Alas, I give up. Ceerigaabo idinka leh waa Magalo Harti ah.
Isaaq waa gobAlas, I give up. Ceerigaabo idinka leh waa Magalo Harti ah.
I take it back. Isaaq waa gun. @YaziSpot the difference
SNM 2024
View attachment 350309
USC 1991
View attachment 350310
Same gaajo, mooryaan antics. And dare tell the 'international community' that they are above South Somalia and are 'different'.
When the dust settles, I hope Reer Civilised Ceerigaabo lock their doors and follow them around in shops, as clearly, sticky fingers is a problem here.
aww truth hurts your so scared I'm going to karbash you even more if you respond loooool. @guccimaneBig fighting right now 15 KM north of Fiqifuliye - Harti are being pushed back hard
If it was the other way around, they would be screaming qaniimo or war booty. But since its not, its looting. smh
The mooryaans, it is in their culture. Gaajo uncivilized barbariansThe massive looting continues by Beesha Isaaq!
I take it back. Isaaq waa gun. @Yazi
SNM's entire false argument to the West is 'We are different'. Meanwhile they are the same and actually worse, because they use the Israel handbook of throwing rocks, hiding hands and crying victim. Just like their role models, they are also running into people's houses like cockroaches.
Big fighting right now 15 KM north of Fiqifuliye - Harti are being pushed back hard
Where you getting this info, we'll find out in a few hours to the status of this
1.2K views | Deg Deg :- dagaal ayaa goordhaweyd ka bilaabmay degaano ka tirsan Gobolka Sanaag. Sadex Aag Ayay Hada Ka Socotaa Dagaalka Ceerigaabo Waana Dhuur Madare, Dub-Galax, Ceel Qoray Hoosteeda Intaba Waxa Awood Sareeya Qaranka Iyo Madaniga Wix
Deg Deg :- dagaal ayaa goordhaweyd ka bilaabmay degaano ka tirsan Gobolka Sanaag. Sadex Aag Ayay Hada Ka Socotaa Dagaalka Ceerigaabo Waana Dhuur Madare, Dub-Galax, Ceel Qoray Hoosteeda Intaba
Cool and your main argument is Darood 1 clan state
We present political ideologies.
You present gaajo, delusions, terrorism, and theft.
We all know which option is more civilised and will bear fruit.
Dhakh dhakhda meeshee ku dambayso waa la wada ogyahay.