, if you dont havr the latter its over for you regardless. Unfortunately the average womans primal survival instincts hasnt updated they still believe Good Looks=Survival when things are very different in todays day and age. Only a few have attained consciousness and basic survival cognitive skills to know that this is not the case anymore.
Aseer, you’re 18 and talking this way isn’t healthy.

Men like good looks, so do women. You can’t change human nature and trying to analyze women based on something that is also applicable to men at a higher rate is silly.

Woman wanting a man that is attractive to them isn’t unfortunate. You wouldn’t go for an unattractive woman, so why must women?

A woman that doesn’t want to be with a man she’s not attracted to doesn’t lack consciousness.

If you’re being real, go marry a woman you think is ugly.
I watched the movie 10 times the wealthy guy from Philadelphia was being cucked any man would be angry in that situation
He was abusive from the get go. She was being forced to marry him. She tried to kill herself before meeting Jack.

You clearly never watched it properly, and you don’t have any original thoughts, you got that idea from a tweet from an incel.

She didn’t want him.
about 95% of "literature" read by women is smut (literary pr0n), no one says anything about this because female sexuality isn't threatening but it's crazy. Go to any book shop and it will be filled with this kinda stuff.
Why are you lying? I’m always in book stores and have never seen it filled with “smut”. There’s a big difference between romance and smut and majority of women do not read smut.
I believe this fetish for this type of stuff started from the titanic movie literally the chick was an engaged woman cheating on her nice wealthy fiancee who adored her with some literal homeless dude.
It’s very clear where your talking points are coming from. It’s actually okay to be original. You don’t need to copy whatever is trending in Redpill spaces.
It’s very clear where your talking points are coming from. It’s actually okay to be original. You don’t need to copy whatever is trending in Redpill spaces.
Seriously, now these boys are lying about a plot and they think we were born yesterday. I saw that tweet that hathousands of likes from other incels and redpillers.

Anyone that has watched the movie knows that Rose was being forced to marry the man due to her father dying and not having any family fortune left.

Everyone knows that he was abusive and horrible and she didn’t want to marry him which is why she was trying to kill herself before Jack came and then convinced her not to.

Like this is a huge part of the plot and they missed it.