think outside the cage. there is no proper fgs. its held together by beesha caalamka. it isnt a real government. nincompoops like senator fartaag and wasiir 30 jir 30 million will never build a government you cant convince me of that lol. waxas aint no government jist incase anyone calls me bias i said the same during farmajo somalia dawlad maaha.
somalis need a strongman like sayidka. i dont see much hope outside that.
Wallahi, if I'm being honest here and in an ideal world; a strongman is needed to get Somalia (and all other Somali territories outside of it) to advance our country. I would support that over anything else, as long as he would be just amongst all of his citizens and not make the same mistakes as previous leaders.
But my analogies were based of what transpired in Somalia for the last 30-40 years and with those events in mind, I can't foresee any of its kind in the near future again.