I feel sorry for how blind you are
Someone who believes in ictiraaf calling someone else "blind"

I feel sorry for how blind you are
War is he Xassan ugaas??Nah he is just his own militia based in Boocaame that has been doing roadside ambush on Somaliand troops many times.
War is he Xassan ugaas??
Falaalug has to be careful this sort of ambushes are dangerous. salute his gallantry a noble darwiish indeed.
The second man who was on par with him Farxaan Maxashwaan was killed in an ambush in Laascaanood he conducted during one night back in December.
Falaalug has to be careful not to end up like his friend in arms while at the same time continuing the fight.
An calawi rightYesterday Somaliland captured a vehicle belonging to the militia