Fierce Fighting Rages On The Border Between Somali region And Oromia

Aren’t other Somalis targeted because of the actions of the Ogaden Liyu Police?

The Ogadens need to stop being such cowards. They started the ethnic war now they need to fight the Oromos
Facts bro these pussys attacked my mum's family last year a lot of my relatives died because of the liyuu police its f*ck ogaden till I die bunch of cowards I hope oromo slaughter them all
Oromo Militia’s Massacre Somalis On The Outskirts Of Ma’aayso

Confirmed reports received from the Ogaden reveal scores of civilians where killed and over a dozen wounded after Oromo paramilitary militia’s backed by Ethiopian troops launched a cross border raid targeting a rural town in Shiniile province.

According to local contacts multiple truck loads of heavily armed Oromo paramilitary militia’s and Ethiopian military contingents attacked the town of Qablaha Soomaadaye which is situation two kilometers from the city of Ma’aayso. Following there entry into the vicinity of the town, Oromo paramilitary forces and Ethiopian troops began indiscriminately opening fire on civilians.

In the midst of the indiscriminate gunfire, four Somalis where killed and fifteen others wounded. This heinous attack comes as attacks targeting Somali towns and villages on the Ogaden and Oromia border have increased at unprecedented levels. What took place near Ma’aayso today is not new but whats most disturbing is that Ethiopian military contingents have taken part in aiding the Oromo militia’s.

This is not the first time Ethiopian military contingents have took sides in the ongoing conflict. The latest round of fighting comes at a time in which Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is making sweeping reforms across the country, while the status quo remains in the Ogaden. The reoccurring onslaught plaguing Somalis in Ogaden at the hands of Oromo paramilitary militia’s is a crime against humanity and we urge the international community to take action since Abiy Ahmed is yet to act or even acknowledge the carnage.

Halgan Media has been able to obtain the names of the victims, which are listed below.

  • Ahmed Cabdullahi Yusuf
  • Buux Buraale Cabdi
  • Ahmed Nasir Yusuf
  • Hassan ( Last name was not obtained)
We will keep you updated with the latest evelopments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media.

