Fighting in Doolow between FGS & Jubbaland troops. Somali gov accuses Ethiopian troops of 'unprovoked aggression'

The jubbaland mx horgals are something else. What exactly do they gain by working for blackie beside holding Gedo back. What has jubbaland done for gedo during the annual floods? He doesn't donate anything to the locals during droughts. Bilaal bulshaawi has done more for gedo than the president of the state yaab badanaa mx must form badbaado gedo
What has tuug Qoslaaye ever done for the Gedo? :heh:
HSM needs to send troops now! Local contingents can only fight Itoobiya for so long. They are being overwhelmed :jcoleno:
I don't know why he sent 1000 men to middle of nowhere raaskambooni. No battle tactics. They are also looking to start an shabaab offensive in balcad so sna spread thin.


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
Attacked by an enemy nation within your own country and you dispatch your fuckin foreign minister😂 maybe dispatch your army
Clowns thought Ethiopia would give them help if they sold their land and sea to the raw meat eaters
time cow GIF


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I don't know why he sent 1000 men to middle of nowhere raaskambooni. No battle tactics. They are also looking to start an shabaab offensive in balcad so sna spread thin.
Idk who is directing these operations, but failure after failure will demoralize our troops. We need to expel Itoobiya but whats worst is those traitor pro Madoobe forces working alongside them.
Idk who is directing these operations, but failure after failure will demoralize our troops. We need to expel Itoobiya but whats worst is those traitor pro Madoobe forces working alongside them.
Ethiopia is part of AUSSOM and was given sea access. Who exactly is going to expel them if Somalia wants them there? Get your head out of you futo :what:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Ethiopia is part of AUSSOM and was given sea access. Who exactly is going to expel them if Somalia wants them there? Get your head out of you futo :what:
Keep booty clapping for gaalo Itoobiya you Amxaar loving clown.