Fighting breaks out in Ceerigaabo between SSC and Somaliland troops

They took over Warsangeli sultan’s house

They were supposed to have a tribal conference in a village called Ceel Buuh but it was postponed last minute because one of the major sub clans said they wanna have peace talks first.

Melodramatic Jamac Siyaad influencer reacts to the sacking of the Warsangali Sultan Residence.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
They were supposed to have a tribal conference in a village called Ceel Buuh but it was postponed last minute because one of the major sub clans said they wanna have peace talks first.

This is very sad, Soomali waxay ku maahmaahda “wax badso wax beel ay leedahay”
It seems they took his house :mjlaugh: .
Lool.. These niggaz are gaajo, there's a video of two of @Yazi cousins fighting over a blanket, yesterday we saw his gaajo cousin with the dry lips feasting on biscuits in an abandoned home, then there was the video of the ones celebrating looting vegetables from an abandoned home, to add more there was the one going to her grandma's abandoned home celebrating it as a victory... Wow these people are truly cawaan wallahi.. Even the machete wielding bantu wars in the Congo rivers can't beat these scenes:heh: :mjlol:


True Puntlander
Lool.. These niggaz are gaajo, there's a video of two of @Yazi cousins fighting over a blanket, yesterday we saw his gaajo cousin with the dry lips feasting on biscuits in an abandoned home, then there was the video of the ones celebrating looting vegetables from an abandoned home, to add more there was the one going to her grandma's abandoned home celebrating it as a victory... Wow these people are truly cawaan wallahi.. Even the machete wielding bantu wars in the Congo rivers can't beat these scenes:heh: :mjlol:
IRIR by blood :tocry: .
This is very sad, Soomali waxay ku maahmaahda “wax badso wax beel ay leedahay”

#UPDATE Suldaan Siciid Suldaan Cabdisalaan ayaa galabta isaga baxay magaalada ceelbuh Gobolka Sanaag kadib fashil soo wajahay shirkii maanta ka furmi lahaa magaalada ceelbuh' suldaanka ayaa dib ugu laabtay magaalada Badhan shirka ayaa waxa hareeyay khilaafaad soo kala dhexgalay isimada warsengeli gaar ahaan Suldaan cartan iyo Suldaan Siciid Suldaan Cabdisalaan khilaafkan soo kala dhexgalay isimada ayaa cadayn halka uu ku dambayn doono' suldan cartan oo ah suldaanka DUBAYS ayaa dalbanaya xanafo hore oo kala gaaray labada isim shirka qabsoomidiisa ayaa qarka u saaran Burbur.

Sido kale isimo kale ayaa saluugsan shirka oo u arka mid kasoo horjeeda danaha Warsengali

Apparently the Warsangali conference was delayed due to a Sultan called Cartan if the Dubays sub clan and Sultan Siciid having a dispute.
In Erigavo and its environs, SSC defense forces killed over 100 and only lost 12 men. The game is on and major fighting is expected to start soon.

Meanwhile, our defense forces are still finding the dead of Eydoor militia in Dhuur Madare after their forces ran away from them and could not pick them up.

Lool.. These niggaz are gaajo, there's a video of two of @Yazi cousins fighting over a blanket, yesterday we saw his gaajo cousin with the dry lips feasting on biscuits in an abandoned home, then there was the video of the ones celebrating looting vegetables from an abandoned home, to add more there was the one going to her grandma's abandoned home celebrating it as a victory... Wow these people are truly cawaan wallahi.. Even the machete wielding bantu wars in the Congo rivers can't beat these scenes:heh: :mjlol:

All Isaaq houses in Lascanood got taken over. This is how I know you're clueless Dhabacyo iska hadal Sool iyo Sanaag waxba kama garanayso.

Couple days ago G36 vommander in Ceerigaabo says his sub clan Muuse Ismaciil had many houses in Lascanood that were taken over by the Jamac Siyaad.

HJ Spokesperson Maxamed Sii Araq, in a lengthy video says we'll take your houses in Ceerigaabo like you have taken ours in Lascanood.


You never knew about this because we don't cry like you do. Dagaal buu aha wala kala adkaady and your claimed the houses as Qaniimo. Isaaq lived in Lascanood the past 15 years, they had property as well but you don't see us cry about it like the Harti. XAA-TII and their hypocrisy never ends.
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All Isaaq houses in Lascanood got taken over. This is how I know you're clueless Dhabacyo iska hadal Sool iyo Sanaag waxba kama garanayso.

Couple days ago G36 vommander in Ceerigaabo says his sub clan Muuse Ismaciil had many houses in Lascanood that were taken over by the Jamac Siyaad.

HJ Spokesperson Maxamed Sii Araq, in a lengthy video says we'll take your houses in Ceerigaabo like you have taken ours in Lascanood.


You never knew about this because we don't cry like you do. Dagaal buu aha wala kala adkaady and your claimed the houses as Qaniimo. Isaaq lived in Lascanood the past 15 years, they had property as well but you don't see us cry about it like the Harti. XAA-TII and their hypocrisy never ends.
Relax warya and stop this bullshit, wallahi you sound like a mental asylum patient... Go fix your gaajo people instead of getting mental breakdown on sspot.
Relax warya and stop this bullshit, wallahi you sound like a mental asylum patient... Go fix your gaajo people instead of getting mental breakdown on sspot.

So when I exposed your lies about Isaaq houses in LA I'm asylum patient? You and the other guy Land have the same feminine tendencies. You can't stick to a point, always jumping the goal post. War adkayso ama amuus ya Dhabacyo.
So when I exposed your lies about Isaaq houses in LA I'm asylum patient? You and the other guy Land have the same feminine tendencies. You can't stick to a point, always jumping the goal post. War adkayso ama amuus ya Dhabacyo.
You didn't expose shit, just baseles incoherent rambling and emotional all over the place.. Even in PL there are isaaqs living and working peacefully and not a single person have been violated.. Stop acting like a cawaan warya..