Fighting breaks out in Gambadhe, Las Anod district, Somaliland region

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Dagaal saaka Degaano ka tirsan Gobolka Sool ku dhexmaray Ciidanka Somaliland & Maleeshiyaadka Dhulbahante
Writen by Qaran News | 12:20 pm 4th Mar, 2019

Dagaal saaka Degaano ka tirsan Gobolka Sool ku dhexmaray Ciidanka Somaliland & Maleeshiyaadka Dhulbahante

Wararka naga soo gaadhaya degaanka Gambadhe ee gobolka Sool, ayaa sheegaya in saaka halkaasi uu dagaal ku dhexmaray ciidamada militariga Somaliland & Maleeshiyaadka Dhulbahante ee uu hoggaamiyo Col. Faysal Falaalug.

Goobjoogayaal ku sugan tuulada Gambadhe, oo qiyaastii 30km dhanka koonfur bari ka xigta magaalada Laascaanood, ayaa sheegay in dagaal uu bilowday, kadib markii Maleeshiyaadka Dhulbahante jidgoyn u galeen Ciidamo ka tirsan militariga Somaliland oo marayay nawaaxiga Gambadhe.

Dagaalkaas dhexmaray labada dhinac ayaan ilaa hadda la xaqiijin khasaaraha uu koobsaday,Ilaa hadda labada dhinac midkoodna ma xaqiijin,kamana hada dagaalkaasl.


According to sources from Las Anod hospital 10 Somaliland soldiers dead so far and 7 injured. The attack was orchestrated by Faysal Falaalug.

Dagaalkan oo khasaare baaxad leh sababay ayaa inta ilaa iyo hada naloo xaqiijiyay waxa maleeshiyada snm kaga dhntay dagaalkaasi 10 askari.

Dhaawaca maleeshiyada snm ee laascaanood la keenay ayaa isna gaadhaya ilaa 7 askari,

Dhanka ciidanka Khaatumo ilaa hada inta naloo xaqiijiyay waa labo askari oo dhaawac ah,

Dhanka kale maleeshiyada SNM waxaa laga gubay labo gaadhi oo kuwa dagaalka h,

Gadiid lagama gubin ciidanka khaatumo balse waxa jira gaadhi Leyli calaawi ah oo aan qori saarneen oo maleeshiyada snm ku qabsaden goobta kadib markii u xumaaday.

It was an ambush on Somaliland troops they destroyed two vehicles.

Falaalug lost one car used in the ambush.

There are various reports ranging from injuries up to dozen killed and few injuries on the troops that did the ambush.
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Falaalug has to be careful this sort of ambushes are dangerous. salute his gallantry a noble darwiish indeed.

The second man who was on par with him Farxaan Maxashwaan was killed in an ambush in Laascaanood he conducted during one night back in December.

Falaalug has to be careful not to end up like his friend in arms while at the same time continuing the fight.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Faysal Faluug wa geesi, geesi dhalay. SNM afka ka jebi waykaan Darwiishta lagugu ogaay.:salute::salute:
Why can't Dhulos talk instead of killing each other and why are they willing to die for Somaliland :gucciwhat:
Khaatumonews has more info on the ground in Sool since it is a local website. They reported the clashes before even any Somaliland region owned news knew what was going on.

The governor said Faysal's car was taken and then they ran away. No deaths reported so far. Also Faysal Falaalug is injured with three of his soldiers.



The governor said Faysal's car was taken and then they ran away. No deaths reported so far. Also Faysal Falaalug is injured with three of his soldiers.

He is not injured (Somaliland region claimed he was injured for 100 times before) only to be lies.
This Faysal Falaluug guy seems like an absolute nightmare of an enemy to have :wow:

If Dhulbahante fall behind him they would soon return to their darawiish glorious past :wow1:


Reformation of Somaliland
It was an ambush on Somaliland troops they destroyed two vehicles.

Falaalug lost one car used in the ambush.

There are various reports ranging from injuries up to dozen killed and few injuries on the troops that did the ambush.

Thanks Saahid, you're account is much more reliable than Bohols Bullshit you already give the facts before your opinion. Unlike Bohol who sees an article and spins it...

We appreciate you, there's going to be a mobilisation by Somaliland I think now


Thanks Saahid, you're account is much more reliable than Bohols Bullshit you already give the facts before your opinion. Unlike Bohol who sees an article and spins it...

We appreciate you, there's going to be a mobilisation by Somaliland I think now

Since when posting news became "my opinion" you are losing it abaayo.
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